

Mengecapi tahap umur 50-an ini telah mengajar saya untuk menghargai perkara yang paling mudah dalam hidup. Saya pernah mengidamkan superbike terpantas sambil tidak memberi perhatian kepada motosikal berkuasa rendah. Tetapi motosikal superbike pula telah menjadi terlalu berkuasa dan kompleks… Jadi, adakah Suzuki Burgman Street 125EX (2024) ini muncul pada masa yang sesuai?

Apakah motosikal ini?

Rangkaian Burgman terdiri daripada model-model skuter mewah Suzuki, yang terdiri daripada varian 125cc, 400cc dan 650cc. Rangkaian Avenis pula terdiri daripada model yang lebih sporty.

Burgman Street 125EX menggunakan enjin Suzuki Eco Performance-Alpha (SEP-α) 125cc, dengan SOHC, dua injap, 4-lejang, dan penyejukan udara. Ia menghasilkan 8.6 hp pada 6,750 RPM dan tork 10 Nm pada 5,500 RPM. Ia juga dilengkapi dengan ciri Engine Auto Stop-Start (EASS) yang mematikan enjin ketika berhenti, dan Suzuki Silent Starter System.

Ciri-ciri tambahan sama seperti pada mana-mana skuter seperti papan pemijak kaki, ruang simpanan barang bawah tempat duduk, ruang-ruang penyimpanan barang di depan, cangkuk di depan, dan satu lagi di bawah bahagian depan pelana.

Perkara pertama yang menarik perhatian anda ialah betapa besarnya walaupun ia sebuah skuter 125cc. Panel depannya lebih lebar, dan panel sisi dibulatkan serupa untuk melengkapkan tema. Ia mengingatkan saya kepada Suzuki Gladius 650.

Pengalaman menunggang Suzuki Burgman Street 125EX (2024)

Hendalnya lebih lebar seperti motosikal yang lebih besar. Secara peribadi, saya lebih menggemari hendal yang lebih lebar kerana ia memberikan lebih kuasa pengendalian yang lebih efektif.

Anda hanya perlu menekan butang penghidup sekali dan melepaskannya kerana Sistem Pemula Senyap (Suzuki Silent Starter System) yang disebutkan di atas akan mengambil alih dan er… menghidupkan enjin.

Pusingkan pendikit dan… skuter ini mula bergerak dengan lancar. Ia tidak memberikan tujahan (pikap) yang pantas, walaupun apabila kami membuka pendikit sepenuhnya. Ia seperti motosikal dengan nisbah pacuan akhir yang sangat tinggi.

Walaubagaimanapun, kami mendapati bahawa Suzuki membinanya dengan cara ini untuk tunggangan di dalam bandar. Enjinnya sangat lancar dan agak tenang ketika di antara 60 – 80 km/j.

Motosikal Suzuki terkenal dengan ciri pengendaliannya yang mudah dan ini skuter ini tidak terkecuali. Ia stabil di atas jalan lurus, manakala hendal lebar memberikan banyak daya untuk mengemudi. Ia hanya memerlukan sedikit tekanan untuk menukar arah, dan membolehkan anda mencilok melalui trafik dengan mudah.

Yang menghairankan, skuter itu mempunyai banyak kelegaan tanah yang banyak walaupun ketinggian pelananya rendah. Saya cuba sedaya-upaya untuk sagat fairing bahagian bawah ataupun topang namun saya tidak pernah berjaya. (Shhh… Saya sagat  silinder sebuah BMW R 1200 GS di selekoh sebelum ini.)

Kami memutuskan untuk menunggangnya sehingga ke Genting Highlands, seperti yang selalu kami lakukan dengan mana-mana motosikal ujian. Kami sudah mengenali laluan itu dan oleh itu menguji motosikal yang berbeza pada laluan yang sama membolehkan kami menguji motosikal, bukan laluan.

Kami memaksimumkan kuasa enjin Suzuki Burgman di lebuh raya, dan dapat mencecah 108 km/j di cerun menurun. Enjin terus lancar tanpa bunyi meraung. Hanya ada sedikit gegaran yang boleh dirasakan melalui hendal. Sekali lagi, penghargaan mestilah diberkan kepada Suzuki kerana membina enjin yang kuat.

