
mv agusta

MV Agusta Enduro Veloce telah dilancarkan. Ia bukanlah MV baharu, sebaliknya ia “hanya” nama ketiga untuk Lucky Explorer 9.5.

Ia pada mulanya dipanggil Lucky Explorer 9.5, sebagai penghormatan kepada Cagiva Elefant tajaan Lucky Strike yang memenangi Rali Dakar pada tahun 90-an. Tahun lepas, nama itu kemudiannya ditukar kepada LXP Orioli selepas Edi Orioli yang menunggang Elefant itu untuk kemenangan itu. Dan kini, MV Agusta Enduro Veloce pula. Pengeluaran akan bermula pada Mei 2024 dan dijangka tiba di bilik pameran pengedar luar negara sebelum akhir tahun.

Oleh itu, motosikal semasa adalah sama dengan LXP Orioli yang disebutkan di atas.

Ciri-ciri utama:
  • Enjin tiga silinder sebaris 931cc menghasilkan 124bhp dan 102Nm.
  • Enjin mempunyai aci engkol pusingan balas (counter-rotating crankshaft)  untuk mengurangkan kesan giroskopik aci engkol.
  • Fork hadapan 48mm boleh laras sepenuhnya dan monoshock belakang boleh laras untuk pramuat sahaja yang memberikan gerakan 210mm.
  • Kaliper brek depan ialah Brembo Stylema yang mencengkam cakera 320mm.
  • Lapan tahap kawalan cengkaman iaitu lima untuk jalan raya, dua tetapan luar jalan dan satu untuk permukaan basah.
  • Penunggang boleh memasukkan sama ada dia menggunakan tayar on-road atau off-road dan sistem kawalan cengkaman akan mempunyai tetapan yang berbeza.
  • Ciri elektronik lain seperti kawalan brek enjin dengan dua tetapan, kawalan pelancaran, kawalan pelayaran, kawalan roda, ABS selekoh, kawalan lif roda belakang.
  • Empat mod tunggangan (ya, ia berasingan daripada kawalan cengkaman), Urban, Touring, Off-Road, Custom All-Terrain.
  • Data kawalan daya tarikan dimasukkan ke dalam IMU enam paksi.
  • Paparan TFT 7-inci, dan kawalan bar hendal lampu belakang MV Agusta biasa.
  • Pilihan warna adalah mana-mana warna yang anda mahukan asalkan Ago Red dan Ago Silver (two tone).
  • Harga jualan yang disyorkan di UK ialah £21,800 (RM130,789.10).

Baru-baru ini, kami menyiarkan satu artikel tentang MV Agusta mungkin menghadapi masalah kewangan selepas prestasi buruk pada tahun 2023. Kami juga menyebut bahawa Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MV, Timur Sardarov, bertegas untuk tidak melepaskan kawalan syarikat kepada Pierer Mobility Group (KTM, Husqvarna, GasGas). Dan secara tiba-tiba, berita tersebar bahawa Pierer Mobility baru sahaja memperolehi pegangan kawalan dalam MV Agusta.

Pierer Mobility Group (PMG) telah menjelaskan bahawa mereka ingin memperoleh pegangan kawalan dalam MV sejak pembelian awal 25% saham MV Agusta pada 2020. Pemuktamadkan perjanjian itu melihat PMG menjadi pemegang saham majoriti apabila mereka mengeluarkan opsyen panggilan, justeru meningkatkan bahagian mereka dalam MV kepada 50.1%.

Perjanjian itu juga menyaksikan perubahan dalam perniagaan harian MV. Hubert Trunkenpolz menggantikan Timur Sardarov sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif dan Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah. (Hubert ialah anak saudara kepada Hans Trunkenpolz, yang mengasaskan KTM. Itulah huruf “T” dalam nama KTM.) Sardarov akan kekal bersama MV sebagai Naib Pengerusi. Selain itu, PMG merancang untuk mengembangkan ibu pejabat MV di Varese, Itali.

