The Road Transport Department (JPJ) reminds the organizers and participants of the RXZ Members 6.0 event that will start in Terengganu today to comply with the rules and conditions set by the authorities, as agreed between the two parties previously.
JPJ Director General Datuk Aedy Fadly Ramli said that his party also has no plans to implement roadblocks (SJR) to ensure the smooth running of the program, which is entering its sixth year.
“This time, Terengganu JPJ together with Terengganu Police and other relevant authorities took the initial step by holding discussions with the organizers and providing clear guidelines regarding the organization of the program.
“We have given the conditions that need to be complied with, and JPJ will work with the police to monitor the rally so that it takes place as directed,” he said.
Among the conditions that need to be complied with are ensuring that the motorcyclist has a driving license and road tax, that the motorcycle is not physically modified which is illegal and that the motorcycle plate complies with the specified specifications in addition to the motorcycle exhaust not being modified.
“JPJ does not intentionally want to find fault, in fact we also want the program to run smoothly but at the same time, we also need to ensure that all other road users are safe not only those who participate in the assembly,” he added.
Previously, Terengganu Police Chief Datuk Mohd Khairi Khairudin reportedly said that he had given clear guidelines to the organizers through four series of coordination meetings with other departments including Kuala Terengganu City Council (MBKT), JPJ Terengganu and East Coast Highway 2 (LPT2) and organizers need to comply if they want the program to continue next year.
The RXZ Members 6.0 program which will be held at the Terengganu Motor Circuit, Gong Badak, Kuala Nerus today until Saturday is expected to attract the participation of 80,000 participants from all over the country.
Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) mengingatkan penganjur dan peserta acara RXZ Members 6.0 yang akan bermula di Terengganu hari ini supaya mematuhi peraturan dan syarat yang ditetapkan pihak berkuasa, sebagaimana dipersetujui antara kedua-dua pihak sebelum ini.
Ketua Pengarah JPJ Datuk Aedy Fadly Ramli berkata, pihaknya juga tidak mempunyai perancangan untuk melaksanakan sekatan jalan raya (SJR) bagi menjamin kelancaran penganjuran program yang memasuki kali keenam itu.
“Kali ini, JPJ Terengganu bersama Polis Terengganu serta pihak berkuasa lain yang berkaitan mengambil langkah awal dengan mengadakan perbincangan bersama pihak penganjur dan memberikan garis panduan yang jelas berhubung penganjuran program.
“Kita telah memberikan syarat-syarat yang perlu dipatuhi, dan JPJ akan bekerjasama dengan pihak polis bagi memantau perhimpunan itu agar berlangsung sebagaimana diarahkan,” katanya.
Antara syarat yang perlu dipatuhi adalah memastikan penunggang motosikal mempunyai lesen memandu dan cukai jalan, motosikal tidak diubah suai secara fizikal yang menyalahi undang-undang serta plat motosikal mematuhi spesifikasi ditetapkan selain ekzos motosikal tidak diubah suai.
“JPJ bukan sengaja ingin mencari kesalahan, malah kami juga mahu program berjalan lancar namun dalam masa yang sama, kita juga perlu pastikan semua penggguna jalan raya yang lain selamat bukan sahaja mereka yang menyertai himpunan tersebut,” tambahnya lagi.
Sebelum ini, Ketua Polis Terengganu Datuk Mohd Khairi Khairudin dilaporkan berkata pihaknya telah memberi garis panduan yang jelas kepada penganjur menerusi empat siri mesyuarat penyelarasan bersama jabatan lain termasuk Majlis Bandaraya Kuala Terengganu (MBKT), JPJ Terengganu dan Lembaga Lebuhraya Pantai Timur 2 (LPT2) dan penganjur perlu mematuhinya jika mahu program itu diteruskan pada tahun hadapan.
Program RXZ Members 6.0 yang akan diadakan di Litar Permotoran Terengganu, Gong Badak, Kuala Nerus hari ini sehingga Sabtu dijangka menarik penyertaan 80,000 peserta dari seluruh negara.
Sebagai seorang wartawan motosikal sejak 1998 dan telah menunggang banyak motosikal, saya sentiasa ditanya yang mana kegemaran saya atau yang mana satu akan saya cadangkan untuk dimilikki. Dan memandangkan ini adalah ulasan untuk Triumph Speed 400 yang baharu, ia adalah kesimpulan yang memihak kepadanya, bukan? Anda perlu membaca sehingga habis untuk mengetahui, sama seperti filem Coen Brothers.
Pengenalan Triumph Speed 400?
Speed 400 adalah salah satu daripada dua varian dalam rangkaian model 400cc baharu Triumph, hasil kerjasama mereka dengan Bajaj Auto yang bermula bertahun-tahun lalu. Rangkaian ini dilihat sebagai titik permulaan ke dalam keluarga Triumph, dan kedua-duanya mengambil bentuk Bonneville klasik moden.
Rangkaian 400cc ini yang terdiri daripada Speed 400 dan Scrambler 400 X yang menggunakan dengan enjin 398cc, silinder tunggal, DOHC, 4 injap yang menghasilkan 39.5hp pada 8,000 RPM dan tork 37.5Nm pada 6,500 RPM. Jangan silap, ini adalah enjin Triumph sepenuhnya, tidak seperti enjin Dominar 400 yang berkongsi sebahagian daripadanya dengan KTM 390 Duke.