Jarak roda yang panjang sekali lagi menunjukkan kelebihannya kerana skuter ini tidak bergoyang apabila memotong atau dipotong oleh kenderaan berat.

Tetapi perkara yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah apabila kami mendaki gunung itu. Dengan terotel yang di-lock (buka habis-habisan), motosikal itu menghasilkan kelajuan antara 60 – 70 km/j. Tidaklah laju, tetapi kami biarkan pendikit pada kedudukan terbuka sepenuhnya dan mengemudikan Burgman ini melalui semua selekoh. Motosikal ini tidak bergoyang langsung melainkan melanggar lubang atau permukaan yang tidak rata. Semua pemandu kereta mewah terbeliak mata apabila melihat sebuah skuter kecil ini memotong mereka di selekoh! Dan selekoh-selekoh “S” sebelum Gohtong Jaya itu sangat menyeronokkan. Ah, kepuasannya.

Kita juga harus menyatakan bahawa permukaan jalan ketika itu masih lembap akibat hujan semalaman. Beberapa skuter yang kami uji sebelum ini kegelinciran di selekoh, tetapi Burgman dapat bertahan. Hanya terdapat satu kejadian apabila tayar belakang mula menggelongsor tetapi ia serta-merta berhenti apabila motosikal diangkat sedikit basikal daripada sudut merengnya.

Tetapi, mesti ada beberapa keburukannya, kan? Ya, sudah tentu, setiap motosikal pun begitu.

Ketika menuruni Genting Highlands, kami mendapati brek depan memerlukan tekanan yang kuat pada tuilnya untuk memperlahankan motosikal dengan penunggang seberat 85 kg ini. Berita baiknya ialah brek dram belakang tidak pernah terkunci walaupun membrek kuat di atas jalur kuning. Jadi, berikan diri anda lebih banyak ruang untuk membrek dan berhenti.

Selain itu, sebagai skuter jalanan, suspensinya mempunyai jarak gerakan yang lebih pendek. Jalan Genting yang berlubang tidak membantu. Daya-daya daripada bonggol disalurkan melalui casis kepada penunggang. Walaubagaimanapun, kami ingin menyatakan bahawa penunggang sportbike akan merasakan perkara yang sama, jadi ia tidak bermakna Burgman 125 secara khusus adalah buruk di sudut ini.

Jadi, kembali ke Lebuhraya Karak, kami membuka pendikit sepenuhnya dari ketika memasukki lebuhraya dan melalui siri selekoh hingga yang akhir dan tajam sebelah kiri, selepas selekoh kanan yang panjang. Casis Burgman memberikan begitu banyak keyakinan walaupun rodanya kecil(!). Kami sebenarnya memintas beberapa motosikal yang lebih besar (150cc, 155cc, dan 200cc) dalam selekoh.

Kembali pada bahagian yang lebih lurus, sudah tiba masanya untuk berehat dan saya memperlahankan motosikal kepada 90 km/j, sambil menikmati kelancaran enjin itu. Suspensinya juga kembali selesa. Pelananya berlapik tebal dan tiada rasa lenguh atau sakit di penghujung perjalanan.

Jadi Suzuki Burgman Street 125EX (2024) ini sesuai untuk siapa?

Dalam pendapat kami, ia adalah motosikal yang sesuai untuk mereka yang berulang-alik setiap hari tanpa drama. Ia adalah motosikal yang anda naiki, hidupkan enjin, putar pendikit, dan jalan. Begitu mudah.

Ia juga merupakan pilihan yang bagus untuk Ibu (dan beberapa Ayah) yang menghantar anak-anak mereka ke sekolah. Saya melakukan perkara itu untuk anak saya, dan sekaligus memotong ibu bapa yang sayu dan jengkel yang terpaksa bangun begitu awal dan akhirnya terperangkap dalam kesesakan lalu lintas. Ada sebabnya breknya tidak terlalu kuat kerana ia mengelakkan penunggang daripada mengunci tayar depan dalam situasi panik. Tambah lagi, julat kuasa yang lancar dan mesra pengguna, serta pelana yang selesa dan yang luas akan meningkatkan keyakinan kanak-kanak. Anak saya kecewa apabila saya mengembalikannya. Ini boleh dikatakan amat penting kerana saya telah membawanya dengan pelbagai jenis motosikal.

