
Keshy Dhillon

Royal Enfield secara rasmi nya telah melancarkan model roadster keduanya iaitu Guerilla 450.

Dikatakan sebagai varian yang lebih berfokus kepada jalan raya daripada Himalayan 450, Guerilla dibina khas untuk layan korner di pergunungan dan juga di jalan-jalan kota yang padat.

Guerilla dibangunkan di sekitar Barcelona, dan walaupun kami hanya diberi sedikit maklumat mengenai motosikal ini dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini, Royal Enfield telah bekerja secara senyap pada motosikal ini sejak 2019.

Tetapi kami tidak boleh berknogsi tentang bagaimana rasanya kerana terdapat embargo yang sedang berlangsung yang tidak membenarkan ulasan diterbitkan sehingga 27 Julai. Ini kerana acara uji pandu di Barcelona masih berlangsung dan masih ramai wartawan yang belum menunggang motosikal tersebut.

Apa yang boleh kami beritahu anda adalah spesifikasi dan kami juga boleh menunjukkan reka bentuk motosikal ini, kali ini dengan butiran penuh tanpa bahagian kabur.

Guerilla 450 berkongsi banyak komponen dengan abangnya, Himalayan 450, jadi kami memberi amaran sekarang bahawa akan ada banyak rujukan kepada Himalayan. Harap ber sabar dengan kami.

Reka bentuknya adalah perbezaan terbesar (dan paling jelas), tetapi terdapat elemen model Hunter 350, yang tidak begitu mengejutkan kerana kedua-duanya pada dasarnya adalah Roadster.

Bermula dengan tayar, Guerilla menggunakan tayar Ceat Gripp XL Rad yang sama yang pertama kali kami lihat pada, ya, Himalayan. Tayar ini dibina khusus untuk motosikal pengembaraan tetapi Royal Enfield mengatakan tayar kompaun keras ini telah diubah suai untuk Guerilla.

Tayar ini meliputi satu set roda 17-inci di hadapan dan belakang sementara kuasa brek diuruskan oleh cakera 310mm di hadapan yang diapit oleh kaliper ByBre dua piston. Bahagian belakang dikawal oleh kaliper satu piston dengan cakera 270mm. Kedua-duanya disokong oleh sistem ABS dua saluran.

Suspensi terdiri daripada fork teleskopik 43mm di hadapan dengan 140mm perjalanan sementara monoshock dengan 150mm perjalanan menguruskan bahagian belakang, dan boleh disesuaikan untuk pre-load atau pra-beban.

Fork mempunyai sudut rake 21.8 darjah yang 4 darjah kurang daripada Himalayan sementara jejaknya berukuran 91mm, 27mm lebih pendek daripada Himalayan.

Ini menghasilkan motosikal dengan jarak roda 70mm lebih pendek pada 1440mm dan panjang keseluruhan 2090mm, yang lebih pendek 155mm daripada abangnya.

Berkenaan dengan dimensi, Guerilla sesuai untuk mereka yang mempunyai cabaran ketinggian. Ia mempunyai ketinggian keseluruhan 1125mm (turun 191mm dari H besar) sementara tempat duduk hanya 780mm dari tanah. Terdapat pilihan tempat duduk tinggi yang duduk 800mm dari tanah serta pilihan tempat duduk rendah yang duduk 760mm. Ini menjadikan Guerilla sesuai untuk semua binaan badan.

Dari segi berat, Guerilla hanya seberat 185kg (berat kasar dengan 90% bahan api dan pelincir) dan itu menjadikannya 11kg lebih ringan daripada Himalayan.

Bagi teknologi, Guerilla mempunyai lampu depan LED bulat yang sama seperti Himalayan dan bahagian belakang juga mempunyai isyarat belok LED yang juga berfungsi sebagai lampu brek.

Panel instrumen empat inci berwarna juga sama seperti Himalayan dan menawarkan sambungan telefon pintar melalui aplikasi Royal Enfield yang khusus. Mengenai navigasi, daripada mencipta semula roda, Royal Enfield hanya mengintegrasikan Google Maps ke dalam aplikasi dan dengan itu memberikan navigasi belok demi belok pada panel meter itu sendiri.