Sadarov berkata:

“MV Agusta merangkumi semangat dan rasa percintaan yang unik yang menawan saya, seorang usahawan berpengalaman, sejak hari pertama. Cabaran peribadi untuk membimbing syarikat keluar daripada krisis dan mengemudinya ke arah kejayaan melalui strategi perniagaan yang inovatif, pengembangan pasukan dan pembangunan produk baharu telah berjaya ditakluki. Ia adalah satu penghormatan untuk memainkan peranan dalam membentuk legasi MV Agusta. Sepanjang lima tahun yang lalu, kedua-dua syarikat dan saya telah berkembang dengan ketara. Pertumbuhan kami bersama-sama adalah bukti perjalanan transformatif yang telah kami kongsikan. Masa saya bersama MV Agusta telah menjadi babak penting dalam hidup saya, dipenuhi dengan kegembiraan dan cabaran bersama. Semasa saya terus berkhidmat sebagai Naib Pengerusi yang berdedikasi, saya komited untuk menyokong syarikat dan kejayaan berterusannya.”

Jadi apa akan jadi lepas ini? KTM pernah menegaskan bahawa mereka tidak mahu mengeluarkan lagi motosikal sportbike sejak pengeluaran RC8 tamat, atas sebab tidak mahu membahayakan pelanggan mereka. Bagi segmen naked pula, KTM sudah mempunyai pangkalan mereka yang diliputi dengan 890 Duke R dan 1390 Super Duke R. Malah, KTM, GasGas, Husqvarna telah merangkumi banyak segmen di kalangan mereka, lebih-lebih lagi KTM.

Atau adakah PMG akan meneruskan dengan mengeluarkan barisan MV Agustas yang sedia ada?

Masa akan menentukan.

MV Agusta dalam Kesukaran (Lagi)?

We recently ran a story about how MV Agusta may be in financial trouble after a dismal performance in 2023. We also mentioned that MV’s CEO Timur Sardarov was adamant in not relinquishing control of the company to the giant Pierer Mobility Group (KTM, Husqvarna, GasGas). Well, news just broke that Pierer Mobility has indeed acquired a controlling stake in MV Agusta.

Pierer Mobility Group (PMG) has made clear that they wish to acquire a controlling stake in MV since their initial 25% purchase in 2020. The finalisation of the agreement sees PMG as the controlling shareholder when they issued a call option, increasing their share in MV to 50.1%.

The deal also sees a shakeup in MV’s day-to-day business. Hubert Trunkenpolz replaces Timur Sardarov as the CEO and Chairmon of the Board of Director. (Hubert is the nephew of Hans Trunkenpolz, who co-founded KTM, hence the “T” in brand’s name.) Sardarov will remain with MV in the role of Vice-Chairman. Apart from that, PMG is planning to expand MV’s headquarters at Varese, Italy.

Sadarov said:

“MV Agusta embodies passion and a unique sense of romance that captivated me, a seasoned entrepreneur, from day one. The personal challenge of guiding the company out of crisis and steering it towards success through innovative business strategies, team expansion, and new product developments has been conquered. It is an honor to play a role in shaping MV Agusta’s legacy. Over the past five years, both the company and I have evolved significantly. Our growth together is a testament to the transformative journey we’ve shared. My time with MV Agusta has been a pivotal chapter in my life, filled with mutual joys and challenges. As I continue to serve as a dedicated Vice-Chairman, I am committed to supporting the company and its ongoing success.”

So what now? It is going to really interesting to see what kind of products that this new venture will produce. KTM, for one, has stated unequivocally that they did not wish to produce anymore sportbikes since the RC8’s production ended. As for nakeds, KTM already have their bases covered with the 890 Duke and 1390 Super Duke R. In fact, KTM, GasGas, Husqvarna have covered many segments among them, more so KTM.

Or will PMG continue with putting out the existing lineup of MV Agustas?

Time will tell.

MV Agusta In Dire Straits (Again)?

Mereka mungkin membuat beberapa motosikal yang paling menyentuh emosi, tetapi MV Agusta nampaknya berada dalam kesukaran (sekali lagi) kerana mereka terus bergelut dengan isu kewangan. Hanya 1,823 motosikal dijual di seluruh dunia pada 2023.

Pada 2018, mereka menjual 2,748 unit sebelum Black Ocean Group dari Rusia mengambil alih pada 2019. Pelaburan mereka menyaksikan beberapa penstrukturan yang amat diperlukan, dengan janji untuk mencapai 10,000 jualan dalam tempoh 2-3 tahun selepas itu. Malangnya, rancangan itu terbantut kerana pandemik Covid-19.

Namun jualan pada 2020, 2021 dan 2022 kurang daripada sasaran yang ditetapkan walaupun pasaran motosikal global telah pulih berikutan penarikan kuarantin. Walau apapun, 2022 menyaksikan hampir 3,000 jualan tetapi itu kurang daripada 50% daripada jualan 2015.