Mungkin kita perlu mengulangi bahawa rangkaian ini dibina oleh Bajaj, tetapi motosikal itu pastinya Triumph.
Apa yang kami suka, Nombor 5: Mudah untuk didalami
Sebelum ini, motosikal tidak dibahagikan ke dalam kategori yang berbeza. Motosikal seperti Bonneville adalah satu-satunya jenis motosikal, oleh itu anda boleh melabelkannya sebagai “motosikal standard.” Motosikal-motosikal ini tulen dalam erti kata bahawa terdapat dua roda, enjin, tangki bahan api, pelana, bar hendal, peletak kaki.
Maksudnya, motosikal tidak tidak rumit dan mudah untuk didalami. Anda hanya perlu duduk di atasnya, hidupkan enjin, dan jalan.
Triumph Speed 400 merangkumi pendekatan ini dengan sempurna. Tidak perlu bersusah payah dengan pemetaan enjin, tahap kawalan cengkaman, sambungan telefon pintar anda.
Anda hanya perlu menunggang.
Perkara yang kami suka, Nombor 4: Ciri-cirinya
Walaupun ini kelihatan seperti percanggahan dengan Nombor 5, ia adalah satu keperluan. Speed 400 mungkin sebuah model peringkat permulaan, tetapi ia mempunyai beberapa ciri moden yang “tersembunyi”.
Enjinnya adalah moden keseluruhannya dan mempunyai ciri EFI dan penyejukan cecair, serta mematuhi Euro 5. Begitu juga, suspensi terdiri daripada fork terbalik (walaupun tidak boleh laras) dan monoshock di bahagian belakang, sama seperti Bajaj Dominar 400. Panel meter kelihatan klasik dengan meter kelajuan yang besar, tetapi terdapat meter RPM yang kecil di bahagian tepi. Terdapat kawalan cengkaman yang boleh dihidupkan atau dimatikan, tetapi tiada mod tunggangan. Brek adalah Bybre dan ABS ialah dwi-saluran. Terdapat juga port pengecasan USB, diletakkan dengan bijak di belakang dan betul-betul di bawah panel meter.
Apa yang kami suka, Nombor 3: Enjinnya
Enjin mempunyai daya pecutan yang amat kuat. Ia meligat dengan pantas sehingga ia melahap tiga gear pertama dengan serta-merta, dan menyebabkan kami melanggar pengehad putaran pada kali pertama kami menunggang motosikal. Malah enjin ini terus memecut motosikal dengan kuat di gear ke-6 daripada 6,000 RPM dan seterusnya ke kelajuan tertingginya sekitar 160km/j.
Penyebaran tork yang baik adalah ciri semua motosikal Triumph, justeru membolehkan anda memecut dengan kuat dari mana-mana titik anda berada dalam julat RPM, dalam sebarang gear. Hasilnya, menunggang di dalam kesesakan trafik tidak menjadi masalah mahupun mendaki laluan ujian KL-Genting Highlands.
Semasa menguji di jalan Genting Highlands, ia memerlukan lebih banyak penukaran gear daripada motosikal yang lebih besar, tetapi tork enjin sentiasa ada untuk memecut kuat dari selekoh yang lebih tajam. Tetapi kerana ia adalah kapasiti yang lebih kecil, anda tidak takut untuk membuka pendikit, berbanding dengan motosikal berkapasiti lebih besar di mana anda perlu menilai tindakan pendikit, brek, dan stereng anda dengan lebih kritikal agar tidak terbabas.
Tindakbalas pendikit motosikal ini mat lancar – sekali lagi, ciri semua Triumph – bermakna motosikal itu bertindak balas tepat mengikut gerakan pergelangan tangan. Dan ini menjadikan ia sangat menyeronokkan ketika mendakai dan turun Genting Highlands.
Enjin itu juga boleh bergerak pada 130km/j (8,000 RPM) sepanjang hari tanpa bunyi seperti enjin akan meletup.
Perkara yang kami suka Nombor 2: Pengendaliannya!
Kami telah mengatakan ini berulang kali: Triumph menghasilkan motosikal dengan pengendalian terbaik dan Speed 400 ini tidak terkecuali. Malah, ia adalah Triumph dengan pengendalian terbaik!
Sekali lagi, ketika mendaki gunung, apa yang perlu kami lakukan ialah hanya perlu “baling” motosikal dalam ke mana-mana selekoh. Nampak selekoh, “baling.” Nampak lagi selekoh lain, “baling.” Bar hendal yang lebar membuat countersteering mudah kerana ia bertindakbalas serta-merta kepada input kami.
Suspensinya mungkin kelihatan agak asas tetapi ia benar-benar menyerap semua bonggol dan lubang di jalan itu. Kami agak khuatir pada mulanya tetapi mendapati bahawa tiada sebarang ketidaksempurnaan jalan selain daripada bonggol kelajuan boleh menyebabkan basikal itu keluar dari garisan selekohnya.
Mangsa pertama ialah pemandu sebuah VW Golf R32 yang cuba berlumba dengan kami. Dia hilang selepas dua selekoh sahaja. Seorang lagi pemandu Proton X50 beranggapan dia boleh melakukan perkara yang sama, sehingga dengan cuba memaksa kami dari garisan selekoh. Dia juga mengalah selepas dua selekoh.