Akhir sekali, enjin itu benar-benar jimat bahan api, dengan penunjuk penggunaan bahan api berlegar sekitar 46 hingga 52 km/liter ketika menunggang saban hari di dalam bandar. Itu memberikan jarak lebih daripada 250 km daripada tangki 5.5 liter itu. Kegilaan di Lebuhraya Karak dan Genting Highlands menggunakan lebih banyak bahan api dan menurunkan jarak kepada kepada 36 km/l.

Sebagai penutup, kami mendapati Suzuki Burgman Street 125EX (2024) sesuai dengan namanya Street (jalan), dan memberikan makna menghargai perkara mudah dalam kehidupan.

Galeri gambar Suzuki Burgman Street 125EX (2024)

The Suzuki V-Strom 800RE Tour variant has been launched, adding extra luggage for your er… tour.

The Suzuki V-Strom 800RE was launched last year as a road-biased variant of the V-Strom 800 lineup, while its brethern, the V-Strom 800 DE is the off-road focused adventure version.

As the name suggests, the Tour places importance of carrying everything but the kitchen sink on long distance rides. It includes a 38-liter top box and two 37-liter side cases for a total of 112 litres.

Yes, yes, these cases are not new as they are sold as separate options for the standard RE. It is just that the boxes are priced lower when you buy the V-Strom 800RE Tour package. A set side cases cost £938 (RM5,627.53) while the top case sets you back £515 (RM3,089.74), when purchased as options. Ouch.

So, Suzuki priced the V-Strom 800RE Tour at £11,199 (RM67,188.40) compared to the standard version at £9,699 (RM58,189.15). Therefore, you save £706.94 (RM4,241.29) on the cases.

In any case (no pun intended), the cases come in red or silver. The bike is still sold in the same colours called Pearl Vigour Blue, Metallic Matt Steel Green, and Glass Sparkle Black as the standard RE.

All features remain the same between the standard and Tour editions.

Only thing is: Will Suzuki sell the Tour version in Malaysia?

Suzuki sedang membangunkan sistem VVT (variable valve timing/pemasaan injap boleh ubah) untuk enjin kecil.VVT dan pengangkat injap boleh ubah (VVL) bukanlah teknologi baharu kerana banyak pengeluar sudah menggunakannya dalam produk mereka, tetapi sistem Suzuki nampaknya untuk enjin 250cc. Ini memberi petanda baik kerana terdapat sama ada motosikal berkapasiti besar dan berkapasiti kecil menggunakannya tetapi tiada dalam segmen 250cc.

Sistem Suzuki pada asasnya serupa dengan VVA (Variable Valve Actuation) Yamaha yang digunakan pada skuter NVX, Y16ZR dan YZF-R15. Ia menggunakan aci sesondol dengan dua profil sesondol, satu untuk julat RPM rendah dan aplikasi pendikit yang kecil, serta satu lagi profil sesondol yang dikunci pada RPM yang lebih tinggi atau pembukaan pendikit yang besar.

Oleh itu, ia adalah yang terbaik untuk dua alam: Tork RPM rendah dan pertengahan yang baik dengan kuasa maksimum yang tinggi. Sebaliknya, jurutera terpaksa memilih satu ciri: Samada tork RPM rendah, atau tork julat pertengahan, atau kuasa maksimum yang tinggi.Pengunaan VVT juga membolehkan enjin menghasilkan pelepasan ekzos yang lebih bersih kerana ia mengurangkan bahan api yang tidak terbakar.

Seperti yang dinyatakan sebelum ini, pembangunan Suzuki tertumpu pada enjin 248cc berkembar selari. Aplikasi paten menunjukkan enjin dengan bahagina bawah yang sama, serta kepala silinder dengan aci sesondol tunggal didorong oleh rantai yang dipasang di tengah. Ia adalah enjin sama yang digunakan pada GSX-250R dan V-Strom 250.