Selain daripada perkongsian komponen yang jelas, bahagian terbesar adalah enjinnya sendiri. Enjin 452cc hampir tidak berubah daripada yang terdapat pada Himalayan dan menghasilkan 40PS dan 40Nm tork.

Apa yang telah berubah adalah keadaan penalaan, dengan Royal Enfield mengatakan bahawa Guerilla mempunyai tork pertengahan terbaik dalam kelasnya.

Transmisi enam kelajuan juga 90% serupa dengan hanya pemacu akhir yang sedikit lebih tinggi. Terdapat juga klac bantuan dan slipper klac yang menjadikan tuas berasa sangat ringan, yang berguna dalam lalu lintas.

Enjin dipasang pada rangka tiub keluli yang sama seperti Himalayan walaupun ia telah diubah sedikit sementara sub-framenya adalah semua baru.

Royal Enfield mengatakan bahawa jisim keseluruhan motosikal telah diletakkan lebih rendah dan ke hadapan untuk memberikan rasa yang lebih tangkas di dalam dan luar selekoh.

Tangki bahan api 11 liter sebaliknya adalah semua baru dan diperbuat daripada logam, dan angka penggunaan bahan api rasmi dinilai pada 29.5km per liter yang memberikan jarak teori yang lebih 300km.

Terdapat pelbagai warna dan banyak aksesori rasmi Royal Enfield untuk menyesuaikan watak motosikal ini.

Dari segi harga, rakyat Malaysia perlu menunggu sehingga motosikal ini dilancarkan secara rasmi untuk itu tetapi jangkakan harga di bawah RM40k.

Harga untuk pasaran dunia adalah seperti berikut di bawah:

We have been teased, we have read leaked spec sheets and even seen blurred out images, but it has all come to an end now as Royal Enfield has officially unveiled its second roadster model – the Guerilla 450.

Said to be the road going variant of the successful Himalayan 450, the Guerilla is at home in the mountains as it is on the streets of a densely populated urban city. Hence why the chosen launch location, the vibrant and historic city of Barcelona is such an apt location.

The Guerilla was developed in and around Barcelona, and though we have only been fed some information about the bike in the past few months, Royal Enfield has been quietly working on the bike since 2019. That is a long time in the making, but as they say, good things come to those who wait and after having ridden it, we can say that it is indeed a very good thing.

But we can’t tell you much about how it feels like because of an on-going embargo that does not allow reviews to be published until the 27th of July. That is because the test ride event in Barcelona is still on-going and there still are many journalists who are yet to ride the bike. So to level the playing field, Royal Enfield put out an embargo, and we respect that.

What we can tell you though are the specifications and we can also show you what the bike looks like, in detail this time with no blurred out parts.

The Guerilla 450 shares a lot of its underpinnings with its sibling, the Himalayan, so we are warning you right now that there will be a lot of Himalayan references coming up. Bear with us.

The design though is the biggest (and most obvious) difference. But there are elements of the Hunter 350, which is not all that surprising since the two are essentially Roadsters.

Starting with the tyres, the Guerilla runs on the same Ceat Gripp XL Rad tyres that we first saw on the, you guessed it, Himalayan. The tyres were built specifically for the adventure bike but Royal Enfield says the hard compound tyres have been repurposed for the Guerilla.

The tyres wrap a set of 17-inch wheels front and back while braking power is managed by a 310mm disc up front that is gripped by a dual-piston ByBre caliper. The rear is kept in check by a 270mm single-piston caliper. Both are further backed up by a dual-channel ABS system.

Suspension consists of a 43mm telescopic fork up front with 140mm of travel while a monoshock with 150mm of travel manages the rear. The latter is adjustable for pre-load.

The forks have a rake angle of 21.8 degrees which is 4 degrees less than the Himalayans while the trail measures in at 91mm, a full 27mm shorter than the Himalayan.

This results in the bike have a 70mm shorter wheelbase at 1440mm and overall length of 2090mm, which is shorter by 155mm than its bigger brother.