Dalam perjalanan kembali ke Kuala Lumpur, seorang penunggang KTM 390 Duke mengejar tetapi tertinggal selepas bahagian yang terdiri daripada selekoh “S”. Seterusnya ialah kumpulan yang terdiri daripada Honda CBR250R, Yamaha YZF-R25, dan beberapa Yamaha Y16ZR. Mereka tidak dapat bersaing selepas kami “baling” Speed 400 melalui yang sebuah selekoh yang licin dan dengan jejari selekoh yang mengecil (decreasing radius).
Di atas lebuhraya SPE, seorang penunggang BMW R 1200 GS melihat kami di cerminnya dan membuka pendikit. Sudah tentu, kami tidak dapat bersaing dalam garis lurus kerana kekurangan kuasa enjin, tetapi kami berjaya berpaut di belakangnya di selekoh ketika kami “membaling” motosikal ke dalam selekoh pada kelajuan antara 120-130km/j tanpa melepaskan pendikit. . Dia terkejut melihat kami masih di belakang apabila jalan diluruskan dan dia melepaskan minyak untuk melihat motosikal apa ini.
Ini tidak akan menjadi satu titik perbincangan jika Speed 400 adalah motosikal sport, tetapi ia adalah sebuah klasik moden standard. Berbanding dengan 390 Duke, Duke memerlukan lebih banyak komitmen dan penunggang yang mahir dan berpengalaman untuk menunggangnya dengan pantas, sedangkan kami berpendapat hampir semua orang boleh menjadi pantas pada Speed 400. Ya, saya tidak teringat saya tidak dapat mendaki dan turun Genting sepantas ini walaupun degnan menunggang Triumph Street Triple 765 RS!
Untuk meletakkannya dalam perspektif, ia seperti menunggang motosikal 250cc naked dengan suspensi yang dilaras dengan baik.
Perkara yang kami suka, Nombor 1: Kebolehan untuk segalanya
Ciri-ciri hebat, enjin, pengendalian, semuanya diletakkan dalam pakej yang praktikal. Tempat duduknya rendah dan selesa, dengan hendal diletakkan pada ketinggian yang betul. Breknya bagus walaupun memerlukan tarikan yang lebih kuat, dan aksi klacnya amat lancar. Gear dimasukkan dengan padu. Motosikal ini ringan di dalam spesifikasi dan dapat dirasai serta-merta. Ia bergerak pantas serta-merta apabila kami mahu menunggang laju, dan bergerak dengan tenang apabila kami mahu bersantai.
Anda boleh memasang beg tangki dan beg sisi untuk berjalan jauh. Enjinnya jimat bahan api, justeru memerah 300+km daripada 12 liter.
Dan semua ini, dengan hanya RM26,900 (harga jualan) yang meletakkannya sebagai sebuah pencabar hebat dalam segmen 250cc-400cc.
Sudah tentu ada, tetapi ia mungkin disebabkan oleh kesukaan dan gaya tunggangan seseorang penunggang.
Pertama, tiga gear pertama terlalu pendek dan ruang dari gear ketiga hingga keempat lebar sedikit. Itu menyebabkan kami terpaksa menukar naik dan turun gear antara ketiga dan keempat semasa dalam trafik. Ini boleh diperbaikki dengan menukar sproket hadapan kepada sproket yang lebih besar satu gigi, atau mengecilkan sproket belakang dengan dua gigi. Ia boleh menjadikan enjin berjalan pada RPM lebih rendah semasa bersantai, dan membantu untuk meninggikan kelajuan ke dalam selekoh.
Kedua, kami mengesan suntikan bahanapi yang tidak lancar antara 5,000-6,000 RPM pada pendikit separa pada semua gear. Kami melawan keadaan ini dengan sama ada menggunakan gear yang lebih tinggi dalam RPM yang lebih rendah atau gear yang lebih rendah di atas RPM tersebut. Namun, ia tidak sepatutnya wujud untuk sebuah Triumph.
Ketiga, motosikal itu cenderung menggeliat semasa membrek keras disebabkan sudut stereng yang agresif (24.3 darjah). Walau bagaimanapun, ia hilang dengan mengapit paha dalaman kami dengan kuat pada bahagian tepi tangki. Motosikal ini juga tidak suka untuk membrek ke dalam selekoh (trail braking) kerana agihan beratnya ke belakang, akibat daripada posisi menunggangnya yang menegak. Kami mengesyaki ini boleh diperbaikki dengan mudah dengan meningkatkan pra-beban monoshok belakang untuk memindahkah lebih banyak keberatan ke tayar depan.
Walaubagaimanapun, ini semua hanyalah luahan yang amat kecil dan tidak mengurangkan keseronokan ketika menunggang motosikal ini. Kami terpaksa “komplen” demi ulasan yang seimbang.
Kembali ke pembukaan, bolehkah saya meletakkan Triumph Speed 400 sebagai salah satu kegemaran peribadi saya? Dan adakah saya akan mengesyorkan membelinya?
Being a moto-journalist since 1998 and having test ridden so many motorcycles, I am constantly being asked which is my favourite or which one will I recommend to own. And since this is the review of the new Triumph Speed 400, it is a forgone conclusion to a now rhetorical reason, right? Well, you need to read to the end to find out, just like a Coen Brothers’ movie.
What is the Triumph Speed 400?