Enjin ini yang diperbesarkan kepada 298cc turut digunakan oleh rakan kongsi Suzuki Haojue di China. Haojue ialah firma yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengeluarkan V-Strom 250 dan GSX-250R.

Buat masa ini, Suzuki tidak mempunyai sebarang model di antara banjaran model GSX-R125 dan 650cc (V-Strom 650, SV650) di Amerika Syarikat kerana kawalan pelepasan ekzos, jadi rangkaian motosikal 250cc dengan VVT membolehkan Suzuki memasukki semula pasaran tersebut.

Suzuki is developing a VVT (variable valve timing) system for a small engine.

VVT and variable valve lift (VVL) are not a new technologies as many manufacturers are already employing it in their products, but Suzuki’s system appears to be for a 250cc engine. This bodes well as there are either large capacity and small capacitiy motorcycles employing it but not the 250cc segment.

Suzuki’s system is basically similar to Yamaha’s VVA (Variable Valve Actuation) used on the NVX scooter, Y16ZR moped, and YZF-R15. It uses a camshaft with two cam lobe profiles, one for normal low end, low demand application, while locking on a higher lift and longer duration cam lobe at high speeds or big throttle openings.

As such, it is the best of both worlds: Good low and midrange RPM torque with high maximum power. Engineers have to pick one characteristic: low RPM torque, midrange torque, or high end horsepower without VVT and VVL. Using VVT also allows the engine to produce cleaner emissions as it cuts down on unburned fuel.

As aforementioned, Suzuki’s development centres around the parallel-twin 248cc engine. Patent applications show an engine with an unchanged bottom end, a cylinder head with a single camshaft driven by a centrally mounted chain. It is the same engine used on the GSX-250R and V-Strom 250.

The same engine, enlarged to 298cc is also in use by Suzuki’s partner Haojue in China. Haojue is the firm responsible for producing the V-Strom 250 and GSX-250R.

Suzuki current does not have any models in between GSX-R125 and 650cc models (V-Strom 650, SV650) in the United States due to emissions control, so a range of 250cc bikes with VVT will fix that.

– Suzuki memperkenalkan V-Strom 800DE Djebel di Motor Bike Expo 2024 di Verona, Itali untuk meraikan kejohanan dalam perlumbaan rali, terutamanya dalam Paris-Dakar Rally.

– Berhias dalam motif retro yang berbeza, Suzuki menggambarkan motif itu sebagai simbolisasi aspirasi motosikal untuk perjalanan tanpa had.

– Djebel edition dilengkapi dengan tayar Dunlop Trailmax Raid untuk meningkatkan keupayaan luar jalan serta saluran ekzos titanium dari Akrapovič.

– V-Strom Djebel edition juga mempunyai sistem quickshifter, dan ride mode yang baru dengan sistem ABS yang boleh diselaraskan.

– Namun, berkenaan dengan spesifikasi dan ciri-ciri, motosikal pengembara edisi istimewa mengekalkan spesifikasi standard V-Strom 800DE.

– Diperkenalkan awalnya di pasaran Itali, Suzuki V-Strom 800DE Djebel membawa harga jualan dicadangkan pengeluar (MSRP) sebanyak 13,900 euro, setara dengan kira-kira RM60,907.

– Tidak jelas sama ada model ini akan ditawarkan untuk pasaran tempatan.

Midweight adventure bikes have experienced a surge in popularity in recent years, a trend that some publications say originated with the introduction of the KTM 790 Adventure. Subsequently, several other manufacturers have joined the fray, producing their versions of capable adventure-enduro machines. Many of today’s midweight ADV bikes focus on adventure by showcasing impressive off-road capabilities while maintaining commendable on-road performance.

When it comes to Japanese manufacturers, Yamaha initiated the trend with the Tenere 700, followed by Honda and Suzuki unveiling the XL750 Transalp and V-Strom 800DE, respectively. At present, Kawasaki has not yet presented a twin-cylinder model beyond its road-oriented Versys 650.