Kumpulan KTM telah membeli 25% pegangan MV Agusta pada 2023, seterusnya mengendalikan dua bidang strategik iaitu pembelian dan pengedaran. KTM berminat untuk membawa jenama itu di bawah naungan mereka, tetapi Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MV, Timur Sardarov telah menentang sekeras-kerasnya, termasuklah dengan mengeluarkan kenyataan-kenyataan yang tegas kepada media.

Pelaburan gergasi Austria itu memberikan dana kepada MV untuk mengembangkan keupayaan pengeluaran mereka, dan barisan baharu untuk menghasilkan 1,000 unit sehari telah disediakan pada penghujung 2023.

Namun, mereka hanya menjual 1,823 unit yang seperti dinyatakan di atas. Ia mewakili suatu junaman mendadak 42.5% daripada tahun sebelumnya.

MV Agusta telah bekerjasama dengan Loncin pada 2019 dalam suatu perjanjian bagi membina motosikal 350cc – 500cc mampu milik untuk pasaran Asia. Namun, tiada sebarang sebutan lanjut lagi mengenai rancangan ini.

Sebaliknya, MV telah bekerjasama dengan gergasi China QJ Motor pada tahun 2020. Kerjasama ini membuahkan motosikal adventure Lucky Explorer 5.5 dan Lucky Explorer 9.5 yang membuat penampilan sulung mereka di EICMA pada tahun berikutnya. Mereka juga telah melancarkan Lucky Explorer 9.5 Orioli untuk 2024, yang merupakan versi mewah.

Nampaknya MV hanya menyakiti diri mereka sendiri dengan desakan untuk menghasilkan motosikal yang amat terhad, justeru yang amat mahal seperti Superveloce 98 Edizione Limitata (gambar utama) yang hanya boleh dibeli oleh golongan yang kecil.

Perlu dikatakan bahawa jenama MV Agusta, walaupun legenda, telah bertukar tangan berkali-kali dan seolah-olah tidak ada yang dapat membantunya. Terdapat Cagiva (1991), Proton (2001), Harley-Davidson (2009), dan akhirnya Black Ocean Group (25% pada 2016, pemilikan penuh pada 2019).

Tetapi itulah MV Agusta. Sejarah perniagaan mereka adalah legenda, seperti pencapaian lagenda mereka di litar lumba.

They may make some of the most emotionally stirring bikes, but MV Agusta seems to be in dire straits (again) as they continue to struggle with finances. Only 1,823 bikes were delivered globally in 2023.

Back in 2018, they sold 2,748 units before the Black Ocean Group from Russia took over in 2019. Their investment saw some needed restructuring, with the promise of hitting 10,000 sales in 2-3 years thereafter. Unfortunately, the plans were scuttled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Yet sales in 2020, 2021 and 2022 fell short of the intended target despite the global motorcycle market’s recovery following the lifting of quarantines. In any case, 2022 saw nearly 3,000 sales but that was less than 50% of 2015 sales.

KTM Group stepped in to buy 25% of MV Agusta’s stakes in 2023, going on to handle the two strategic areas of purchasing and distribution. KTM was keen to bring the brand under their wings, but MV CEO Timur Sardarov had resisted vehemently, by including strongly worded statements to the press.

The Austrian giant’s investment gave MV the funds to expand their production capability, and indeed, a new line to produce 1,000 units per day was set up at the end of 2023.

Yet, they only sold the aforementioned 1,823 units, representing a precipitous 42.5% drop from the previous year.

MV Agusta had partnered with Loncin in 2019 on the premise of building more affordable 350cc – 500cc bikes for the Asian market, but there is no mention about this plan anymore.

Instead, MV had partnered with Chinese giant QJ Motor in 2020. Indeed, the Lucky Explorer 5.5 and Lucky Explorer 9.5 adventure bikes made their debut at EICMA the next year. They have also launched the Lucky Explorer 9.5 Orioli for 2024, which is a luxury version.

It has to be said that the MV Agusta brand, although a legend, had changed hands many times and none seemed to be able to help it. There was Cagiva (1991), Proton (2001), Harley-Davidson (2009), and finally Black Ocean Group (25% in 2016, full ownership in 2019).