The Speed 400 is one of two variants in Triumph’s new 400cc range, the result of their cooperation with Bajaj Auto which began many years ago. The range is seen as the entry level point into the Triumph family, and both take on the shape of the modern-classic Bonneville.
The 400 range which consists of this Speed 400 and the Scrambler 400 X are powered a 398cc, single-cylinder, DOHC, 4-valve engine which produces 39.5hp at 8,000 RPM ad 37.5Nm of torque at 6,500 RPM. Make no mistake, this is a Triumph-spec engine, unlike the one which powers the Dominar 400 which shares some of its architecture with the KTM 390 Duke’s.
Perhaps we need to reiterate that this lineup is built by Bajaj, but the bikes are definitely Triumphs.
What we liked, Number 5: The simplicity
Before motorcycles were segmented and micro-segmented into different categories, the Bonneville’s type of motorcycles were the only motorcycles, hence you can label it as a “standard motorcycle.” They were pure in the sense that there are two wheels, an engine, a fuel tank, a seat, a handlebar, footpegs.
Point is, motorcycles were uncluttered, uncomplicated, and in other words, simple. You only needed to jump on it, start, and go.
The Triumph Speed 400 embodies this perfectly. There is no need to fettle with the engine mapping, level of traction control, connect your smartphone.
Just ride.
What we liked, Number 4: Its specification
While this seems like a contradiction to Number 5, it is a necessity. The Speed 400 may be an entry-level model, but it has some “hidden” modern features.
The engine is modern throughout and features EFI and liquid-cooling, and is Euro 5-compliant. Likewise, the suspension consists of upside-down forks (albeit unadjustable) and a monoshock at the back, similar to the Bajaj Dominar 400’s. The instrument panel looks classic with a large speedometer, but there is a small tachometer at the side. There is traction control which can be switched on or off, but no ride mode. Brakes are Bybre and ABS is dual-channel. There is also a USB charging port, cleverly placed behind and just underneath the instrument panel.
What we liked, Number 3: That engine
It pulled really hard. It revved so quickly that it gobbled up the first three gears instantly, causing us to run into the rev limiter the first time we hammered down. It even continued to push the bike hard in 6th from 6,000 RPM and onwards to its top speed of around 160km/h.
The good spread of torque is a character of all Triumph motorcycles, letting you accelerate hard from whichever point you currently are in the rev range, in any gear. Consequently, it made short work of riding in traffic or up our KL-Genting Highlands test route.
It needed more gear-shifting than bigger bikes when we tested it by going up the Genting Highlands road, but the torque was always present for punching out of slower corners. But because it is a smaller capacity, it never overwhelms and you are not afraid to open up, compared to bigger capacity bikes where you have to judge your throttle, braking, steering actions judiciously or risk going wide.
The throttle response was smooth – again, a trait of all Triumphs – meaning the bike reacts exactly to the twist of the wrist. And this made it so much fun hammering the bike up and down Genting Highlands.
It even cruised happily at 130km/h (8,000 RPM) all day without sounding like the engine will explode.
What we liked Number 2: Its handling!
We have said this over and over again: Triumph makes the best handling bikes and we are glad that the Speed 400 is no exception. In fact, it is the best handling Triumph!
All we needed to do was, for want of a better word, chuck the bike into any corner. See the corner, chuck it in. See another corner, chuck it in. The wide handlebar made countersteering a cinch because it responded immediately to our inputs.
The suspension may seem rudimentary but it absolutely soaked up all the bumps and holes on that road. We were a little apprehensive at first but discovered that no amount of road imperfection apart from speed bumps could throw the bike off its cornering line.
First victim to discover this was a VW Golf R32 driver who tried to race us. He was gone in just two corners. Another Proton X50 driver thought he could do the same, even by attempting to squeeze us off our cornering line. He was also despatched after two corners.
On the way down, a KTM 390 Duke rider gave chase but was left behind after the section consisting of “S” bends. Next was a group consisting of a Honda CBR250R, Yamaha YZF-R25, and several Yamaha Y16ZRs. They could not keep up after we chucked the Speed 400 through that one particularly tricky slippery and reducing radius left-hander.
On the SPE, a BMW R 1200 GS rider saw us in his mirrors and opened up. Of course, we could not keep up in a straight line due to the huge engine power deficit, yet we managed to cling on behind him in the corners as we chucked the bike around at speeds between 120-130km/h without even going off throttle. He was surprised to see us still behind when the road straightened out and he rolled out to see what bike it was.
How we wished we could paint the silhouettes of our “kills” on the side of the tank, just like how fighter pilots do!
Now, this would not have been even a blip of a talking point if the Speed 400 was a sportbike, but it is not – it is a modern classic standard. Comparing it to the likes of the 390 Duke, the Duke needs more commitment and a skilled and experienced rider to ride it fast, whereas we think almost anyone can be fast on the Speed 400. Heck, I do not think I went up and down Genting this fast even on the Triumph Street Triple 765 RS!
To put it into perspective, it was like riding a 250cc naked bike with well-sorted suspension, great throttle response, and smooth torque.
What we liked, Number 1: Accessibility and practicality
Great features, engine, handling, all wrapped up in an accessible and practical package. The seat is low and comfortable, with the handlebars placed at just the right height. The brakes were good although it needed a slightly harder pull, the clutch action was smooooooth. The gears slotted in solidly. The bike was light on paper and could be felt immediately. It went fast immediately when we wanted to be fast, and cruised serenely when we wanted to relax.