The focus of today’s narrative is Suzuki and the V-Strom 800DE. Suzuki boasts a rich heritage in rally racing, notably in the Paris-Dakar Rally, where the DR 350 and the DRZ 400 dual-sport machines demonstrated the brand’s capabilities. Subsequently, the formidable big-bore single-cylinder DR 650 showcased its prowess. Building on this heritage, Suzuki is launching a special-edition variant of the V-Strom 800DE named the Djebel, a tribute to the highest mountain in Tunisia, extending from the Atlas Mountains.

Suzuki introduced the V-Strom 800DE Djebel at the 2024 Motor Bike Expo in Verona, Italy. Adorned in a distinctive retro-themed livery, Suzuki describes the motif as symbolising the bike’s aspiration for limitless travel. The bike features Suzuki’s classic white and blue color scheme, with gold accents on the forks and wheels providing a visually striking touch. Beyond aesthetics, the Djebel edition is equipped with Dunlop Trailmax Raid tires, enhancing its off-road capabilities. Additionally, it features a titanium slip-on exhaust from Akrapovič.

However, concerning specifications and features, the special-edition adventure bike maintains the standard V-Strom 800DE specs. It is powered by a 776cc, liquid-cooled, fuel-injected, parallel-twin engine. Positioned as the spiritual successor to its 650cc V-Twin engine, it delivers increased power and torque, boasting 83 horsepower and 73Nm of torque. The Djebel edition also incorporates advanced electronics, including switchable ABS, multiple ride modes, traction control, and an up-and-down quick shifter.

Initially introduced in the Italian market, the Suzuki V-Strom 800DE Djebel carries a manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of 13,900 euros, equivalent to approximately RM60,907. It is unclear if this model will be offered for the local market.

Susah nak bayangkan dunia tanpa motosikal kan? Bukan saja dapat jimat masa dan duit, tapi gila seronok juga!

Tapi, ada laporan dari UK yang mengatakan ada beberapa majikan yang diskriminasi pekerja mereka yang suka bawa motosikal untuk urusan berkaitan kerja.

Well, percaya atau tidak, British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF) dah bunyi kan loceng kecemasan pasal benda ni.

Alex Parsons-Hulse dari BMF kata diorang dapat info yang ‘several’ syarikat di UK ni memang tak bagi pekerja bawa motosikal untuk urusan kerja. Ni bukan main-main, kita cakap pasal benda yang sah – pergi jumpa pembekal, temu pelanggan, atau gi konferens. Dan tambah lagi hal, ada kes majikan cakap, “Sorry, tinggalkan motosikal kat rumah,” kalau pasal perjalanan harian. Bau macam diskriminasi atas pilihan pengangkutan, tak bau ke?

Susah nak bayangkan benda ni terjadi kat Malaysia. Malah, takde peluang langsung.

It is difficult to imagine a world without motorcycles. Not only do they save time and money but they are also awesomely fun.

But according to reports out of the UK, there are some employers who are discriminating against their motorcycle riding employees for riding their bike on world-related journeys.

Well, believe it or not, the British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF) is sounding the alarm on exactly that.

According to Alex Parsons-Hulse from the BMF, they’ve caught wind of ‘several’ companies putting the brakes on employees using motorcycles for work-related trips. We’re talking about legitimate stuff here – visiting suppliers, meeting clients, or attending a conference. And to add fuel to the fire, there are instances where employers are saying, “Sorry, leave your bike at home,” when it comes to the daily commute. Smells a bit like discrimination based on transportation choices, doesn’t it?

The BMF isn’t sitting idly by; they want the scoop. They’re urging people to come forward and spill the beans on these situations. So if you are reading this from the UK and your boss has ever pumped the brakes on your bike for work trips or made you ditch it for the daily grind, the BMF wants to hear your tale.

It is difficult to imagine such a thing happening here in Malaysia, in fact there is no chance of it ever happening here. So our hearts go out to our motorcycle riding brethren in the UK.

Suzuki’s latest offering in the sportbike world, the GSX-8R, is a combination of style and performance. Suzuki says the new motorcycle is designed to turn heads while delivering a thrilling riding experience. 