On the topic of dimensions, the Guerilla is ideal for those who are challenged in the height department. It has an overall height of 1125mm (down by 191mm from the big H) while the seat is just 780mm off the ground. There is an high seat option that sits 800mm off the ground as well as a low seat option that sits 760mm. This makes the Geurilla well suited for all builds.

In terms of weight, the Guerilla weighs just 185kg (kerb with 90% fuel and lubricants) and that makes it 11kg lighter than the Himalayan.

As for tech, the Guerilla has the same circular LED headlight as the Himalayan and the rear too has LED turn signals which also double up as the brake lights.

The colourised four-inch instrument panel is also the same as the Himalayan and offers smart phone connectivity through a dedicated Royal Enfield application. When it comes to navigation, rather than reinventing the wheel, Royal Enfield simply integrated Google Maps into the app and thus gives you turn-by-turn navigation on the meter panel itself. The display is truly extraordinary.

Now to the juicy bits.

Besides the obvious sharing of components, the biggest bit is the engine itself. The 452cc engine is almost unchanged from the one in the Himalayan and makes 40PS and 40Nm of torque.

What has changed though is its state of tune, with Royal Enfield saying that the Guerilla boasts best in class mid-range torque.

The six-speed transmission too is 90% identical with only the final drive being slightly taller. There is also the assist and slipper clutch that makes the lever feel ultra-light, which comes in handy in traffic.

The engine is mounted onto the same steel tubular frame as the Himalayan though it has been slightly modified while the sub-frame is all-new.

Royal Enfield says that the overall mass of the bike has been placed lower and towards the front of the bike to give it a more nimble feel in and out of corners.

The 11-litre fuel tank on the other hand is all new and made of metal, and the official fuel consumption figure is rated at 29.5km per litre which provides a theoretical range of a little over 300km.

There are a host of different colour ways and a bunch of official Royal Enfield accessories to match the character of the bike.

In terms of pricing, Malaysians will have to wait till the bike is officially launched for that but expect a sub-RM40k price tag.

As for the rest of the world, the prices are below:

Here’s a full gallery of over 160 photos of close-ups and action shots:

– Bajaj telah akhirnya memperkenalkan Pulsar NS200 yang dinantikan setelah berbulan-bulan menunggu.

– Meskipun belum sepenuhnya diperkenalkan, iklan TV baru telah menunjukkan lampu hadapan LED yang telah diperbaharui dengan DRL LED bersepadu, menandakan perubahan dari reka bentuk model sebelumnya.

– Pulsar NS200 2024 juga mempunyai konsol instrumen digital yang direka semula dan gear suis yang dikemas kini, menyerupai penambahbaikan terkini.

– NS200 yang sedang digunakan sebelum ini, diperkenalkan pada tahun 2012, telah mengekalkan konsol instrumen semi-digital dengan perubahan yang minima.

– Skrin instrumen digital LCD baru menawarkan penyambungan Bluetooth, memudahkan integrasi yang lancar dengan Aplikasi Bajaj Ride Connect, memberi pengguna akses kepada panggilan, mesej teks, kekuatan isyarat mudah alih, kesihatan bateri, dan navigasi.

– Gear suis yang dikemas kini memperkenalkan butang Mod yang khusus untuk menavigasi fungsi paparan instrumen LCD yang baru.

– Bajaj Pulsar NS200 menerima penyegaran visual dengan grafik yang lebih sporty, decal, dan pengenalan pilihan warna baru seperti Hitam Licin Ebony, Mutiara Putih Metalik, Merah Anggur Koktel – Putih, dan Kelabu Pewter – Biru.

– Meskipun mengekalkan kekuatan mekanikalnya, NS200 terus menampilkan fork USD dan ABS dua saluran standard.

– Sistem brek terdiri daripada cakera 300 mm dan 230 mm di bahagian hadapan dan belakang, masing-masing, bersama dengan penyerap hentakan mono Nitrox di bahagian belakang.

– Kedua-dua roda hadapan dan belakang dipasang dengan tayar 17 inci (100/80 hadapan dan 130/70 belakang).

– Penggerak NS200 adalah enjin 199.5 cc, sejuk cecair, spark tiga kali, 4-ventil, FI DTS-i, memberikan kuasa maksimum 24.5 PS dan tork puncak 18.74 Nm. Ia dipadankan dengan kotak gear 6-kelajuan.