You could install a tank bag and side bags for touring. The engine is fuel efficient, wringing out 300+km from 12 litres.
And all these, for just RM26,900 (selling price) which puts it as a power player in the 250cc-400cc segment.
Of course there were, but they probably due to rider preferences and riding styles.
Firstly, the first three gears where too short and the space from third to fourth a little wide. That left us changing up and down between third and fourth while in traffic. This can be fixed by swapping the stock front sprocket out to one with one tooth bigger, or dropping two teeth out back. It should make the engine run at lower revs during cruises, and help with rolling speeds into corners.
Secondly, we detected iffy fuel injected between 5,000-6,000 RPM on partial throttle in all gears. We circumvented this by either using a higher gear in lower RPMs, and lower gear above those RPMs. Still, it should not exist for a Triumph.
Thirdly, the bike tended to squirm during hard braking due to the aggressive steering angle (24.3 degrees). However, this was cured by clamping our inner thighs hard onto the sides of the fuel tank. That said, they bike does not like being trail braked into corners due to its rearward weight distribution, consequence of its riding position. It also waggled the handlebar in really high-speed corners. We suspect this can be easily fixed by increasing the rear shock’s preload to move more weight to the front.
However, these are just (very) minor niggles to detract from the overall enjoyment of riding the bike. We had to come up with these for the sake of a balanced review.
Coming back to the opening, can I place the Triumph Speed 400 as one of my personal favourites? And would I recommend buying it?
Continuing with our Glossary of Motorcycle Terms, moving to those that begin with the letter “H.”
Hammer down: To accelerate quickly or ride aggressively.
Handlebars: Where the rider places his hands to control the motorcycle’s steering. There are several variations of handlebars for different riding postures and uses i.e. touring, racing, cruising, etc.
Hang-off: The action by the rider moving his body mass to the inside and off the motorcycle when taking a corner. More commonly called the kneedown, or at least when the knee does touch the road.
Hardtail: A motorcycle with no rear suspension.
Head: No, not the toilet, but a short name for the engine’s cylinder head.
Header: The “front” part of the exhaust system with attaches to the engine block. It then leads to the downpipe/downtube, to the catalytic converter and finally, the muffler/silencer.
Headlight/s: The main light or lights at the front of the motorcycle for illumination and to provide more visibility to other road users.
Heat: High temperatures whether relating to the bike, or whether, or just anything to do with temperature. It also means the police or authorities in American movies.
Highside: A motorcycle crash involving the rear wheel temporarily losing traction and suddenly regaining traction, and throwing the rider over the bike’s handlebars, as opposed to the “lowside” where the bike and rider drop onto the ground.
Holeshot: Racing term used in motorcycle racing referring to the rider who takes the lead and reaches the first corner or turn ahead of the other competitors immediately after the start of the race.
Holeshot device: First used in motocross, this device locks down the forks down to let the rider have better control at the start. Pressing the brake dips the forks down further and disengages the device for normal suspension operation. The device was subsequently adopted first by Ducati in MotoGP. However, the MotoGP holeshot device lowers both the front and rear of the bike, to lower its centre of gravity hence limit wheelies when the motorcycle accelerates hard from the start line, practically turning the bike into a dragster.
Hooning: Hooning is a term that is often used to describe reckless and irresponsible behaviour on a motorcycle or any other vehicle. It refers to engaging in dangerous stunts, excessive speeding, and disregarding traffic laws and safety regulations. Hooning typically involves wheelies, stoppies, burnouts, drifting, and other high-risk maneuvers. Otherwise known as “rempit” in Malaysia.
Horn: Audible device used to warn others.
Horsepower (HP): A unit of measurement that quantifies the power output of an engine. It indicates the rate at which the engine can perform work i.e. the maximum amount of work produced by an engine. The higher the horsepower, or engine speed, the more power the engine can generate.
Sistem komunikasi pelumba MotoGP akan diperkenalkan pada 2025, selepas sistem sedemikian dicadangkan sejak tiga tahun lalu.
Ujian lanjut telah dijalankan oleh Francesco Bagnaia dan Fabio Quartararo selepas GP Sepanyol di Jerez awal tahun ini. Susulan itu, Dorna akan memperkenalkan sistem tersebut secara berperingkat. Peringkat pertama melibatkan ciri komunikasi sehala yang membolehkan pengarah perlumbaan baharu pada 2025, Simon Crafar untuk berkomunikasi dengan pelumba. Mesej dijangka ringkas untuk tidak mengganggu tumpuan penunggang.
Ia mungkin telah ditentukan bahawa kaedah semasa menghantar pesanan ringkas ke paparan motosikal adalah tidak mencukupi.
Pertemuan antara Dorna dan pelumba telah diadakan pada Khamis lalu sejurus sebelum GP San Marino mengenai pengenalan sistem ini. Turut dibincangakan ialah rancangan untuk komunikasi radio fasa kedua yang melibatkan sistem komunikasi dua hala antara penunggang dengan pasukan dan/atau pengarah perlumbaan, seperti itu dalam Formula 1.
Sistem itu diuji sekali lagi semasa sesi ujian pasca GP San Marino, tetapi Bagnaia mengadu ketidakselesaan memakai kelengkapannya. Bagaimanapun, terdapat pelumba yang mahu sistem itu dilaksanakan termasuk Aleix Espargaro.
