
Wahid Ooi

The Italjet Dragster is already radical as any motorcycle, although being fromally a scooter. Then came the Dragster 559 Twin at EICMA 2023 which sent everyone into a drool fest. And now, there is something even more bonkers on the way, namely the Italjet Dragster 700 Twin.

Italjet Dragster 559 Twin

The company posted a teaser which shows several different areas of the new bike in their Instagram account, besides putting up some engine specs: Two-cylinder, liquid-cooled, DOHC 8-valve, four stroke which pumps out 68 hp (51 kW) at 8,500 RPM and 70 Nm of torque. Power is channeled through a six-speed manual gearbox, and the final drive is via a chain. There is a media house claiming the top speed of 190 km/h.

There will also be a Factory Limited Edition which adds:

  • Black and gold livery.
  • Akrapovič exhaust system.
  • Öhlins rear suspension and steering damper.
  • Brembo calipers.
  • DucaBike clutch cover with a transparent viewing window.


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But just check out the photos which is like a gallery of Scarlett Johansson: The front end with huge winglets, the rear Öhlins shock, high level underseat Akrapovič exhaust tips, the swingarm and chain drive.

In fact, pre-orders for the Factory Limited Edition will begin from tomorrow (12 July 2024) up until the start of EICMA 2024. You can visit for more details.

Interestingly, Italjet CEO Massimo Tartarini says, “we don’t like to call it a scooter, but ultimately the end users will decide if they see it as a scooter or a motorcycle.

Daripada siaran akhbar Kempen The Good Riders MotoCheck Berjaya Sompo:

Dalam usaha bersepadu untuk mempromosikan kepentingan penyelenggaraan motosikal dan keselamatan jalan raya di kalangan penunggang Malaysia, Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad (“Berjaya Sompo”) telah melancarkan kempen The Good Riders: MotoCheck dengan kerjasama iMotorbike. Inisiatif ini direka untuk meningkatkan keselamatan penunggang motosikal di jalan raya dan menekankan kepentingan penyelengaraan motosikal.

Pada 2023, Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) Malaysia merekodkan 6,344 kematian dalam kemalangan jalan raya, dengan kira-kira 63% melibatkan motosikal. Sebagai tindak balas kepada statistik yang membimbangkan ini, Berjaya Sompo telah memperkenalkan kempen The Good Riders: MotoCheck untuk menangani kadar kemalangan maut motosikal yang membimbangkan melalui pendidikan sambil menekankan peranan kritikal penyelenggaraan motosikal.

The Good Riders ialah satu inisiatif yang mengukuhkan komitmen Berjaya Sompo untuk memastikan keselamatan jalan raya untuk semua dengan menonjolkan kepentingan amalan menunggang selamat dalam kalangan penunggang motosikal di Malaysia. Ia juga merupakan sebahagian daripada The Good Policy, inisiatif Alam Sekitar, Sosial dan Tadbir Urus (ESG) Berjaya Sompo yang telah berkembang secara organik daripada komitmen asas ESG menjadi pemangkin dinamik untuk perubahan, berfungsi sebagai seruan untuk bertindak yang memberi inspirasi yang bergema secara mendalam dengan individu dan organisasi sama-sama, menyemarakkan semangat kolektif dan mendesak untuk memacu impak yang bermakna ke arah Malaysia yang lebih mampan, saksama dan lebih baik.

“Kami percaya melalui kempen The Good Riders: MotoCheck Berjaya Sompo, kami boleh mendidik penunggang tentang kepentingan penyelenggaraan motosikal secara berkala dan amalan menunggang yang selamat, akhirnya mengurangkan jumlah kemalangan jalan raya yang melibatkan motosikal,” kata Encik Tan Sek Kee, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif of Berjaya Sompo.

Cik Sharmeen Looi, Ketua Pegawai Pemasaran iMotorbike menambah, “Perkongsian kami dengan Berjaya Sompo for The Good Riders: Kempen MotoCheck mencerminkan komitmen bersama kami untuk meningkatkan keselamatan jalan raya. Dengan menyediakan pemeriksaan untuk motosikal pelanggan dan penukaran minyak, penunggang boleh mengekalkan motosikal mereka dalam keadaan terbaik sambil memastikan keselamatan. Kami ingin memastikan semua orang memahami kepentingan penyelenggaraan berkala untuk keselamatan semua pengguna jalan raya.”