It seems that MV is hurting themselves by producing ultra-limited, hence ultra-expensive motorcycles like the Superveloce 98 Edizione Limitata (main picture) that could only find a limited audience.

But that is MV Agusta. Their business exploits are as legendary as their achievements on the racetracks.

AFY Mobility Industries Sdn. Bhd. (AMI) has launched the MV Agusta Brutale 1000 RR Nurburgring Limited Edition. Being a very special model, it is therefore apt for the launch of AMI as the official distributor of MV Agusta in Malaysia.

As stated in the name, the MV Agusta Brutale 1000 RR Nurburgring Limited Edition is based on the legendary Nurburgring circuit in Germany. MV Agusta will produce only 150 units worldwide. However, only one unit will be sold in Asia. We are thereby very lucky because that one Asian country is Malaysia with the number 90/150.

The bike is powered by a 998cc, inline-four engine that produces a maximum power of 208 HP at 13,000 RPM and a maximum torque of 116.5 Nm at 11,000 RPM. This power and torque is sent through a 6-speed transmission.

Other features include carbon fibre components including the wheels; Brembo Stylema front brake caliper, 5.5-inch TFT display, Ohlins suspension system, LED lights, among others. The bike is also sold with the Nurburgring Racing Kit (Nurburgring Racing Kit) which consists of an Arrow titanium full exhaust system, racing ECU, as well as some carbon fiber components.

Electronic features include ride modes, traction control, wheelie control, MV EAS 3.0 quick-shift system, MV MY Ride App communication system, and ABS.

The MV Agusta Brutale 1000 RR Nurburgring Limited Edition is sold at a price of RM399,900.

AMI also exhibited a line of other MV Agusta models such as Brutale 1000 RS (RM168,800), F3 RR (RM145,800), Fs Rosso (RM111,800), Superveloce (RM138,800), Dragster RR (RM148,800) , Dragster Rosso (RM99,800), Brutale Rosso (RM96,800), Turismo Veloce Lusso (RM140,800) and Turismo Veloce Rosso (RM99,800).

AFY Two Wheels SEA Sdn. Bhd. which is newly operating at Section 51A, Petaling Jaya and is open Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm.

AFY Mobility Industries Sdn. Bhd. (AMI) telah melancarkan MV Agusta Brutale 1000 RR Nurburgring Limited Edition. Ia merupakan sebuah model yang amat istimewa, maka sesuai bagi pelancaran AMI sebagai pengedar rasmi MV Agusta di Malaysia.

Seperti tertera di dalam namanya, MV Agusta Brutale 1000 RR Nurburgring Limited Edition dihasil berasaskan litar lagenda Nurburgring yang terletak di Jerman. Sebagai sebuah model terhad, MV Agusta akan menghasilkan hanya 150 unit sahaja bagi seluruh dunia. Namun, hanya satu unit akan dijual di Asia. Justeru kita amat bernasib baik kerana satu negara Asia itu merupakan Malaysia dengan nombor 90/150.

Model ini menggunakan enjin 998cc, 4 silinder sebaris yang menghasilkan kuasa maksimum 208 HP pada 13,000 RPM dan tork maksimum 116.5 Nm pada 11,000 RPM. Kuasa dan tork ini dihantar melalui transmisi 6 kelajuan.

Ciri-ciri lain termasuklah komponen-komponen yang dibuat daripada gentian karbon termasuk rim; kaliper brek depan jenis Brembo Stylema, panel meter TFT 5.5 inci, sistem suspensi Ohlins, lampu-lampu LED, antara yag lain. Model ini juga dijual bersama Nurburgring Racing Kit (Kit Perlumbaan Nurburgring) yang terdiri dairpada sistem ekzos titanium Arrow, ECU perlumbaan, serta beberapa komponen gentian karbon.

Ciri-ciri elektronik terdidiri daripada mod tunggangan, kawalan traksi (traction control), wheelie control, sistem quick-shift MV EAS 3.0, sistem perhubungan MV MY Ride App, dan ABS.

MV Agusta Brutale 1000 RR Nurburgring Limited Edition dijual pada harga RM399,900.

AMI turut dipamerkan barisan model-model MV Agusta yang lainseperti Brutale 1000 RS (RM168,800), F3 RR (RM145,800), Fs Rosso (RM111,800), Superveloce (RM138,800), Dragster RR (RM148,800), Dragster Rosso (RM99,800), Brutale Rosso (RM96,800), Turismo Veloce Lusso (RM140,800) dan Turismo Veloce Rosso (RM99,800).