Cadangan untuk memperkenalkan komunikasi pasukan dan penunggang juga telah memecahbelahkan peminat MotoGP. Pihak penyokong mengatakan bahawa MotoGP adalah kejohanan perlumbaan prototaip dan sudah pun terdapat peranti komunikasi motosikal di pasaran. Pengkritik pula mengatakan bahawa ia akan menjejaskan semangat murni perlumbaan, di mana kemahiran pelumba perlumbaan adalah faktor yang paling penting, dan keputusan perlumbaan bukannya ditentukan oleh pasukan dan jurutera dari paddock.
MotoGP rider communications will be introduced in 2025, after such system was proposed since three years ago.
Further tests had been carried out by Francesco Bagnaia and Fabio Quartararo after the Spanish GP at Jerez earlier this year. Following that, Dorna will introduce the system in stages. The first stage involves a one-way communication feature, allowing the new race director in 2025, Simon Crafar to communicate with the riders. Messages are expected to be concise to not distract the riders.
It was probably determined that the currect method of sending short messages to the motorcycles’ display is not adequate.
A meeting between Dorna and riders were held last Thursday just prior to the San Marino GP. The former laid out plans for phase two of radio communications, involving a two-way communication system between the rider and team and/or race direction, like that in Formula 1.
The system was tested again during the post-San Marino GP tests, but Bagnaia complained of discomforts wearing the gear. However, there are riders who wanted the system to be implemented, including Aleix Espargaro.
Such proposal for rider-team communications has also divided MotoGP fans. On one side, proponents say that MotoGP is a prototype racing championship and there are motorcycle communications devices in the market, anyhow. Detractors say that it will er… detract from the pure spirit of racing, where the rider skills and race craft are the most important factors rather than the race racing being determined by the team and engineers from the pits.
Here is the list of motorcycle terms beginning with the letter “G.”
Gas: A state for matter, but more commonly the short form of gasoline i.e. petrol, usually used by those in the American continents.
Gear Ratio: The ratio between the number of teeth on two meshing gears in the transmission. Gear ratios determine the relationship between engine speed (RPM) and the motorcycle’s speed. Lower gear ratios provide more torque at lower speeds, while higher gear ratios allow higher speeds at lower engine RPM.
Gearbox: Also known as transmission. This “box” or unit contains the gears, hence ratios for the rider to select the appropriate gear or “speed” for different riding conditions.
Giggle Gas: Defined as a slang term meaning nitrous oxide or “NOS” connected to the fuel system to boost acceleration performance. The reason it is called “giggle gas” is because it was first intended as a gas to relax patients into a state of euphoria, which includes laughter.
Gixxer: Suzuki GSX-R series of motorcycles.
Gore-Tex: Gore-Tex is a waterproof and breathable fabric is highly regarded for its advanced membrane technology. This membrane is designed to prevent water from penetrating while allowing sweat and moisture to escape, making it an ideal material for motorcycle rain gear. Gore-Tex is known for its durability and is commonly used in high-performance outdoor apparel. Its ability to keep riders dry and comfortable during wet rides has made it a popular choice among motorcycle enthusiasts.
GPS (Global Positioning System): A navigation system that uses satellite signals to provide accurate positioning and navigation information. GPS devices or smartphone apps can be used by riders to navigate unfamiliar routes or plan rides efficiently. Currently, there are a total 31 GPS satellites in the higher geosynchronous orbit 18,000km above the Earth. The position of the GPS device is triangulated by 3 satellites at any given time.
Gremlin: An unknown and persistent mechanical issue in a motorcycle.
Grey Market Bike: A term that describes a bike model never officially sold in a particular market locale but later privately imported in the “grey market.” Also known as parallel imports.
Berita baik untuk pemilik Ducati di selatan Semenanjung Malaysia, kerana pengedar baharu Ducati Johor telah dibuka.
Daripada siaran media:
Ducati Malaysia dengan bangganya mengumumkan pembukaan pengedar terbaharunya di Johor Bahru, terletak di lokasi strategik di No.9 Jalan Permas 9/17, Masai Johor, bersebelahan Aeon Permas Jaya, memberikan tarikan yang menonjol dari Lebuhraya EDL. Bilik pameran tercanggih ini mewakili satu peristiwa penting dalam komitmen Ducati untuk meluaskan kehadirannya di wilayah selatan Semenanjung Malaysia, membawa semangat dan prestasi motosikal Ducati lebih dekat kepada peminat dan bakal pelanggan di Johor dan seterusnya.
Marco Biondi, Naib Presiden Jualan dan Pemasaran Ducati Asia Pasifik, bersama bintang sukan permotoran tempatan Hafizh Syahrin, yang menunggang untuk pasukan JDT Racing Team, kedua-duanya hadir untuk acara tersebut.
Pengedar baharu itu, yang menyaksikan pelaburan sebanyak RM3.5 juta, direka bentuk untuk menawarkan pengalaman pelanggan premium, merangkumi sepenuhnya identiti tandatangan terbaru Ducati. Merentasi keluasan binaan lebih 2,418 kaki persegi, pengedar itu termasuk ruang untuk pusat servis Ducati yang canggih dan bilik pameran yang mengasyikkan, yang boleh memaparkan sehingga 16 motosikal Ducati pada satu masa. Selain itu, bilik pameran itu juga termasuk ruang khusus untuk Pakaian dan Aksesori Ducati, serta bahagian berasingan untuk Scrambler Ducati, lengkap dengan pakaian, aksesori dan ruang istirahat sosialnya sendiri.