Aturcara kempen:

Tempoh pendaftaran: 1 Julai to 31 Julai 2024.

Tempoh penebusan: 1 Ogos – 31 Oktober 2024, 9 pagi – 10 malam, Isnin – Ahad (kecuali cuti awam).

Cara mendaftar:

  1. Muat turun dan daftar dalam aplikasi MySOMPO. Isikan borang di dalam aplikasi untuk mendaftar.
  2. Lokasi penebusan: Ibupejabat iMotorbike, Glenmarie.
  3. Jumlah penebusan: RM 50 (bagi penukaran minyak enjin dan penyelenggaraan sahaja. Kos tambahan akan ditanggung oleh pelanggan).
  4. Eksklusif buat 250 pelanggan sahaja, berdasarkan siapa cepat dia dapat.

Pengesahan: Peserta mesti mengemukakan IC dan lesen memandu, nombor kenderaan berdaftar (mengikut borang yang diserahkan), dan e-mel rasmi daripada Berjaya Sompo. Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang kempen The Good Riders: MotoCheck, sila layari

From the Berjaya Sompo’s The Good Riders MotoCheck Campaign press release:

In a concerted effort to promote the importance of motorcycle maintenance and road safety among Malaysian riders, Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad (“Berjaya Sompo”) has launched The Good Riders: MotoCheck campaign in partnership with iMotorbike. This initiative is designed to enhance motorcyclists’ safety on the road and underscore the importance of regular servicing.

In 2023, the Malaysia Road Transport Department (JPJ) recorded 6,344 fatalities in road accidents, with approximately 63% involving motorcycles. In response to these alarming statistics, Berjaya Sompo has introduced The Good Riders: MotoCheck campaign to address the alarming rate of fatal motorcycle accidents through education while emphasising the critical role of motorcycle maintenance.

The Good Riders is an initiative that reinforces Berjaya Sompo’s commitment to ensuring road safety for all by highlighting the significance of safe riding practices among motorcyclists in Malaysia. It is also part of The Good Policy, Berjaya Sompo’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiative that has organically evolved from a foundational ESG commitment into a dynamic catalyst for change, serving as an inspirational call to action that resonates deeply with individuals and organisations alike, igniting a collective passion and urgency to drive meaningful impact towards a more sustainable, equitable, and better Malaysia.

“We believe that through Berjaya Sompo’s The Good Riders: MotoCheck campaign, we can educate riders on the importance of regular motorcycle maintenance and safe riding practices, ultimately reducing the number of road accidents involving motorcycles,” said Mr Tan Sek Kee, Chief Executive Officer of Berjaya Sompo.

Ms Sharmeen Looi, Chief Marketing Officer of iMotorbike added, “Our partnership with Berjaya Sompo for The Good Riders: MotoCheck campaign reflects our shared commitment to enhancing road safety. By providing inspection for customers’ motorcycles and oil change, riders can maintain their motorcycle in top condition while ensuring safety. We want to make sure everyone understands the importance of regular maintenance for the safety of all road users.”

Campaign Details:

Registration Period: 1 July to 31 July 2024.

Redemption Period: 1 August – 31 October 2024, 9AM – 10AM, Monday – Sunday (excluding Public Holidays).

How to Enrol:

  1. Download and sign up for the MySOMPO app. Fill in the form via the app to enrol.
  2. Redemption Location: iMotorbike HQ, Glenmarie
  3. Redemption Amount: RM50 (for engine oil replacement and bike maintenance only, additional costs to be borne by the customer)
  4. Exclusively for 250 customers only on a first-come, first-served basis

Verification: Participants must present their IC and driving licence, registered vehicle number (as per the submitted form), and the official email from Berjaya Sompo.For more information on The Good Riders: MotoCheck campaign, please visit

Penunggang profesional zaman kini mengambil selekoh dengan mencecah lutut, siku, malah bahu ke atas permukaan trek. Mereka berupaya melakukan begini kerana kemajuan teknologi dalam tayar dan casis motosikal. Ada juga wira yang tidak didendang, iaitu pelapik lutut.