– Dengan pembaharuan ini, Bajaj Pulsar NS200 2024 mungkin akan mengalami kenaikan harga yang sederhana.

– Bagi rakyat Malaysia, Bajaj Pulsar dikenali sebagai Modenas Pulsar kerana ia dipasang dan diedarkan oleh pengilang motosikal kebangsaan.

– Pulsar telah mencapai kejayaan kerana ia menawarkan nilai yang baik untuk wang, tetapi pembaharuan telah terhenti untuk sementara waktu dan kini Pulsar kelihatan dan terasa ketinggalan berbanding dengan pesaing. Jadi, sudah tiba masanya model Malaysia diperbaharui.

After months of stagnation, Bajaj has finally introduced the eagerly awaited Pulsar NS200.

Though not yet fully introduced, a new TV commercial has shown an upgraded LED headlight featuring integrated LED DRL, signaling a departure from the previous model’s design.

The 2024 Pulsar NS200 also boasts a redesigned digital instrument console and updated switchgear, echoing the recent enhancements observed in some of the top-spec variants of Pulsar N150 and N160.

The outgoing NS200, introduced in 2012, has maintained its semi-digital instrument console with minimal changes. The new LCD digital instrument screen features Bluetooth connectivity, facilitating seamless integration with the Bajaj Ride Connect App.

Users gain access to a wealth of information, including calls, text messages, mobile signal strength, battery health, and turn-by-turn navigation. The revamped switchgear introduces a dedicated Mode button for navigating the functions of the new LCD instrument display.

The Bajaj Pulsar NS200 receives a visual makeover with sportier graphics, decals, and the introduction of new color options. The existing color palette includes Glossy Ebony Black, Metallic Pearl White, Cocktail Wine Red – White, and Pewter Grey – Blue.

While retaining much of its mechanical prowess, the NS200 continues to feature USD forks and standard dual-channel ABS. The braking system consists of 300 mm and 230 mm discs at the front and rear, respectively, along with a Nitrox mono shock absorber at the rear. Both front and rear wheels are fitted with 17-inch tires (100/80 front and 130/70 rear).

Powering the NS200 is the same 199.5 cc, single-cylinder, liquid-cooled, triple spark, 4-valve, FI DTS-i engine, delivering 24.5 PS of maximum power and 18.74 Nm of peak torque. It is mated to a 6-speed gearbox.

With these updates, the 2024 Bajaj Pulsar NS200 may see a modest price increase.

For Malaysians, the Bajaj Pulsar is known as the Modenas Pulsar since it is assembled and distributed by the national bike maker.

The Pulsar has enjoyed success since it offers good value for money. But the updates have stopped for a while and the Pulsar now looks and feels dated as compared to the competition. So it is about time that the Malaysian model is updated.

Honda telah memperkenalkan model NX400 dan CBR400R untuk pasaran Jepun, dan berikut adalah ringkasan tentang kedua-dua motor baharu itu:

– Varian 400cc NX500, diperkenalkan sebagai NX400 di Jepun.
– Menggantikan model rentas 400X 2013.
– Mewarisi warisan model sebelumnya dengan pelbagai penambahbaikan.
– Reka bentuk segar dengan ciri-ciri yang diperbaharui.
– Dilengkapi dengan Kawalan Tork Pilih Honda dan paparan TFT warna 5 inci.
– Sokongan untuk Honda RoadSync app membolehkan pengguna menyambungkan telefon pintar melalui Bluetooth.
– Warna: Mutiara Glare Putih, Merah Grand Prix, Matte Ballistic Black Metallic.

– Model CBR400R telah dikemas kini untuk pasaran Jepun.
– Peningkatan pada topi lampu, lampu hadapan, dan lampu belakang.
– Saluran udara baru dengan winglet dan celahan pada kubah tengah menambah daya tarikan sporty.
– Pilihan warna: Merah Grand Prix, Matte Ballistic Black Metallic.