Ciri-ciri utama pengedar Ducati Johor Bahru:
Keunggulan Servis:
Pusat servis yang berkeluasan 2,135 kaki persegi itu dilengkapi dengan 4 ruang servis yang mampu membuat servis sehingga 200 motosikal sebulan.
Pusat ini dilengkapi sepenuhnya dengan alatan termaju, termasuk 2 pengangkat motosikal, alat diagnostik Ducati terkini dan rangkaian alat khas yang komprehensif untuk model Ducati.
Scrambler Camp:
Kawasan seluas 194 kaki persegi khusus untuk peminat Scrambler Ducati, menampilkan kawasan sosial, pakaian dan aksesori, memastikan pengalaman yang unik dan mengasyikkan.
Waktu Operasi yang Mudah:
Pengedar ini dibuka Isnin hingga Sabtu dari 10 pagi hingga 7 malam, manakala hanya bilik pameran dibuka pada hari Ahad dari 10 pagi hingga 3 petang.
Ducati Malaysia telah menetapkan sasaran jualan yang bercita-cita tinggi untuk pengedar baharu Johor, menyasarkan untuk mencapai 30 unit menjelang akhir 2024 dan ramalan 100 unit pada 2025, didorong oleh keadaan pasaran yang bertambah baik dan lokasi bilik pameran yang mempunyai trafik tinggi. Pada masa ini, terdapat lebih 200 motosikal Ducati di jalan raya di Johor, dan pengedar baharu ini akan menjadi destinasi utama bagi peminat Ducati di rantau ini.
Marco Biondi, Naib Presiden Jualan dan Pemasaran Ducati Asia Pasifik, menyatakan kepuasannya dengan pengembangan itu, dengan menyatakan, “Kami berbangga dengan pasukan di Ducati Malaysia atas dedikasi dan kejayaan mereka dalam usaha ini. Pembukaan pengedar baharu kami di Johor Bahru merupakan satu pencapaian penting dalam strategi serantau kami, ia menyerlahkan komitmen Ducati untuk mengukuhkan kehadiran kami dalam pasaran utama dan menyampaikan pengalaman luar biasa kepada pelanggan kami.”
Dennis Michael, Ketua Pegawai Operasi Ducati Malaysia, berkongsi kegembiraannya mengenai pelancaran Ducati Johor, “Kami sangat teruja untuk membuka pengedar baharu kami di Johor Bahru, menandakan satu lagi babak menarik dalam perjalanan Ducati Malaysia. Lokasi baharu ini bukan sahaja mewakili komitmen kami untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan jualan dan selepas jualan bertaraf dunia tetapi juga mencerminkan dedikasi kami untuk mendekatkan pengalaman Ducati kepada pelanggan kami di wilayah selatan. Pelancaran Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono dan Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono RVE adalah bukti komitmen kami untuk menawarkan model terkini dan paling menarik kepada pelanggan kami. Dengan lokasi utama dan kemudahan terkini, kami yakin Ducati Johor akan menjadi hab bagi kedua-dua pemilik Ducati baharu dan sedia ada, menawarkan mereka pengalaman tiada tandingan yang benar-benar merangkumi intipati jenama kami. Kami berharap dapat berkhidmat kepada komuniti Ducati di Johor dan mengalu-alukan ahli baharu ke dalam keluarga kami yang semakin meningkat.”
Sempena pelancaran pengedar itu, Ducati Malaysia sangat teruja untuk memperkenalkan Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono dan Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono RVE yang serba baharu. Penambahan terbaru kepada barisan Ducati ini direka untuk menawarkan pengalaman menunggang yang menggembirakan, menjiwai semangat keluarga Hypermotard dengan sentuhan yang segar dan inovatif. Dihargakan pada harga RM70,900.00 dan RM77,900.00 masing-masing, model ini dijangka menarik pelbagai penunggang, daripada peminat kepada mereka yang mencari tunggangan yang unik dan dinamik.
Good news for Ducati owners in southern Peninsular Malaysia, as a new Ducati Johor dealership has opened.
Begin press release:
Ducati Malaysia proudly announces the opening of its newest dealership in Johor Bahru, strategically located at No.9 Jalan Permas 9/17, Masai Johor, next to Aeon Permas Jaya, providing prominent visibility from the EDL Highway. This state-of-the-art showroom represents a significant milestone in Ducati’s commitment to expanding its presence in the southern region of Peninsular Malaysia, bringing the passion and performance of Ducati motorcycles closer to enthusiasts and potential clients in Johor and beyond.
Marco Biondi, Vice President of Sales and Marketing Ducati Asia Pacific, along with homegrown motorsport superstar Hafizh Syahrin, who rides for the JDT Racing Team, were both present for the event.
The new dealership, which has seen an investment of RM3.5 million, is designed to offer a premium customer experience, fully embracing Ducati’s latest signature identity. Spanning a total built-up area of over 2,418 square feet, the dealership includes space for a state-of-the art Ducati service centre and experiential areas including an immersive showroom, which can display up to 16 Ducati motorcycles at a time. Additionally, the showroom also includes a dedicated space for Ducati Apparel and Accessories, as well as a separate section for Scrambler Ducati, complete with its own apparel, accessories, and social lounge.
