

  • Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) Kuala Lumpur kini mempunyai tiga orang pegawai wanita dalam Unit Penguatkuasaan Bermotosikal.
  • Tiga orang pegawai tersebut merupakan antara pegawai wanita pertama dalam unit di bawah jabatan berkenaan.
  • Para pegawai wanita berkenaan telah menjalani latihan yang sama seperti pegawai lelaki.


  • The Kuala Lumpur Road Transport Department (JPJ) now has three women riders in their Motorcycle Enforcement Unit.

  • The department is starting out with three women riders.

  • The ladies underwent the same training as their male counterparts.

The Kuala Lumpur Road Transport Department (JPJ) has the distinction of being the first to include women in their Motorcycle Enforcement Unit (UPB – Unit Penguatkuasaan Bermotosikal).

The department starts with three women, Wah Moliz Bah, 28; Asma Shafie, 24; Siti Syazwani Hajizin, 27; in the UPB among an all-male force prior to this.

KL JPJ director Datuk Ismail Mohd. Zawawi felt it was time for women to join the UPB and called upon those in their ranks to join the unit.

Wah Moliz took on the director’s call as she had always wanted to ride large capacity bikes.

“The UPB consists of only had men so far, but now the JPJ has opened opportunities for female members to join. It also proves that women are just as competent in operating big bikes,” she told reporters after the 73rd Kuala Lumpur JPJ Day celebrations on Wednesday.

“The courses and training that we underwent were the same as our male counterparts, but the main challenge is the high level of stamina and strength we need because the bikes are heavy,” she said.

On the other hand, Siti Syazwani expressed surprise that she had the opportunity to join the unit.

“The thing that I remember most when I attended the course was when we were asked to lift the Kawasaki Versys 650cc motorcycle that weighs almost 200kg.” (It’s actually more than 200 kg – Ed.)

“We need to know how to lift the motorcycle and if it falls, we have to learn the technique of picking the machine back up. So far, we have been riding our motorcycles to Melaka but there will be more training and courses for us to strengthen and hone our skills,” she said.

Ismail added, “It was an idea that came up early this year and I challenge women to join the UPB because they can do it,” he said.

Source: The Star Online, Bernama

Gambar hiasan

Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) Negeri Selangor akan melelongkan lebih daripada 107 kenderaan di Dewan Setia, JPJ Negeri Selangor, Shah Alam pada 24 April ini.

Orang ramai yang berminat boleh mendapatkan buku lelong dengan bayaran RM50 bermula 10 hingga 22 April ini.

Menurut maklumat yang dikongsi di laman Facebook JPJ Selangor, 107 kenderaan akan dilelong terdiri daripada:

Motosikal – 62 unit
Kereta – 20 unit
Lori – 13 unit
Van – 5 unit
Treler – 3 unit
Trak – 2 uunit
Bus – 2 unit

Orang ramai dibenarkan untuk memeriksa setiap kenderaan yang dilelong ada 22 dan 23 April ini.

Buat masa ini, tiada maklumat rasmi berkenaan dengan jenama dan model kenderaan yang akan dilelong namun segala maklumat tersebut boleh didapati melalui buku lelong.

Pembeli yang berminat diingatkan agar membawa MyKad sebelum membuat pembelian buku lelong.

Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Raya Pulau Pinang (JPJ) mengumumkan akan mengadakan acara lelongan melibatkan 92 kereta daripada pelbagai jenama termasuk Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Nissan, BMW dan Volvo.

Kesemua kenderaan ini telah disita ekoran pelbagai kesalahan dan kini akan dilelong kepada orang ramai dengan harga serendah RM700 hingga RM13,000 pada 24 April depan.

Berikut antara senarai kenderaan yang bakal dilelong:

  1. Nissan Sentra 1.6 (2005) – RM700
  2. Toyota Estima (2005) – RM1,000
  3. Audi A6 2.4 (2006) – RM7,000
  4. Toyota Wish 1.8 (2004) – RM5,000
  5. Toyota Vios 1.5 (2007) – RM6,000
  6. Honda Civic 1.7 (2004) – RM5,000
  7. Mazda 3 2.0 (2005) – RM5,000
  8. BMW 523i (2005) – RM7,000
  9. Toyota Harrier 2.4 (2004) – RM9,000
  10. Mazda RX-8 (2007) – RM12,000
  11. Honda Integra 2.0 (2006) – RM9,000
  12. Mercedes Benz E200 (2002) – RM4,000
  13. Subaru Impreza 1.6 (2007) – RM7,000

Bagaimanapun, orang ramai perlu bertabah kerana difahamkan perlu bersaing dengan penjual kereta terpakai!