Seperti semua produk di trek, pelapik lutut telah melalui proses pembangunan yang menjangkau beberapa dekad.

Kenapa mencecah lutut di atas litar?

Mencecah lutut membolehkan penunggang untuk mengukur berapa banyak sudut condong yang dibawanya melalui selekoh.

Pada masa yang sama, susunan badan, punggung dan lutut ke satu sisi motosikal menggerakkan pusat graviti (centre of gravity/CoG) penunggang dari garis tengah motosikal. Dengan itu, ia mengurangkan berat penunggang daripada ditambah kepada daya emparan yang bertindak pada tompok sentuhan tayar. Daya emparan yang terlalu banyak akan menyebabkan tayar cepat haus dan juga lebih mudah untuk tayar hilang cengkaman.

Selain itu, apabila CoG penunggang berada di sisi, motosikal kurang condong apabila melalui selekoh berbanding ketika penunggang duduk di tengah pelana. Ini juga meningkatkan keupayaan cengkaman tayar, justeru penunggang dapat mengambil selekoh dengan lebih dan juga lebih selamat.

Dan akhirnya, penunggang dapat menggunakan lutut itu untuk menolak motosikal ke atas sedikit dari jalur sentuhan tayar hadapan apabila ia mula hilang cengkaman dan meluncur.

Bilakah teknik mencecah lutut bermula?

Jika anda melihat gambar perlumbaan motosikal lama sebelum 70-an, anda akan melihat penunggang duduk tegak di atas basikal mereka di selekoh.

Orang yang mempopularkan teknik mencecah lutut di litar ialah legenda “King” Kenny Roberts, Sr. Namun, dia bukan orang pertama yang berbuat demikian, kerana Jarno Saarinen yang pertama kali melakukannya. Pelumba Finland itu memulakan kerjayanya sebagai pelumba ais sebelum berhijrah ke perlumbaan litar. Roberts kemudian menyaksikan bagaimana Saarinen menggerakkan badannya, dan mengeluarkan lututnya di selekoh, serta menggelongsorkan tayar belakang di Ontario Motor Speedway pada tahun 1972.

Roberts sendiri adalah penunggang trek tanah dan biasa menggelongsor tayar belakang motosikal juga. Dia memutuskan untuk mencuba teknik Saarinen, tetapi dengan menggerakkan badannya lebih banyak. (Terdapat cerita yang mengatakan bahawa dia mencederakan salah satu buah zakarnya semasa kemalangan motosikal scrambler, justeru dia terpaksa menggerakkan badannya sedemikian.) Dia serta-merta mendapati bahawa motosikalnya lebih stabil di dalam selekoh, dan teknik itu amat berguna untuk dua motosikal tunggangannya yang paling terkenal, Yamaha TZ750 dan TZ500. Akhirnya, dia dapat menunggang lebih laju ke dalam selekoh dan ini membawa sudut mereng yang lebih condong, dan ini membuatkan lututnya mula menyentuh permukaan litar.

Pelumba lain melihat betapa berjayanya dia dan mula meniru tekniknya. Maka bermulalah teknik mencecah lutut.

Pelapik lutut yang awal

Mencecah lutut menghasilkan geseran yang memecahkan sut Roberts di kawasan lutut. Selain itu, kulit tidak menggelongsor dengan baik, dan boleh mencengkam permukaan trek. Jadi dia mula membalut lutut-lututnya dengan pita pelekat yang banyak.

Freddie Spencer meletakkan pita pelekat.

Kemudian seseorang pelumba menampal visor topi keledar motosikal pada lututnya. Ia dapat meluncur dengan lebih lancar tetapi juga cepat haus.

Eddie Lawson (kiri) dan Roberts (kanan). Perhatikan visor helmet di lutut Lawson.

Perlu diingat bahawa sut perlumbaan masa ini tidak mempunyai ciri untuk melekatkan pelapik lutut. Kemudian pada tahun 1981, Dainese mencipta suatu sut dengan pelapik lutut yang dijahit kepadanya. Ia mempunyai beberapa silinder plastik, dan digelar istrice (landak). Ia terbukti sukar untuk diganti apabila ia haus.

