

  • Kawasaki Motors Malaysia (KMSB) telah menganjurkan Kempen Keselamatan Jalan Raya Kawasaki tahunan mereka.
  • Diadakan di tol plaza Sungai Besi, kempen ini memasuki tahun ke-empatnya dan berfokus kepada mempertingkatkan keselamatan jalan raya secara keseluruhan bagi para penunggang motosikal.
  • Pemeriksaan keselamatan motosikal 16 bahagian percuma telah dijalankan buat semua motosikal tanpa mengira model mahu pun jenama.


  • Kawasaki Motors Malaysia (KMSB) organised their annual Kawasaki Road Safety Campaign.

  • Held at the Sungai Besi toll plaza, the campaign entered its fourth year focused on improving overall road safety for bikers.

  • Complimentary 16-point bike checks were conducted for all bikes of different brands and models.

In conjunction with the upcoming Chinese New Year 2019 celebrations, Kawasaki Motors Malaysia (KMSB) organised their annual Kawasaki Road Safety Campaign 2019 or “Kempen Keselamatan Jalan Raya Kawasaki 2019”. Held at the Sungai Besi toll plaza (Southbound), the campaign entered its fourth year which was jointly-organised with the Malaysia Motorcycle and Scooter Dealers Association (MMSDA) to promote riding safety. (more…)

  • Seorang lelaki berusia 18 tahun telah mengugut seorang pegawai JPJ dengan sebilah pisau setelah gagal ujian memandunya.
  • Dia telah melakukan berbilang kesalahan trafik termasuklah melanggar lampu isyarat merah sewaktu ujian tersebut.
  • Ini adalah kali ke-empat dia gagal ujian memandu.


  • Lebih daripada 10,000 kemalangan jalan raya adalah akibat daripada penggunaan tayar celup.
  • JPJ akan bekerjasama dengan JKR dan SIRIM untuk menguatkuasakannya.
  • Kita sebagai penunggang motosikal perlulah sentiasa berwaspada dengan cebisan tayar celup di atas jalan raya pada setiap masa.


  • More than 10,000 road accidents resulted from the use of retreaded tyres.

  • The JPJ will work closely with JKR and SIRIM for enforcement.

  • We motorcyclists must watch out for pieces of tyre retread at all times.

One of the biggest dangers for us motorcyclists is hitting a piece of separated truck tyre tread. They are usually the carcasses of retreaded tyres.

There’s not much to cause a motorcycle to lose control and hitting a large piece of tough rubber invariably sends us off the road. We can look forward to extensive bodywork or motorcycle component damage even if we don’t crash.

Apart from that, The Mythbusters conclusively tested that a piece of retread flying off a tyre at speed can decapitate a person standing directly behind.

Last Friday, the Minister of Malaysian Public Road Works, Baru Bian said that more than 10,000 road accidents resulted from retreaded tyres.

JPJ officers checking tyres – The Sun Daily

When contacted by MyMetro, the Chief Director of the Road Transport Department (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan – JPJ) Datuk Seri Shahruddin Khalid said that the department will work closely with the Malaysian Public Works Department (Jabatan Kerja Raya – JKR) and Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM).

The cooperation will look into the issue of enforcement and revision of the quality of retreaded tyres being sold in Malaysia, especially among heavy trucks.

He added that currently available retreaded tyres adhere to the standards set by SIRIM. Only SIRIM can determine if the tyres conform to their standards.

Datuk Seri Shahruddin claims that the problem arises when operators use tyres retreaded by non-licensed retreaders. As such, SIRIM officers ought to perform the checks and enforcements as they are familiar with the standards set by their organisation.

Truth is, Malaysia isn’t the only country with large numbers of retreaded tyre failure, instead it occurs worldwide.

In the meantime, you and I as motorcyclists need to stay vigilant at all times when riding. Besides that, keep your distance from trucks that are travelling at speed on the highways.

  • Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) Perlis telah mengeluarkan amaran buat bengkel motosikal dan para pemilik, melarang sebarang pengubahsuaian haram.
  • Jabatan tersebut telah menahan 15 buah motosikal Yamaha Y15ZR yang telah diubahsuai dalam satu operasi.
  • Antara pengubahsuaian yang telah dilakukan adalah bagi meningkatkan kelajuan puncak, serta ekzos yang terlalu bingit.


  • The Perlis state JPJ sent a warning to motorcycle shops and owners against illegal modifications.

  • The Department caught fifteen modified Yamaha Y15ZRs during an operation.

  • Among the modifications are to increase top speeds and excessively loud exhausts.

The JPJ (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan or Road Transport Ministry, in English) has warned motorcycle workshops against modifying motorcycles.