(SUMBER: Facebook Penang Kini)


Pengarah JPJ Melaka, Muhammad Firdaus Shariff (tengah) menunjukkan gambar gelagat penunggang motosikal yang membuat pusingan-U melarikan diri dari sekatan jalan raya – Sumber imej: NSTP: Harian Metro
  • Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia (JPJ) telah mengeluarkan amaran kepada penunggang motosikal supaya tidak melarikan diri dari sekatan jalan raya.
  • Jabatan berkenaan akan merekodkan mereka yang melarikan diri sebagai bukti.
  • Mereka kemudiannya akan mengeluarkan notis sebelum mengambil tindakan menyaman dan menyenarai hitam penunggang yang melarikan diri sekatan jalan raya.


  • The Road Transport Department of Malaysia (JPJ) has warned motorcyclists to not run from roadblocks.

  • The department will record those who did so for evidence.

  • They will then issue a notice before moving onto summoning and blacklisting those who did.

The Road Transport Department (JPJ) has issued a warning to road users, especially motorcyclists to not avoid roadblocks i.e. U-turn. Or risk being blacklisted.

We’ve seen it countless times: Motorcycles heading the opposite direction against the flow of traffic, attempting to get away from roadblocks up ahead. Doing puts not only the rider at risk but also other road users.

The department’s Melaka Director General Muhammad Firdaus Shariff said that they will first issue a notice to those found running away from roadblocks, before moving on to blacklisting them in accordance to Section 55 of the Road Transport Act 1987.

He added that his men will record those who U-turn from roadblocks as evidence.

“We will issue Notice 114 demanding the vehicle owner to present himself for questioning within 21 days. If he does not, we will issue a RM150 compound and he will be blacklisted.”

“Blacklisting” a vehicle means the owner could not renew his driving license and vehicle’s road tax.

The Director General made the statement during the closing of the Chinese New Ops 2019. The operations from 29 January to 12 February saw 1,236 summonses issued for various offences. Motorcycle owners were the biggest majority amongst other vehicle owners with 329 cases. Out of that number, the most infringements were due to “vehicle licensing” i.e. road tax.

Source and picture credit:

Penunggang motosikal yang menunggang melawan aliran trafik di Guthrie – Sumber imej: Kosmo! Online
  • Sejumlah 850 saman trafik telah dikeluarkan oleh Polis dan JPJ ke atas penunggang motosikal di dua buah lokasi berbeza semalam.
  • Kesalahan ini termasuklah tidak menggunakan laluan motosikal, menunggang tanpa lesen, cukai jalan yang tamat tempoh, dan bermacam-macam lagi.
  • Jumlah saman yang dikeluarkan begitu banyak sekali.


  • A total of 850 traffic summonses were issued by the Police and JPJ to motorcyclists at two different locations yesterday.

  • Offences include not using the motorcycle lane, riding without license, expired road tax, among others.

  • The number of offences is mind-bogging, to say the least.

Guthrie Corridor Highway

The Malaysian Traffic Police issued 232 summonses in just 3 hours to motorcyclists who did not use the motorcycle lane at Kilometre-2.5 of the Guthrie Corridor Highway. The news was reported by Kosmo! Online yesterday.

The Police sting was part of the Ops Selamat in conjunction with the Chinese New Year road safety campaign, which also involved the Road Transport Department (JPJ). While the number of motorcycle lane defaulters amounted to 232 summonses, a total of 375 were issued including other offences.

While the operations were conducted, there were several hardcore law breakers who turned back and rode against traffic flow to escape the roadblock. The Police resorted to chasing them down on their motorcycles.

One motorcyclist who rode 100 metres against traffic was chased down and found riding without a valid license.

Jalan Duta Toll Plaza

In a separate JPJ operation at the Jalan Duta Toll Plaza, a total of 475 summonses were issued while another 15 motorcycles were impounded from 9pm to 12 midnight. Offences range from not possessing valid license, not wearing a helmet, using non-regulation number plates and expired road tax.