Istrice di kiri, diikuti dengan pelapik lutut kulit, dan seterusnya yang plastik

Beberapa tahun kemudian, sut dengan pelapik lutut Velcro telah diperkenalkan. Pelapik lutut kini diperbuat daripada kulit yang lebih keras. Ia mudah diganti, tetapi tidak cukup licin untuk menggelongsor.

Pada tahun 1986, peluncur lutut baharu muncul. Ia diperbuat daripada plastik dan mula kelihatan berbentuk bujur seperti yang kita ada sekarang. Tetapi pelapik lutut moden yang sebenar muncul pada tahun 1990 dengan bentuk dan bahan yang kita lihat hari ini.

Bagaimanapun, beberapa penunggang terus menyuarakan bantahan mereka kerana plastik itu terlalu mencengkam. Oleh itu, pembuat sut dan pelapik lutut terus berusaha untuk meningkatkan kelicinan dan ketahanan pelapik.

Ke era baharu

Pelapik lutut moden dibuat mengikut beberapa kriteria: Betapa licin, berapa banyak rasa yang dihantar kepada penunggang, ketahanan, dan, ciri aerodinamik. Turut disediakan ialah pelapik lutut untuk keadaan hujan yang lebih tebal supaya penunggang tidak menyandarkan motosikal mereka seperti yang mereka lakukan di atas trek kering.

Oh ya, pelapik siku dan juga bahu diperbuat daripada bahan yang sama seperti pelapik lutut.


It is a sight to behold is it not? A rider hanging onto a bike that is leaned way over, knee planted, elbow, even shoulder onto the track’s surface. It is made possible by the technological advances in tyres and motorcycle chassis, and also the unsung hero: The knee slider.

As with all things on the track, the knee slider went through a development process spanning several decades.

Why drag knees on the track?

Dragging the knee allows the rider to gauge how much lean angle he is carrying through a turn.

At the same time, having the torso, bum, and knee off to one side of the bike moves the rider’s centre of gravity (CoG) off the centreline of the bike, thus taking away the rider’s weight from being added to the centrifugal forces acting on the tyres’ contact patches. Too much centrifugal force will cause the tyres’ to wear out quickly and it is also easier for the tyres to lose grip.

Also, with the rider’s CoG off the to the side, the bike leans less in a corner compared to when the rider is sitting in the middle of the seat. This also boosts the tyres’ ability to grip, hence being able to carry more cornering speed and is also relatively safer.

And finally, the rider is able to use that knee to push the bike up ever so slightly off that front tyre’s band of contact patch when it starts to slide (some riders call it “push” or “close”).

When did knee sliding start?

If you see old motorcycle racing pictures prior to the late 70’s, you would see riders sitting straight up on their bikes in corners.

The person who popularised knee sliding on the track was the legendary “King” Kenny Roberts, Sr. Now, he was not the first to do so, because Jarno Saarinen who first did so. The Finnish rider began his career as an ice racer before migrating to road racing. Roberts then witnessed Saarinen moving his body off the centreline of the bike, sticking his knee out in corners, and sliding the rear tyre at the Ontario Motor Speedway in 1972.

Roberts was a dirt track rider himself and used to sliding the bike’s rear tyre, too. He decided to try out Saarinen’s technique, albeit exaggerating his body position by moving his body more off the bike. (Legend has it that he hurt one of his testicles during a dirt-bike crash, hence moving his body as such.) He immediately found that doing so settled down his bike and most famously, the veastly Yamaha TZ750 and the later TZ500 for the corners. Carrying more and more speed into the corners meant that his knee began to touch down on the track’s surface.

Other riders saw how successful he was and began copying his technique and the kneedown cornering technique was born.

Early knee sliders

Planting the knees in corners had the friction holing Robert’s leather suit. Besides that, leather does not slide well, and could grab the surface of the track. So he began wrapping the knee region with copious amounts of duct tape.

Freddie Spencer applying duct tape. Lots of it.

Then someone experimented by taping motorcycle helmet visors to their knees. Is slid smoother but also wore out quickly.

Eddie Lawson on the left, Roberts on the right. Notice the helmet visor on Eddie’s knee.