Aerodynamic Excellence

The GSX-8R offers a full fairing that has undergone wind tunnel testing to optimize aerodynamic performance and provide the rider with some weather protection. Adorned with bold 8R logos on the side panels, the fairing also incorporates mirrors designed to reduce drag.

Impressive Lighting

At the front, there is the iconic stacked LED headlight, a hallmark of Suzuki’s GSX series. It’s complemented by an LED position light, ensuring clear visibility. The rear combination light and turn indicators are all equipped with LED technology.

Powerful Heart

The GSX-8R is powered by a 776cc parallel twin engine, shared with the GSX-8S. Its long stroke and 270° crankshaft design is said to provide low-end torque, usability, and flexibility, while the DOHC and four valves per cylinder contribute to a free-revving nature. Peak torque is rated at 78 Nm delivered at 6800rpm and peak power of 82.9PS at 8500rpm.

The 270° crankshaft design not only offers a distinctive power delivery but is also said to produce a rumble reminiscent of Suzuki’s acclaimed V-twin models. A patented cross balancer design ensures a smooth and compact, lightweight engine.

Precision Handling

A steel frame forms the core of the GSX-8R, and is supposedly engineered for precise handling characteristics. The low, forged aluminum handlebars offer a sporty riding position and direct control, shifting the rider’s weight over the front wheel. A lightweight aluminum subframe and swingarm further contribute to the bike’s agility.

Showa suspension components, including Separate Function Fork – Big Piston inverted forks and a monoshock in the rear, ensure responsive handling. Nissin four-piston calipers grip 310mm discs, providing confident stopping power. The GSX-8R is fitted with Dunlop Roadsport 2 tires.

Advanced Electronics

Enhancing rideability and usability, the GSX-8R boasts a suite of electronic systems. These include a bi-directional quickshifter as standard, three selectable engine power modes, three traction control settings, and the option to disengage the system entirely. Suzuki’s low RPM assist and easy-start function further simplify the riding experience. All these settings are easily accessible through a single rocker switch on the left-hand handlebar, displayed on a vibrant 5″ TFT screen.

Suzuki has officially introduced the 2024 V-Strom 800 and V-Strom 800 Touring models for the global market.

  • Suzuki is offering exciting upgrades for those with a passion for on-road exploration and touring.
  • Powering the new V-Strom 800 and 800 Touring is the robust 776cc parallel twin engine found in the 2023 V-Strom 800DE and GSX-8S.

Wheel and Tire Changes

One of the most prominent changes is the transition from the 21-inch front wheel on the V-Strom 800DE to a new 19-inch, seven-spoke cast aluminum front wheel, complemented by a 17-inch matching rear wheel. These models feature specially designed tubeless tires, a result of Suzuki’s collaboration with Dunlop.

Suspension Upgrade

The 2024 Suzuki V-Strom 800 and V-Strom 800 Touring benefit from an upgraded Showa Separate Function Fork-Big Piston (SFF-BP) inverted front fork setup, along with a Showa rear shock absorber that offers remote, tool-less preload adjustability for a more comfortable ride.

Braking Performance

Braking capabilities have also seen improvements, with both models now equipped with a pair of radial-mount Nissin four-piston brake calipers in the front, paired with 310mm rotors. In the rear, a single Nissin caliper accompanies a 260mm rotor. Standard ABS ensures confident braking for riders.

Advanced Electronics and Features

Suzuki has incorporated a full-color 5-inch TFT instrument panel for easy access to the electronics suite. The Intelligent Ride System (S.I.R.S.) includes essential features such as traction control, ABS, Ride Modes, Easy Start, and Low RPM Assist to enhance the riding experience. Riders will also appreciate the wide handlebar with vibration damping, rubber-padded footpegs, LED lighting, and a bi-directional quickshifter, all included as standard features.

Key Distinctions

The primary distinctions between the V-Strom 800 and V-Strom 800 Touring models are their color options and additional accessories. The V-Strom 800 is available in Metallic Matte Steel Green, while the V-Strom 800 Touring comes in Glass Sparkle Black. Notably, the Touring variant offers a lockable top box that conveniently uses the same key as the bike’s ignition.