PJ roadblock at Jalan Duta Toll Plaza – Photo credit Kosmo! Online

850 summonses in the space of 3 hours each at two locations is an outrage! Where is this? Afghanistan? This is beyond alarming. What would other vehicle owners think of motorcyclists if this continues? And yet some motorcyclists are critical of how others drive.

While we do not like using the motorcycle lanes due to being shoddily designed and maintained, we still do use them when available. The need of doing so is due to both the law and safety from having to share space with larger vehicles.

Riding without valid license or road tax are offences because there is no insurance cover in case one gets into an accident. However, mishap or otherwise, the law is the law. Our roads will descend into utter chaos and anarchy if no one obeys traffic laws!

Source: Kosmo! Online. Please click on these links and for the original photos.

Menteri Pengangkutan Anthony Loke – Sumber:
  • Menteri Pengangkutan, YB Anthony Loke berkeras tidak akan memberikan diskaun bagi saman JPJ.
  • Langkah ini adalah bagi memberi pengajaran kepada para pengguna jalan raya dan memastikan para pesalah tidak terlepas dengan hukuman yang ringan.
  • Dia juga telah berbincang dengan pihak berkuasa tempatan dan menggesa mereka untuk tidak memberikan diskaun untuk kesalahan trafik.


  • Minister of Transport, YB Anthony Loke insists on no discounts for JPJ summonses.

  • Such measure seeks to educate road users and not let offenders off lightly.

  • He may also talk to local authorities to not provide discounts for traffic offences.

It is very evident that the Minister of Transportation, YB Anthony Loke is determined in revamping the transportation system and lowering accident rates in Malaysia.

Consequently, he is aware that certain quarters of the Rakyat will feel angry at his measures. “You can be angry at the Minister of Transport if you want to,” he said during the launch of Ops Bersepadu (Integrated Ops) and Road Safety Campaign 2019 in conjunction with the Chinese New Year, at the southbound Dengkil R&R.

The Minister made the remark after insisting that no discounts will be considered for the summonses for traffic offences issued by the Road Transport Department (JPJ – Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan).

He justifies the decision as a move to reduce traffic accidents hence deaths among road users. To him, the attitude of waiting for discounts gives the impression that the summonses are unimportant, instead of educating road users to road safety.

“We don’t want road users to take the summonses lightly,” YB Anthony said.

He further added that he knows the measure will incur the ire among road users in the country.

“You can be angry at the Minister of Transport, if you want. But my task is to lower the accident rates in the country. That is part of my Key Performance Index (KPI),” he said.

He also said that he will intends meet with local authorities to not provide discounts for traffic summonses.

Sumber gambar: SoyaCincau
  • JPJ telah menyenarai hitam dan mengeluarkan waran tangkap untuk 39,311 pengguna jalan raya yang tidak melunaskan saman AWAS mereka.
  • 98,850 saman telah dikeluarkan sejak pemasangan 45 kamera AWAS pada bulan September 2018.
  • Pesalah trafik mempunyai 60 hari untuk melunaskan saman mereka atau mereka akan diheret ke mahkamah.


  • JPJ has blacklisted and issued arrest warrant to 39,311 motorists for not settling their AWAS fines.

  • 98,850 summonses were issued after the installation of 45 AWAS cameras in September 2018.

  • Traffic offenders have 60 days to settle their summonses or be dragged to court.

The JPJ (Road Transport Department) is making serious demands into unpaid AWAS (Automatic Awareness Security System) summonses.

According to Bernama, 98,850 summons notices were sent out after 45 AWAS cameras were installed in September 2018. However, only 10,876 of the summonses were settled as of 21stJanuary 2019.

As such, the JPJ proceeded to blacklisting 39,311 motorists with unpaid summonses. Worse, arrest warrants were also issued to them.

JPJ Director General Datuk Seri Shaharuddin Khalid said, “Traffic offenders have 60 days to settle their summonses beginning the date the summonses were issued. JPJ will take the cases to court for prosecution (upon expiry of the 60-day period).”

He added that 39,358 drivers were prosecuted in court as of December 2018.

The Director General also said that the department plans to implement four more AWAS cameras at the Menora Tunnel after the Chinese New Year this year.

Our recommendation to our readers is to quickly check in portals such as see if have outstanding summonses. While you may be able to appeal to lower your fines in court, you may also run the risk of being fined higher. Plus, no one enjoys having the Police showing up at your doorstep or workplace to serve the warrant and arrest you.


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