Perbandingan Fizikal:
– NX400 memiliki dimensi yang lebih besar berbanding CBR400R.
– NX400: 2150 × 830 × 1390mm, CBR400R: 2080 × 760 × 1145mm.
– NX400 mempunyai jarak roda dan ruang kejelasan yang lebih panjang berbanding CBR400R.
– Berat NX400 adalah 191kg, lebih berat 5kg daripada CBR400R.
– NX400 menggunakan roda depan 19 inci dan roda belakang 17 inci, sementara CBR400R mempunyai roda 17 inci di kedua-dua hujung.

Spesifikasi Lain-lain:
– Kedua-dua model mempunyai sistem brek cakera berganda di bahagian hadapan dan cakera tunggal di bahagian belakang.
– Dilengkapi dengan Showa SFF-BP inverted fork dan kop clutch bantu dan selipan.
– Enjin: Honda 399cc, NC65E, silinder kembar.
– Kuasa: 46PS, tork 38Nm, dengan kotak gear yang sama.
– Tangki bahan api: 17 liter.

– CBR400R: 863,500 Yen (RM27,526).
– NX400: 891,000 Yen (RM28,403).
– Harga tidak termasuk cukai tempatan dan boleh berubah mengikut pasaran tempatan.

Di bawah adalah spesifikasi penuh untuk kedua-dua motosikal ini.


During the 2023 EICMA event in Milan, Honda unveiled the NX500 and CBR500R. Among the highlights was the revelation of a 400cc variant of the NX500, now introduced as the NX400 in Japan. Serving as the successor to the 2013 400X crossover model, the NX400 inherits its legacy while bringing forth a range of enhancements.

Also new to the range for the Japanese market is the updated CBR400R.

The 2024 NX400 emerges as a contemporary street adventure motorcycle, showcasing a refreshed design and upgraded features. Noteworthy additions to both the NX400 and CBR400R include Honda Selectable Torque Control and a vibrant 5-inch full-color TFT display. Through the integration of the Honda RoadSync app, riders can seamlessly connect their smartphones via Bluetooth, granting access to calls, messages, music, and turn-by-turn navigation.

In terms of aesthetics, the 2024 CBR400R receives a facelift with modifications to the headlamp cowl, headlight, and tail light. The incorporation of new ducts, adorned with winglets and slits on the middle cowls, enhances the bike’s sporty allure. Colour options for the CBR400R include the striking Grand Prix Red and the understated Matte Ballistic Black Metallic, the latter presenting an alluring all-black theme. These color schemes are also available for the NX400, alongside the Pearl Glare White option, adding to the visual appeal of both models.

Physically, the 2024 NX400 boasts larger dimensions, measuring 2150 × 830 × 1390mm compared to the CBR400R’s 2080 × 760 × 1145mm frame. The NX400 also features a longer wheelbase of 1435mm, while the CBR400R measures 1410mm. Additionally, the NX400 offers superior ground clearance at 150mm, compared to the CBR400R’s 130mm.

Weighing in at 5kg heavier than its counterpart, the NX400 tips the scales at 191kg.

Wheel specifications differ as well, with the NX400 sporting 19-inch front and 17-inch rear wheels, while the CBR400R opts for 17-inch wheels on both ends.

Both models feature a braking setup comprising double discs at the front and a single disc at the rear, ensuring optimal stopping power. Furthermore, the inclusion of features such as the Showa SFF-BP inverted fork and assist and slipper clutch further enhances the riding experience, building upon the foundations laid by their predecessors.

Both models also run on the same Honda 399cc, NC65E water-cooled, twin-cylinder engine. Both bikes offer the same amount of power – 46PS and 38Nm of torque, and the same gearbox with identical gearing. They also share the same 17 litre fuel tank. So the real question is whether you like to ride sitting up or a more aggressive sportier sitting position.

Full specifications are available below, and as for pricing, the CBR400R is priced at 863,500 (RM27,526) Yen while the NX400 is priced at 891,000 Yen (RM28,403). All prices do not include local taxes and are subject to change in your local market.


– Triumph telah memperkenalkan ciri-ciri baru dan peningkatan untuk keluarga Tiger 1200 untuk tahun 2024.

– Peningkatan prestasi enjin yang lebih halus dan terkawal, terutamanya pada kelajuan rendah dengan ciri enjin triple 1160cc yang terkenal.