Shahrul Azhar Mat Dali, Director of JPJ Perlis sent the warning after catching a number of modified motorcycles. 15 modified Yamaha Y15ZRs discovered during an operation on the night of 26thNovember 2018. The department is aware there are a number of workshops carrying out the illegal modifications in the state.

“The customers who request modifications and the workshops agreeing to it are both complicit,” he continued.

“If we catch any more individuals who modified their bikes, the owners will be investigated under Section 114 of the Road Transport Act 1987. If found to be true, the motorcycles will be confiscated, and the owners charged under Section 64(1) of the same Act.”

The Director further added that the JPJ has identified three main active locations of carrying out the modifications. They are Beseri, Serian and Arau. The main offences are modifying motorcycles for more speed and using exhausts that are excessively loud.

The operation is part of JPJ’s advocation program to educate motorcyclists to adhere to road laws. This is in view of the high number of fatalities among motorcyclists in the country.

He also advised all road users to report offences to the JPJ. The Department in Perlis can be reached at 04-9763995 or through email

Sourced from Bernama.

Kamera AES – Sumber imej: NSTP/ASYRAF HAMZAH

Kerajaan akan membatalkan 3.1 juta saman AES (Automated Enforcement System).
Keputusan ini seiringan dengan pengambilalihan operasi AES oleh Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan bermula 1 September 2018.
Menteri Pengangkutan Anthony Loke menekankan yang ini adalah tawaran sekali sahaja.


  • The government is foregoing 3.1 million AES (Automatic Enforcement System) summons.

  • This decision is in line with the Cabinet (JPJ) taking over AES operations from 1st September 2018.

  • Transport Minister Anthony Loke stressed that this is a one-off deal.

The government has announced that they are nullifying speeding summons recorded by the Automated Enforcement System (AES).

Transport Minister Anthony Loke made the announcement during a press conference earlier today in line with the Cabinet’s decision to take over the operations of AES from two private companies beginning 1st September 2018.

“This is a one-off,” he said, “There will not be any more such offers or discounts.”

However, no refunds will be paid to those who have paid their AES summons earlier, to whom the Minister addressed, “I know those who have paid will feel it is unfair that we are cancelling unpaid summons. I would like to say thank you and sorry at the same time.”

Anthony Loke – Courtesy of

Only 690,000 AES summons were paid for since 2012, leaving 3.1 million unpaid worth RM430 million.

The agreement with the current operators is set to end on 31st August 2018, but the government has no plans to renew it. Instead, operations will be taken over by the Road Transport Department (JPJ – Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan). “Operations” means taking of photos and issuance of summons.

The decision to not renew the concessions agreement with Beta Tegap Sdn. Bhd. and ATES Sdn. Bhd. was “because the payment system to these two companies were lopsided and received public backlash. For every summon issued, RM16 was paid to them.”

“In 2015, the (previous) government had ordered Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) through its subsidiary Irat Properties to take over the operations of AES. RM555 million was paid to both companies for just 40 speed cameras along the highways,” revealed Loke.

The Ministry of Transport (MOT) together will start monitoring prices charged by driving institutes to obtain the car and motorcycle licenses.

Together with the Road Transport Department (JPJ), the prices will be regulated to ensure fairness and justice across the country.

MOT minister Anthony Loke promises to look into the matter and driving institutes who are found guilty will get their operating license cancelled.

The Ministry of Transport Malaysia (MOT) will be making a few updates to the way Malaysians obtain their car and motorcycle licenses in the near future. The press conference held earlier today by MOT minister, Anthony Loke touched on several issues, especially overcharging done by driving institutes. (more…)


  • Kawasaki Motors Malaysia (KMSB) dengan secara rasminya telah melancarkan Kempen Keselamatan Jalan Raya Kawasaki 2018 pada awal hari ini.
  • Ini adalah tahun yang ketiga berturut-turut KMSB telah menganjurkannya di Plaza Tol Sungai Besi bagi meningkatkan kesedaran tentang keselamatan jalan raya.
  • Ke semua penunggang motosikal akan boleh melakukan pemeriksaan keselamatan motosikal mereka secara percuma tanpa mengira jenis mahu pun jenama.


Kawasaki Motors Malaysia (KMSB) has officially launched the Kawasaki Road Safety Campaign 2018 earlier today.

This is the third year running KMSB has organised it at the Sungai Besi Toll Plaza to increase awareness on road safety.

All motorcyclists can get their bikes checked absolutely free no matter type or brand.

Kawasaki Motors Malaysia (KMSB) has officially launched the 2018 Kawasaki Road Safety Campaign earlier today. The road safety campaign is held as part of the KMSB’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program to raised road safety awareness ahead of the Chinese New Year holiday. (more…)


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