Bear in mind that racesuits had no provision for knee sliders up to this time. Then in 1981, Dainese stepped up by creating a suit with knee sliders stitched in. It had several plastic cylinders poking up from the base, and was dubbed the istrice (porcupine). It proved to be difficult to replace.

The istrice on the left, followed by a leather, and finally plastic knee sliders

Several years later, a suit with Velcro knees pads was introduced. The knee slider was now made of harder leather. Easily replaceable, but not slippery enough for sliding.

In 1986, a new knee slider appeared. It was made of plastic and began to look oval-shaped like what we have now. But the true modern knee slider appeared in 1990 with the shape and materials we see today.

However, several riders continued to voice their objection as the plastic was too grippy. So, suit and knee slider makers kept working at improving the slider’s slipperiness and durability.

Into the new era

Modern knee sliders are made to several criteria: How slippery, how much feel is transmitted to the rider, durability, and, aerodynamics. Also available are rain knee sliders that are thicker so that riders do not lean their motorcycles as much as they do on a dry track.

Oh yeah, elbow sliders and even shoulder sliders are made of the same material.

So, spare a thought for the unassuming knee sliders.


Vespa bermula sebagai pengangkutan murah di Itali selepas Perang Dunia II, tetapi telah berkembang menjadi fenomena gaya hidup sejak itu. Vespa kini hampir berada dalam kelas tersendiri, dan syarikat itu pantas memperkenalkan model ‘lokal’ edisi terhad seperti Batik Primavera Vespa Edisi Terhad ini.

Pereka Piaggio (pemilik jenama Vespa) mengambil inspirasi daripada rekaan batik Indonesia untuk edisi ini. Batik telah diisytiharkan sebagai Warisan Dunia oleh UNESCO (Pertubuhan Pendidikan, Saintifik dan Kebudayaan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu). Mengikut sejarah yang tercatat, pembuatan batik bermula pada abad ke-12 dan masih kekal sebagai pakaian tradisional di negara tersebut, serta pakaian rasmi di kalangan penjawat awam.

Dengan menggunakan reka bentuk batik Indonesia, Piaggio berharap dapat menyampaikan mesej kegembiraan, kemakmuran, kekuatan, umur panjang, menghormati semua budaya, dan kebijaksanaan. Terdapat motif batik di bahagian depan dan pada petak sarung tangan, di sepanjang tulang belakang basikal di sebelah papan kaki, dan di bawah penutup enjin. Tempat duduk coklat cappucino dengan jahitan hijau melengkapkan tema.

Secara mekanikal, edisi terhad ini kekal sama dengan enjin 150cc, sejukan udara, silinder tunggal, yang menghasilkan 12.8 hp dan tork 12.9 Nm.

Piaggio belum mengesahkan harga untuk Vespa Primavera Batik Edisi Terhad ini, dan bilakah ia akan mula dijual.

Apa kata kita gesa Piaggio untuk membuat edisi terhad ‘Bunga Raya’ untuk pasaran Malaysia?

Vespa began as a cheap form of transportation in Italy post-WWII, but has since grown to be a lifestyle phenomenon. Vespa is now almost in a class of its own, and the company is quick to introduce limited edition ‘local’ models like this Vespa Primavera Batik.

For this edition, Piaggio (the owners of the Vespa brand) designers too inspiration from the Indonesian batik design. The batik is declared a World Heritage by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation). According to recorded history, the batik making began in the 12th century and is still remains the traditional wear in the country, as well as the formal wear amongst the public servants.

By adopting the Indonesian batik design, Piaggio hopes to convey the message of of joy, prosperity, strength, longevity, respect for all cultures, and wisdom. There are batik motifs on the front and on glove compartment, along the spine of the bike next to the footboards, and underneath the rear nacelle. A cappucino brown seat with green stitching completes the theme.

Mechanically, this limited edition remains the same with the 150cc, air-cooled, single cylinder engine, which produces 12.8 hp and 12.9 Nm of torque.

Piaggio has not confirmed the price for the Vespa Primavera Batik, nor when will it be available.

Now, how about we lobby Piaggio to make a ‘Bunga Raya’ limited edition for the Malaysian market?