The highly anticipated 2023 Japan Mobility Show, scheduled to run from October 28 to November 5, 2023, in Tokyo, is set to captivate attendees with cutting-edge mobility solutions from prominent automakers.

  • Following Honda’s revelation of their offerings for the event in late September 2023, it was Suzuki’s turn on October 3, 2023, to unveil their diverse and intriguing lineup.
  • At the 2023 Japan Mobility Show, Suzuki intends to make a resounding impact by showcasing a broad spectrum of vehicles, including two-wheeled and four-wheeled models, as well as several other pioneering projects.

In the realm of two-wheeled vehicles, Suzuki will introduce three world premiere innovations. The first of these is the “e-PO,” a folding electric moped developed in collaboration with Panasonic.

Designed to provide users with an enhanced electric mobility experience akin to an electric assist bicycle, the e-PO offers three operational modes: Full electric drive, Assist drive, and Pedal drive. This versatile moped is engineered to provide a safe and efficient means of transportation, particularly suitable for use on highways.

In another joint endeavor between Suzuki and Panasonic, the 2023 Japan Mobility Show will witness the introduction of an electric scooter, reminiscent of Suzuki’s 50cc Choinori gas-powered scooter, which gained popularity in the early 2000s.

This electric scooter, equipped with a motor originally designed for electric assist bicycles, is tailored for urban travel, emphasizing sustainability and convenience.

Suzuki’s commitment to exploring alternative energy sources is underscored by the unveiling of their inaugural hydrogen-powered two-wheeler. Although categorized as a test vehicle, this represents a significant leap in Suzuki’s hydrogen engine development endeavors.

An interactive display featuring a cutaway view of the test vehicle, incorporating a 70-megapascal (MPa) hydrogen tank and engine, will provide insights into Suzuki’s progress in this pioneering field. Additionally, Suzuki will host informative panels and presentations to elucidate their advancements in hydrogen engine technology.

The 2023 Japan Mobility Show will also feature the e-Burgman, a vehicle that Suzuki initiated demonstration experiments with in April 2023. This electric vehicle utilizes swappable batteries from Gachaco, and Suzuki aims to engage the public to collect valuable data on motorbike usage patterns and preferences, contributing to future advancements.

In a groundbreaking collaboration with SkyDrive, Suzuki’s exhibit will also showcase the “Flying Car” electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicle. Production of this revolutionary urban air mobility solution is slated to commence in spring 2024 at Suzuki’s factory in Shizuoka prefecture.

The much-anticipated 2024 Suzuki V-Strom 800 has been unveiled through leaked official photos. This new addition to the V-Strom lineup promises a road-focused experience, and we’ve got the scoop on the details.

Earlier this summer, we hinted at the arrival of a road-centric version of the V-Strom 800DE, and now, we have a visual sneak peek at what’s in store. 

These first official photos surfaced through updated certifications in Australia, specifically for the non-DE model. While most of the information echoes what we already gathered previously, there are some intriguing revelations thanks to the latest report by

One of the most noticeable changes is the switch from wire-spoke wheels to cast wheels. This alteration not only distinguishes the V-Strom 800 from its DE counterpart but also hints at a different riding experience. 

That said, the new model will come equipped with a 110/80-19 front tire, contrasting with the 800DE’s 90/90-21 tire, confirming a shift in tire and wheel sizes.

Moreover, a keen eye will spot differences in suspension. Although the certification data doesn’t delve into technical specifics, it’s reasonable to infer that the road-oriented V-Strom 800 may feature less suspension travel compared to the more off-road capable 800DE.

Additionally, the photos unveil that the V-Strom 800 will forgo the hand guards and bash plate that define the DE model. These omissions are likely contributing factors to the 800’s impressive 6.8kg weight reduction.

Interestingly, the standard inclusion of the high windscreen, previously available only as an accessory for the 800DE, explains the 45mm increase in height indicated in Swiss certification.

Stay tuned for more updates as we uncover more about this exciting addition to the V-Strom family.


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