– Perubahan pada enjin termasuk crankshaft, rotor alternator, dan balancer untuk meningkatkan inersia enjin, serta penyesuaian kalibrasi enjin.

– Penyesuaian tersebut menghasilkan kelancaran yang lebih tinggi semasa pemecutan dan brek, terutamanya pada kelajuan rendah.

– Reka bentuk semula penyeimbangan enjin untuk meningkatkan keselesaan pada pelbagai titik sentuhan pengendara.

– Redesign pada tempat duduk untuk memberikan lebih banyak ruang dan mengurangkan keletihan semasa perjalanan panjang.

– Penambahan pilihan tempat duduk rendah yang direka semula untuk keselesaan yang lebih baik.

– Pengenalan klac lever yang lebih panjang untuk memberikan ruang tambahan kepada jari pengendara.

– Peningkatan kelongsongan untuk meningkatkan keyakinan pengendara semasa membuat selekoh.

– Pengenalan ciri Pengurangan Beban Pramasa Aktif yang membolehkan penurunan ketinggian tempat duduk hingga 20mm dengan menekan butang ‘Home’ pada cub switch.

Tiger 1200 kini ada dalam empat varian dengan pilihan warna baru untuk tahun 2024:

– Tiger 1200 GT Pro dan GT Explorer hadir dalam warna Carnival Red, Snowdonia White, dan Sapphire Black.
– Tiger 1200 Rally Pro dan Rally Explorer hadir dalam warna baru Matt Sandstorm dan Jet Black, serta Matt Khaki yang popular.

Triumph has unveiled an array of new features and upgrades for its Tiger 1200 family in 2024, elevating the range to new heights of advancement and sophistication. The enhancements encompass refined engine performance, improved comfort and ergonomics, enhanced cornering capabilities, reduced seat height with Active Preload Reduction, and vibrant new color options.

According to Triumph, the renowned 1160cc triple engine now offers an even smoother and more controlled riding experience, particularly at low speeds, while retaining its distinctive triple character derived from its T-plane crank. The engineering team at Triumph has fine-tuned the engine by modifying the crankshaft, alternator rotor, and balancer to enhance engine inertia, along with corresponding adjustments to engine calibration. These refinements result in heightened smoothness during acceleration and deceleration, especially noticeable at lower speeds. Additionally, an updated clutch design ensures a smoother engagement when shifting into first gear.

Furthermore, Triumph has prioritised all-day comfort for riders embarking on long-distance journeys with the Tiger 1200. A revised engine balancing strategy contributes to a smoother and more refined engine performance, enhancing comfort across various rider touchpoints. Borrowing from the successful Explorer models, dampened handlebars and risers have been incorporated into the GT Pro and Rally Pro, providing a smoother ride and improved mirror visibility.

The rider seat has undergone a redesign, featuring a flatter profile to offer riders more space and reduce fatigue during extended trips. Additionally, the accessory low seat, which lowers the seat position by 20mm, has been redesigned for enhanced comfort. A longer clutch lever has also been introduced to provide additional space for riders’ fingers, further enhancing comfort on extended journeys.

Triumph has raised the cornering ground clearance of the Tiger 1200 GT Pro and GT Explorer models by adjusting the footpeg positions, thereby increasing rider confidence during cornering maneuvers. The introduction of the Active Preload Reduction feature allows riders to lower the seat height by up to 20mm simply by pressing the ‘Home’ button for one second on the switch cube as the Tiger 1200 slows to a stop.

The Tiger 1200 is now available in some markets in four variants, featuring new colors for 2024. The Tiger 1200 GT Pro and GT Explorer are offered in striking Carnival Red, in addition to Snowdonia White and Sapphire Black. The Tiger 1200 Rally Pro and Rally Explorer come in stylish new Matt Sandstorm and Jet Black options, alongside the popular Matt Khaki.

Steve Sargent, Chief Product Officer, expressed enthusiasm for the 2024 updates, highlighting their potential to enhance the riding experience and expand the Tiger 1200’s global appeal. Since its debut in 2021, the latest generation Tiger 1200 has garnered significant sales success worldwide, with the Tiger 1200 GT Explorer notably chosen by Enduro World Champion Ivan Cervantes for his Guinness World Records feat of covering the greatest distance on a motorcycle in 24 hours.