DJI sudah dalam pembuatan dron dan aksesori video tetapi Kongres Amerika Syarikat sedang berusaha untuk mengharamkan dron mereka. Pengharaman di AS juga boleh menyebabkan larangan di Kesatuan Eropah. Jadi, apa yang DJI lakukan? Mereka mempelbagaikan perniagaan mereka untuk menghasilkan sistem pacuan DJI Avinox Drive System untuk basikal elektrik.

DJI menggunakan pengetahuan mereka dalam pengawal dan motor elektrik tanpa berus untuk menghasilkan satu unit pemacu yang mempunyai kuasa puncak 1,000 Watt (1 kW/1.34 hp) dan tork 120 Nm. Berat unit pemacu ini hanya 2.52 kg.

Terdapat dua pilihan bateri: 600 Wh dan 800 Wh. Yang pertama mempunyai berat hanya 2.9 kg dan mampu memberikan jarak sehingga 120 km. Bateri 800 Wh, sebaliknya, mempunyai berat 3.7 kg dan boleh sampai 157 km. Kedua-dua bateri kalis habuk dan air tahap IP56 serta menggunakan teknologi pengecasan pantas GaN, yang membantu mereka mengecas daripada 0% hingga 75% dalam masa kira-kira 1.5 jam.

Jarak maksimum bergantung pada cara penggunaan kuasa, oleh itu terdapat lima mod tunggangan: Auto, Eco, Trail, Turbo dan Boost. Eco memberikan jarak terjauh, manakala Boost memberikan tork tertinggi sambil mengurangkan jarak maksimum. Tetapi, terdapat juga mod kuasa yang berbeza dalam mod tunggangan tersebut iaitu Intelligent Walk Assist, Auto Hold, Hill Start Assist dan Stationary Shifting. Terdapat sepasang suis tanpa wayar yang dipasang pada bar hendal untuk menyesuaikan tetapan semasa dalam perjalanan.

Termasuk dalam set ialah Paparan Kawalan (Control Display) dengan skrin sentuh OLED warna penuh berukuran 2-inci yang berfungsi sebagai hab kawalan yang bersambung ke telefon pintar anda. Melalui aplikasi Avinox, anda boleh mengunci/membuka kunci basikal anda dan merekodkan data perjalanan anda. Terdapat pelbagai penderia yang menangkap hampir 50 titik data, membolehkan anda menyesuaikan kandungan pada Paparan Kawalan melalui aplikasi, termasuk parameter seperti masa perjalanan, jarak, kelajuan purata, output kuasa masa nyata dan banyak lagi.

Sistem pacuan DJI Avinox Drive System sudah digunakan oleh basikal mountain-bike Amflow PL. Dan, ia telah pun memenangi Anugerah Eurobike 2024. DJI berkata anda boleh menghubungi mereka sekiranya anda ingin menyesuaikannya ke basikal semasa anda.

DJI is already a famous name for making drones and other video accessories but the United States Congress is seeking to ban their drones. A ban in the US may also lead to a ban in the European Union. So, what does DJI do? Sit down and moan? Not a chance! As such, they diversified to produce the DJI Avinox Drive System for e-bikes.

Utilising their knowledge in controllers and brushless electric motors, the drive unit has a peak power of 1,000 Watts (1 kW/1.34 hp) and 120 Nm of torque. This drive unit weigh only 2.52 kg.

There are two battery options: 600 Wh and 800 Wh. The former weighs just 2.9 kg and delivers a range of up to 120 km. The 800 Wh, on the other hand, weighs 3.7 kg and goes up to 157 km. Both batteries are IP56 dust and waterproof and use GaN fast-charging technology, which helps them charge from 0% to 75% in about 1.5 hours.

Range is of course dependent on how the power is delivered, as such there are five riding modes: Auto, Eco, Trail, Turbo, and Boost. Eco delivers the longest range, while Boost delivers the highest torque while sacrificing range. But, there are also different power modes within those riding modes namely Intelligent Walk Assist, Auto Hold, Hill Start Assist, and Stationary Shifting. There is a pair of handlebar-mounted wireless switches to customise the settings on-the-go.

Included in the set is 2-inch OLED full-colour touchscreen Control Display which functions as a control hub which connects to your smartphone. Through the Avinox app, you can lock/unlock your bike and record your ride data. There is an array of sensors that capture nearly 50 data points, allowing you to customise the contents on the Control Display via the app, including parameters like ride time, range, average speed, real-time power output, and more.