Pusat pameran AFY Two Wheels SEA Sdn. Bhd. yang baharu beroperasi di Seksyen 51A, Petaling Jaya dan dibuka hari Isnin hingga Jumaat dari jam 9.00 pagi hingga 6.00 petang.

Dalam dunia motosikal yang dinamik, sentiasa wujud aliran desas-desus. Sesetengah pudar menjadi tiada, manakala yang lain menjadi kenyataan. Ambil sebagai contoh spekulasi berterusan mengenai potensi kepergian Marc Marquez dari Honda atau pembangunan rahsia motosikal motokros oleh Ducati, yang turut melibatkan perekrutan bakat Tony Cairoli di belakang pintu tertutup.

Salah satu spekulasi menarik yang menggoncangkan para peminat motosikal adalah pengambilalihan beransur-ansur KTM ke atas MV Agusta. Pada tahun 2022, KTM telah mengamankan 25.1 peratus saham dalam MV Agusta, mencetuskan rasa ingin tahu mengenai niat sebenar mereka. Mengingat sejarah KTM dalam mengambil alih jenama seperti Husqvarna dan GasGas, adalah wajar untuk bertanya: Adakah MV Agusta menjadi sasaran seterusnya untuk transformasi ala KTM?

*MV Agusta 921S

Industri ini telah menyaksikan kitaran spekulasi yang berterusan, dengan Stefan Pierer, ketua Pierer Mobility dan KTM, serta ahli lembaga Hubert Trunkenpolz berkongsi gambaran mengenai masa depan syarikat mereka, yang kelihatan merangkumi pengambilalihan sepenuhnya ke atas MV Agusta. Di pihak lain, CEO MV Agusta, Timur Sardarov, dengan tegas menafikan sebarang kemungkinan KTM mengambil alih syarikatnya.

Pada 24 Oktober 2023, Pierer Mobility membuat pengumuman penting dengan tajuk “Memperdalam Kerjasama dengan MV Agusta.”

Pengumuman ini padat dan mudah difahami, dengan subjek yang mencetuskan minat, iaitu “KTM AG dan MV Agusta bersetuju untuk opsyen panggilan ke atas kepentingan utama.”

Perenggan seterusnya meringkas hubungan perniagaan antara KTM dan MV Agusta sejauh ini, menjelaskan pengambilalihan saham awal KTM sebanyak 25.1 peratus, pengawasan rangkaian pembekalan dan pembelian MV, serta peranan KTM dalam mengedarkan jenama Varese melalui rangkaian global yang luas di bawah Pierer Mobility.

Kemudian, pengumuman yang dinanti-nantikan: “Opsyen panggilan yang diberikan kepada KTM AG berdasarkan penyata kewangan tahunan sehingga 31 Disember 2025, untuk mengambil alih kepentingan utama dalam MV Agusta akan dilaksanakan pada musim bunga tahun 2026.”

Bagi mereka yang kurang memahami istilah kewangan, Britannica Money memberikan definisi yang jelas tentang opsyen panggilan:

“Mahukan keuntungan daripada potensi kenaikan harga saham dengan pelaburan permulaan yang lebih rendah dan risiko terhad ke bawah? Pertimbangkan untuk membeli kontrak opsyen panggilan,” kata mereka.

Britannica menjelaskan bahawa opsyen panggilan memberi pembeli hak, tetapi tidak kewajiban, untuk membeli saham-saham asas pada harga yang telah ditetapkan (dikenali sebagai harga laksanaan) oleh tarikh tertentu (dikenali sebagai tarikh tamat tempoh).

Secara ringkasnya, pengumuman Pierer Mobility mengesahkan bahawa KTM akan mengamankan kepentingan utama dalam MV Agusta pada musim bunga tahun 2026. Walaupun lebih banyak butiran mengenai perjanjian dijangka akan muncul dalam beberapa bulan mendatang, ketidakpastian mengenai pengambilalihan ini akhirnya telah terpecahkan.

In a touching tribute to the iconic Assen Circuit, MV Agusta has launched a limited-edition masterpiece, the Brutale 1000 RR Assen.

  • This machine is the latest in MV Agusta’s ongoing commitment to celebrating historic milestones, renowned racers, and emblematic brands.
  • MV Agusta is the pinnacle of Italian manufacturers in terms of success on the Dutch track.