– Kerjasama yang diumumkan pada Mac 2023 antara BMW Motorrad Motorsport dan NORDOEL telah menghasilkan bahan api bertujuan untuk mengurangkan impak alam sekitar perlumbaan.

– Dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi terkini dan proses pengeluaran lestari, satu bahan api telah dibangunkan yang tidak hanya mengekalkan prestasi enjin tetapi juga secara signifikan mengurangkan pelepasan CO2 semasa fasa pengeluaran.

– Bahan api RacE-Fuel WSBK R40-A yang dikurangkan CO2, dengan perkongsian regeneratif sekurang-kurangnya 40%, akan memulakan penampilan rasmi pada permulaan musim Kejuaraan Dunia Superbike FIM (WorldSBK) di Australia.

– Ujian awal dengan bahan api alternatif berjaya diselesaikan pada Januari di Jerez, Sepanyol, dan Portimao, Portugal.

– Ini diikuti oleh pembangunan di fasiliti ujian enjin di Munich.

– Semasa ujian di selatan Eropah, Pasukan ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK, Pasukan Perlumbaan Bonovo action BMW, dan Pasukan Ujian BMW Motorrad WorldSBK mengoptimumkan kecekapan dan prestasi bahan api alternatif untuk perlumbaan.

– Kebolehtampakan dan kesiapan untuk menggunakan bahan api regeneratif RacE-Fuel WSBK R40-A, dengan sekurang-kurangnya 40% kandungan “bukan fosil” seperti yang ditetapkan oleh peraturan FIM bagi tahun 2024, telah disahkan.

– Dengan itu, RacE-Fuel WSBK R40-A menjadi bahan api regeneratif pertama berdasarkan MtG (Methanol-to-Gasoline).

– Kerjasama antara BMW Motorrad Motorsport dan NORDOEL kekal sebagai pemangkin dalam pembangunan teknologi lestari dalam perlumbaan.

The collaboration unveiled in March 2023 between BMW Motorrad Motorsport and NORDOEL has resulted in the creation of a fuel aimed at mitigating the environmental impact of racing. Through the integration of advanced technologies and sustainable production processes, a fuel has been formulated to uphold engine performance while notably curtailing CO2 emissions during production. The CO2-reduced fuel, known as RacE-Fuel WSBK R40-A, boasting a regenerative share of at least 40%, will make its official debut at the onset of the FIM Superbike World Championship (WorldSBK) season in Australia.

Initial trials with the alternative fuel were successfully conducted in January in Jerez, Spain, and Portimao, Portugal. These trials followed extensive development hours at the engine testing facilities in Munich. During the trials in southern Europe, the ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team, Bonovo action BMW Racing Team, and BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Test Team honed the efficiency and performance of the alternative fuel for motorsports.

The competitiveness and usability of the regenerative fuel RacE-Fuel WSBK R40-A, complying with the FIM regulations requiring a minimum of 40% “non-fossil” content for 2024, were affirmed. Consequently, RacE-Fuel WSBK R40-A stands as the pioneering regenerative fuel based on MtG (Methanol-to-Gasoline). Ongoing development endeavours seek to deepen insights from previous experiments and identify potential areas for enhancement.

– Syarikat-syarikat motosikal telah menawarkan bantuan sistem elektronik yang lebih baik, aerodinamik yang lebih liar, dan apa sahaja yang mereka fikirkan untuk menjadikan motosikal ini lebih pantas di trek perlumbaan.

– Cadangan terbaru BMW Motorrad? Aerodinamik aktif yang boleh dipasangkan pada M atau S 1000 RR.

– Cadangan paten BMW untuk mengambil winglet aerodinamik statik tradisional yang akhir-akhir ini telah dipasangkan pada superbike dan menjadikannya aktif secara automatik.

– Idea tersebut adalah bahawa winglet statik baik untuk membantu menstabilkan motosikal semasa motosikal menegak dan untuk mengurangkan wheelie, yang pada gilirannya memberi lebih cengkaman kepada pemandu.