The DJI Avinox Drive System is already in use by the Amflow PL mountain bike. And, it has already won the Eurobike Award 2024. DJI says you can contact them should you want to retrofit it to your current bike.

So, how is that for diversification?

Inilah BMW R 1300 GS Adventure 2025 atau lebih dikenali sebagai GSA yang dinanti-nantikan.

Kami akan menunggu ulasan tentang penggayaannya daripada anda, namun di bawah badan baharu itu ialah segala-gala ciri yang boleh dipasangkan oleh BMW. Dan kami bermaksud segala-galanya.

GSA terkenal dengan tangki bahan apinya yang lebih besar dan model baharu ini turut menggunakannya, berkapasiti 30 liter, sama seperti R 1250 GS Adventure yang terdahulu.

Ciri-ciri BMW R 1300 GS Adventure (2025):
  • Automated Shift Assistant (ASA) dengan operasi klac automatik dan penukaran gear automatik mengikut mod tunggangan yang dipilih. Oleh itu, tiada lagi tuil klac.
  • Enjin Boxer yang dikongsi dengan GS bukan Adventure yang menampilkan transmisi pada bahagian bawah.
  • Teknologi BMW ShiftCam dikekalkan untuk mengubah pemasaan injap dan lejang injap pada bahagian pengambilan.

  • Ia menghasilkan 107 kW (145 hp) pada 7,750 RPM dan 149 Nm pada 6,500 RPM.
  • Casis direka bentuk semula sepenuhnya berbanding pendahulunya dengan kerangka utama kepingan logam dan kerangka belakang dengan tiub aluminium.
  • Suspensi Telelever EVO baharu dengan elemen lentur dan panduan roda belakang EVO Paralever yang disemak semula untuk pengendalian yang lebih tepat dan tunggangan yang lebih stabil.

  • BMW Motorrad Full Integral ABS sebagai ciri standard.
  • Empat mod tunggangan.
  • Engine drag torque control (MSR), Dynamic Brake Control (DBC) and Hill Start Control (HSC) sebagai ciri standard.

  • Ciri Driving Modes Pro sebagai ciri tambahan.
  • Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) sebagai standard.
  • Electronic Dynamic Suspension Adjustment (DSA) juga merupakan ciri tambahan.

  • Adaptive vehicle height control sebagai ciri tambahan. Sistem ini meninggikan motosikal 30mm secara automatik setelah bergerak, dan merendahkannya kembali apabila bergerak perlahan sebelum berhenti.
  • Lampu depan Matrix LED dan lampu spotlight baharu sebagai ciri standard.
  • Headlight Pro dengan ciri lampu depan adaptif sebagai ciri tambahan.

  • Pelindungan tangan berserta lampu signal sebagai standard.
  • Dynamic Cruise Control (DCC) dengan fungsi brek sebagai standard.
  • Riding Assistant with Active Cruise Control (ACC), Front Collision Warning (FCW), Lane Change Warning, dan Rear End Collision Warning (RECW) merupakan ciri-ciri tambahan.

  • Kompartmen mengecas telefon dengan soket USB dan soket pengecas 12V adalah ciri-ciri standard.
  • Pemanas pelana penunggang dan pembonceng sebagai ciri tambahan.
  • Penambah tinggi hendel sebanyak 30mm juga ciri tambahan.

  • Terdapat juga berbagai variasi pelana sebagai ciri tambahan.
  • Meter TFT 6.5-inci dengan berbagai ciri sebagai standard.
  • RDC, Keyless Ride, dan pemanas handel sebagai ciri-ciri standard.

  • Intelligent Emergency Call merupakan ciri standard tetapi bergantung kepada pasaran.
  • Terdapat tiga pilihan warna iaitu Triple Black, GS Trophy, and Option 719 Karakorum.

BMW Motorrad berkata bahawa berat basah BMW R 1300 GS Adventures (2025) ialah 269kg, berbanding 237kg untuk R 1300 GS (2024), manakala ketinggian tempat duduknya ialah 870mm dan boleh laras kepada 890mm.