The Italian motorcycle giant takes pride in having achieved a staggering 35 victories on the Assen Circuit. Such achievements date back to 1976 when the legendary Giacomo Agostini clinched the win in the 350 class.

Fashioned in Italy, the Brutale 1000 RR Assen edition carries forward the spirit of these victories. The meticulously handcrafted 300 units are an ode to these memorable days. This collaboration with the Assen Circuit brings these special motorcycles to the forefront.

Boasting an array of exclusive elements, the bike is adorned with special emblems, plaques, sleek carbon fiber panels, and aluminum side plates. The blue Alcantara upholstery adds a touch of luxury, enhancing the bike’s overall aesthetics.

The unique color scheme of the Assen edition harmoniously blends Blu Nordico, Argento Ago, and gold. This combination not only exudes elegance but also accentuates the motorcycle’s meticulous craftsmanship and sophisticated technical gear.

Powering the Brutale 1000 RR is a Euro 5 compliant 998 cc inline four-cylinder engine. It delivers a robust 208hp @ 13,000rpm, combined with 116.5Nm @ 11,000rpm. With a dry weight of just 183 kilograms, the motorcycle offers an impressive power-to-weight ratio of 1.1 horsepower per kilogram.

The Brutale 1000 RR Assen doesn’t compromise on suspension. It features an advanced 43-millimeter Öhlins Nix EC hydraulic upside-down fork and an Öhlins EC TTX rear shock. Both are electronically controlled to ensure maximum stability and performance. Additionally, its braking capabilities are nothing short of remarkable, with double floating discs at the front and a single steel disc at the rear, complemented by Brembo callipers.

The motorcycle’s elegance extends to its Rotobox carbon fiber wheels with an alluring blue carbon weave. These are fitted with 120/70 R17 and 200/55 R17 tires, which images suggest are the top-tier Pirelli Diablo Supercorsa SPs.

Each limited-edition Brutale 1000 RR Assen will also include a Special Parts kit. This kit features a Titanium Arrow exhaust, CNC-machined brake and clutch levers, a carbon fiber passenger seat cover, an aluminum fuel cap, and an exclusive motorcycle cover, emphasising its status as a true piece of “Motorcycle Art.”

This blend of history, engineering excellence, and design mastery makes the MV Agusta Brutale 1000 RR Assen a must-have for enthusiasts and collectors alike.


In what could be a defining moment for the global motorcycle industry, China’s QJMotor has joined forces with Italian heavyweight MV Agusta to create a superbike that might just shift the balance of power—meet the SRK1000RR.

Though the bike is still under wraps, insider information has confirmed its existence, setting the stage for its grand debut towards the end of 2023 and production starting in early 2024.

A Sisterhood with Benelli

QJMotor, which is closely connected to another popular bike manufacturer, Benelli, has already received formal approval for the SRK1000RR in China. Both companies fall under the umbrella of Qianjiang Group. Official documents that provide specs and even a completed image of the bike have been shared at QJMotor dealer meetings.

A Partnership Born from Previous Collaborations

The roots of this collaboration go back to September 2020 when Qianjiang hinted at plans for a new four-cylinder superbike under the Benelli brand. It was evident that the engine was provided by MV Agusta, who also struck a distribution deal with Qianjiang for the Chinese market at the same time. 

The partnership became even more apparent last year when MV Agusta showcased a prototype for an adventure bike featuring a Qianjiang engine and chassis. This new superbike can be seen as a sort of cousin to that bike, but with a design led by QJMotor. 

Taking Inspiration but Keeping Secrets

At first glance, it’s clear that the SRK1000RR takes design elements from MV Agusta’s iconic Brutale 1000 RS, particularly the unique swingarm and the special frame that combines metal alloys and steel.

However, MV Agusta has held back from lending the powerful engine that drives its Brutale 1000 RS. Instead, the SRK1000RR will feature a less powerful, 921cc engine, producing 125-127 horsepower and 95Nm of torque.

What’s Next?

The 921cc engine itself seems to be part of MV’s broader strategy, as it was also teased in a retro concept bike last year. There is also speculation that QJMotor might manufacture engines for other MV Agusta bikes and be allowed to use the same engine for their own models. This kind of partnership isn’t new in the motorcycle world; another Chinese company, CFMoto, has a similar arrangement with Austrian bike maker KTM.