Key Features of the Ducati Johor Dealership:
Service Excellence:
The service centre, covering 2,135 square feet, is equipped with 4 service bays capable of servicing up to 200 bikes per month.
The centre is fully equipped with advanced tools, including 2 bike lifters, latest Ducati diagnostic tools, and a comprehensive array of special tools for Ducati models.
Scrambler Camp:
A dedicated 194-square-foot area for Scrambler Ducati enthusiasts, featuring a social area, apparel, and accessories, ensuring a unique and immersive experience.
Convenient Operating Hours:
The dealership is open Monday to Saturday from 10 AM to 7 PM, while only the showroom remains open on Sundays from 10 AM to 3 PM.
Ducati Malaysia has set an ambitious sales target for the new Johor dealership, aiming to achieve 30 units by the end of 2024 and a forecast of 100 units in 2025, driven by the improving market conditions and the high-traffic location of the showroom. Currently, there are over 200 Ducati motorcycles on the roads of Johor, and this new dealership is set to become the go-to destination for Ducati enthusiasts in the region.
Marco Biondi, Vice President of Sales and Marketing Ducati Asia Pacific, expressed his satisfaction with the expansion, stating, “We are proud of the team at Ducati Malaysia for their dedication and success in this endeavor. The opening of our new dealership in Johor Bahru is a significant milestone in our regional strategy. It highlights Ducati’s commitment to strengthening our presence in key markets and delivering exceptional experiences to our clients.”
Dennis Michael, Chief Operating Officer Ducati Malaysia, shared his excitement on the launching of Ducati Johor, “We are thrilled to open our new dealership in Johor Bahru, marking another exciting chapter in Ducati Malaysia’s journey. This new location not only represents our commitment to providing world-class sales and aftersales services but also reflects our dedication to bringing the Ducati experience closer to our clients in the southern region. The unveiling of the Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono and Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono RVE is a testament to our commitment to offering the latest and most exciting models to our clients. With its prime location and state-of-the-art facilities, we are confident that Ducati Johor will become a hub for both new and existing Ducati owners, offering them an unparalleled experience that truly embodies the essence of our brand. We look forward to serving the Ducati community in Johor and welcoming new members to our growing family.”
In conjunction with the dealership launch, Ducati Malaysia is thrilled to unveil the brand-new Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono and Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono RVE. These latest additions to the Ducati lineup are designed to offer an exhilarating riding experience, embodying the spirit of the Hypermotard family with a fresh, innovative twist. Priced at RM70,900.00 and RM77,900.00 respectively, these models are expected to attract a wide range of riders, from enthusiasts to those seeking a unique and dynamic ride.
Ryota Haga, anak kedua kepada legenda Superbike Dunia Noriyuki Haga, telah meninggal dunia dalam kemalangan semasa perlumbaan pada hari Ahad.
Dia terbunuh semasa permulaan perlumbaan ST600 dalam Kejohanan Perlumbaan MFJ All-Japan yang diadakan di Litar Lumba Antarabangsa Autopolis, yang terletak di Wilayah Ōita.
Haga menghadapi masalah untuk melancarkan Yamaha YZF-R6 yang ditunggangnya daripada garisan permulaan, dan motosikal itu kelihatan kehilangan kuasa, justeru dilanggar oleh dua motosikal lain dari belakang. Perlumbaan dihentikan serta-merta dan kenderaan kecemasan dihantar untuk membantu, tetapi dia akhirnya dibawa ke hospital dengan helikopter. Bagaimanapun, pegawai-pegawai perubatan tidak dapat menyelamatkan penunggang berusia 21 tahun itu daripada kecederaannya.
Ryota Haga berlumba untuk pasukan WORK NAVI Nitro Racing. Dia telah berlumba dalam siri itu sejak 2020, dan menduduki tempat ke-10 dalam Kejohanan ST600 pada 2023. Dia berharap untuk mengikut jejak bapanya dalam perlumbaan motosikal.
Bapanya Noriyuki memenangi 43 perlumbaan WSBK untuk menjadi pelumba kelima paling menang dalam siri ini. Dia telah menunggang Yamaha, Aprilias, Ducatis, dan Kawasaki dalam kedua-dua WSBK dan Kejohanan Dunia 500cc.
Ryota Haga, the second son of World Superbike legend Noriyuki Haga, had died in an accident during a race on Sunday.
He was killed during the start of the ST600 race in the MFJ All-Japan Road Racing Championship held at the Autopolis International Racing Course, located in Ōita Prefecture.
Haga had trouble launching his Yamaha YZF-R6 off the line at the start, and the bike appeared to lose power, ending being struck by two other motorcycles from behind. The race was immediately stopped and emergency vehicles were despatched to assist, but was transported to the hospital in a helicopter. However, the medical personal could not save the 21-year-old rider from his injuries.
Ryota Haga raced for the WORK NAVI Nitro Racing team. He had been racing in the series since 2020, and finished 10th in the ST600 Championship in 2023. He had hoped to follow in his father’s footsteps in motorcycle racing.
His father Noriyuki won 43 WSBK races to become the fifth most winning rider in the series. He had ridden Yamahas, Aprilias, Ducatis, and a Kawasaki in both WSBK and the 500cc World Championships.
Rest in peace, Ryota and our deepest condolences to the Haga family.