Harga di UK bermula dari £18,870 (RM113,872.52) hingga £21,300 (RM128,536.55).

So, here is the much-awaited, much-anticipated, much-revised 2025 BMW R 1300 GS Adventure or better known as the GSA, as surely to follow the ‘standard’ R 1300 GS.

We shall leave thoughts and comments of its styling to you, but underneath all that new cover seems like everything that BMW can throw at it. And we do mean everything.

The GSA is renowned for its larger fuel tank and the this new model does have one, albeit smaller at 30 litres.

Highlights of the new 2025 BMW R 1300 GS Adventure:
  • The Automated Shift Assistant (ASA) with automated clutch operation and automated gearshift in accordance with the selected riding mode. As such, there is no clutch lever.
  • Shared Boxer engine with the non-Adventure GS which features bottom-mounted transmission.
  • The BMW ShiftCam technology is retained for varying the valve timing and valve stroke on the intake side.

  • It produces 107 kW (145 hp) at 7,750 RPM and 149 Nm at 6,500 RPM.
  • Completely redesigned chassis compared to its predecessor with sheet metal main frame and aluminium lattice tube rear frame.
  • New EVO Telelever with flex element and revised EVO Paralever rear wheel guide for better steering precision and riding stability.

  • BMW Motorrad Full Integral ABS as standard.
  • Four riding modes as standard.
  • Engine drag torque control (MSR), Dynamic Brake Control (DBC) and Hill Start Control (HSC) as standard.

  • Driving Modes Pro with additional riding modes as optional equipment.
  • Dynamic Traction Control DTC as standard.
  • Electronic Dynamic Suspension Adjustment (DSA) as optional equipment, with dynamic adjustment of the damping and spring rate, and also load compensation.

  • Adaptive vehicle height control comfort and sport suspension as optional equipment. It automatically lifts the bike by 30mm after setting off, and lowering itself by that 30mm when slowing down toward a stop.
  • Matrix LED headlights and newly developed auxiliary headlights integrated into the body as standard.
  • Headlight Pro with adaptive headlight as optional equipment.

  • Hand protectors with integrated turn indicators as standard.
  • Dynamic Cruise Control (DCC) with brake function as standard.
  • Riding Assistant with Active Cruise Control (ACC), Front Collision Warning (FCW), Lane Change Warning and Rear End Collision Warning (RECW) as optional equipment.

  • Smartphone charging compartment with integrated USB socket and 12 V on-board power socket as standard.
  • Seat heating for rider and passenger for enhanced touring suitability as optional equipment ex works.
  • Handlebar risers up to 30 mm as optional equipment.

  • Wide range of seat height variants as optional equipments.
  • Multifunctional instrument cluster with 6.5-inch full-colour TFT screen and numerous features as standard.
  • RDC, Keyless Ride and heated grips as standard.

  • Intelligent Emergency Call as standard (market-dependent).
  • Colour variants are Triple Black, GS Trophy, and Option 719 Karakorum.

BMW Motorrad claimed that the 2025 BMW R 1300 GS Adventures kerb weight is 269kg, compared to the 2024 R 1300 GS’s 237kg, while its seat height is 870mm adjustable to 890mm.

Pricing in the UK starts from £18,870 (RM113,872.52) to £21,300 (RM128,536.55).

A couple who were actively selling fake helmets branded as Arai were caught by the authorities. They conducted their activities through the TikTok and Facebook applications.

The raid was carried out by the Kedah Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) with company representatives at a house in Alor Setar.

The director of Kedah KPDN, Muhammad Nizam Jamaludin said, the raid was after a complaint and the result of intelligence carried out since last February.

“Further inspection inside the premises found 95 helmets, 133 units of helmet bags and other items with branded labels which were confirmed to be counterfeit by the company representative.

“All items were confiscated with an estimated value of RM16,248 and the couple in their 30s were arrested. They were released after taking statements,” he said in a statement today.

He said the case was investigated in accordance with Section 102(1)(c) of the Trade Marks Act 2019 and the public was advised not to sell or offer any goods where a registered trade mark was used incorrectly.

The public who has information on any suspicious activity can channel it through all the official complaint channels of the KPDN or the Kedah KPDN office at 04-7001745,” he said.


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