This exciting alliance between QJMotor and MV Agusta seems to be more than a fleeting partnership; it’s a strong indication that China’s motorcycle industry is gearing up to compete on a global scale. And if the SRK1000RR lives up to the hype, it could very well become a significant player in the two wheels arena. 

MV Agusta, known for its love of special editions and nostalgia, has once again delighted motorcycle enthusiasts with its latest creation, the MV Agusta Dragster RR SCS America Special Edition.

  • Unveiled on July 11, 2023, this bike pays homage to the original 750S America introduced by MV Agusta in 1975.
  • the limited edition motorcycle was inspired by the 1975 MV Agusta 750S America. 


While the model name draws inspiration from its predecessor, the MV Agusta Dragster RR SCS America Special Edition is a distinct machine that showcases the advancements in motorcycle technology over the past five decades.

Powered by a liquid-cooled, four-stroke, 12-valve, 798cc triple engine, it boasts impressive performance figures. With a claimed output of 140hp @ 12,300rpm and 87Nm @ 12,800rpm, this bike offers exhilarating power. The engine is coupled with a six-speed transmission featuring MV’s Smart Clutch System (SCS) 3.0, an innovative hydraulically-actuated automatic clutch.

In terms of suspension, the MV Agusta Dragster RR SCS America Special Edition is equipped with an upside-down Marzocchi fully adjustable front fork with diamond-like coating (DLC) treatment and anodized fork legs.

At the rear, it features a fully adjustable progressive Sachs monoshock unit. Braking power is provided by Brembo components, including a pair of radial four-piston calipers and 320mm floating discs at the front, as well as a single two-piston caliper and 220mm disc at the rear. The bike is equipped with Continental ABS, offering rear wheel lift-up mitigation and cornering functionality.

Sporting 17-inch alloy wheels, the MV Agusta Dragster RR SCS America Special Edition catches the eye with its carbon fiber cover on the rear wheel, adding a touch of style and solidity. The bike’s striking appearance is further enhanced by its red, white, and blue livery, showcasing a patriotic tribute to America.

The dry weight of the MV Agusta Dragster RR SCS America Special Edition is listed at 175kg. For those seeking an even lighter machine, the optional Special Parts full exhaust, intended for track use only, can bring the weight down to 167kg.

With its combination of retro aesthetics and cutting-edge technology, the MV Agusta Dragster RR SCS America Special Edition is set to captivate motorcycle enthusiasts looking for a unique and powerful riding experience.


In honour of the Italian Air Force’s 100th anniversary, Massimo Tamburini, has introduced the all-new Massimo Tamburini F43 Centenario. 

  • the all-exclusive Tamburini F43 Centenario is the first motorcycle from the Tamburini brand. 
  • the F43 Centenario will be auction off for a good cause. 

This exclusive bike, based on the MV Agusta F4, marks the debut of the Massimo Tamburini brand. While Massimo Tamburini himself passed away in 2014, his son, Andrea, carries on his father’s legacy by designing motorcycles and related accessories.

The F43 Centenario is an extremely limited-edition masterpiece, with only one unit ever being crafted to pay tribute to the Italian Air Force. Although specific details are scarce at the moment, the build incorporates an abundance of carbon fiber, showcasing the brand’s commitment to performance and innovation.

The Moto Club Massimo Tamburini intends to auction this singular F43 Centenario to support the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC), an immensely worthy cause. Those interested in learning more about AIRC or providing support can find additional information and donation options on their website.

This unveiling comes just six months after the announcement of the Tamburini Corse F43 Tributo in December 2022. The Tributo featured five different variants, with Tamburini Corse producing only five units of each variant for public release.

Distinguishing the F43 Centenario from its predecessors is the accompanying helmet, which perfectly matches the bike’s design. Designed by Andrea Tamburini himself, the Arai RX-7V Evo helmet underwent meticulous hand-airbrushing to ensure a seamless aesthetic integration with the F43 Centenario.

As of now, Tamburini Corse’s website has yet to be updated with information regarding the F43 Centenario. However, their active social media channels contain numerous photos from the official unveiling held in mid-June 2023. 

For further inquiries about the bike and details regarding the upcoming auction, interested individuals can contact Tamburini Corse at 

Additionally, the limited-edition Arai RX-7V Evo helmet, available separately, can be purchased through Tamburini Corse using the provided email address for any inquiries or purchases.


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