– Tetapi aerodinamik statik tidak membantu dalam selekoh di mana aliran udara menjadi aneh, menyebabkan pelbagai masalah bagi rider dan mereka di belakang mereka.

– Dengan bahagian dinamik ini, jurutera BMW dapat mengurangkan masalah penyaliran udara tersebut sambil mengalirkan ke mana mereka mahu meningkatkan daya tekan keseluruhan motosikal melalui selekoh, tanpa mengorbankan kestabilan di sepanjang trek.

– Dalam satu paten yang baru, sistem aero yang ditunjukkan berfungsi seperti biasa tidak kira bagaimana motosikal  bercondong, winglet itu akan sentiasa kekal selari dengan permukaan jalan.

– Ini kemudian menjaga semua daya tekan dan mengarah ke arah yang betul.

– Teknologi yang dicadangkan adalah untuk membantu BMW bersaing dalam WSBK, bukan untuk kami yang gemuk makan donut jelly.

– Ya, ada kemungkinan besar yang sistem ini akan diperkenalkan di S 1000 RR tidak lama lagi, tetapi seperti semua teknologi menarik yang dibawa ke MotoGP dari Aprilia, Ducati, dan Honda—aero aktif adalah haram dalam MotoGP.

– Teknologi ini munkin akan sampai ke pengguna biasa dan sesuatu yang sejajar dengan spesifikasi homologasi. Fikirkan tentang Ducati Panigale V4 SP2, Honda Fireblade SP, dan BMW M 1000 RR.

– Mengenai bagaimana sistem BMW akan berfungsi, itu masih dirahsiakan kerana paten tidak memberikan banyak butiran selain daripada winglet yang berkait dengan aktuator.

– Tetapi kerana pengesan sudut condong adalah peralatan standard pada hampir setiap motosikal baru, dan yang membantu superbike moden dengan kawalan daya cengkaman, kawalan kestabilan, ada kemungkinan yang BMW akan mengaitkannya dengan sistem-sistem itu.

A competitive frenzy has long been unfolding in the realm of superbikes. Motorcycle manufacturers are pushing the limits, each vying to unleash more power, refine electronic aids, engineer wilder aerodynamics, and innovate beyond boundaries to enhance track performance. BMW Motorrad, in its latest move, has introduced active aerodynamics to its M and S 1000 RR models.

In BMW’s patent proposal, the conventional static aerodynamic winglets, increasingly seen on superbikes, undergo a transformation into active components. While static winglets effectively stabilise motorcycles in straight-line acceleration and reduce wheelies, they falter in corners where airflow dynamics become unpredictable, posing challenges for riders and trailing competitors.

The integration of dynamic elements enables BMW engineers to mitigate airflow disruptions in corners, redirecting it strategically to amplify overall downforce through the bends without compromising track stability. The patented system ensures that regardless of the bike’s lean angle, the winglets maintain parallel alignment with the road surface, optimising downforce application—an engineering feat poised to revolutionise track performance.

It’s evident that BMW’s strategic focus with this technology lies in enhancing its competitiveness in World Superbike Championship (WSBK) events rather than catering to casual riders traversing local roads or highways. While the technology may eventually trickle down to consumer models like the S 1000 RR, akin to the incorporation of cutting-edge features from MotoGP into commercial motorcycles, it’s worth noting that active aerodynamics remain prohibited in MotoGP, reserved exclusively for professional riders.

What may transpire for average consumers is akin to a homologation special like Ducati’s Panigale V4 SP2, Honda’s Fireblade SP, or BMW’s M 1000 RR, where manufacturers crafted high-performance machines accessible to the public.

While specific details regarding BMW’s active aerodynamic system remain undisclosed in the patent, it’s inferred that the winglets are equipped with actuators, potentially integrated with lean-angle sensors prevalent in modern superbikes to complement existing traction control, stability systems, and drift modes.

Regardless of its eventual consumer application, BMW’s foray into active aerodynamics promises an exhilarating future. While not every rider may harness its full potential, enthusiasts outside the elite echelons of WSBK, Isle of Man, and MotoGP can anticipate a new era of performance innovation in the superbike landscape.


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