
royal enfield

Royal Enfield secara rasmi nya telah melancarkan model roadster keduanya iaitu Guerilla 450.

Dikatakan sebagai varian yang lebih berfokus kepada jalan raya daripada Himalayan 450, Guerilla dibina khas untuk layan korner di pergunungan dan juga di jalan-jalan kota yang padat.

Guerilla dibangunkan di sekitar Barcelona, dan walaupun kami hanya diberi sedikit maklumat mengenai motosikal ini dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini, Royal Enfield telah bekerja secara senyap pada motosikal ini sejak 2019.

Tetapi kami tidak boleh berknogsi tentang bagaimana rasanya kerana terdapat embargo yang sedang berlangsung yang tidak membenarkan ulasan diterbitkan sehingga 27 Julai. Ini kerana acara uji pandu di Barcelona masih berlangsung dan masih ramai wartawan yang belum menunggang motosikal tersebut.

Apa yang boleh kami beritahu anda adalah spesifikasi dan kami juga boleh menunjukkan reka bentuk motosikal ini, kali ini dengan butiran penuh tanpa bahagian kabur.

Guerilla 450 berkongsi banyak komponen dengan abangnya, Himalayan 450, jadi kami memberi amaran sekarang bahawa akan ada banyak rujukan kepada Himalayan. Harap ber sabar dengan kami.

Reka bentuknya adalah perbezaan terbesar (dan paling jelas), tetapi terdapat elemen model Hunter 350, yang tidak begitu mengejutkan kerana kedua-duanya pada dasarnya adalah Roadster.

Bermula dengan tayar, Guerilla menggunakan tayar Ceat Gripp XL Rad yang sama yang pertama kali kami lihat pada, ya, Himalayan. Tayar ini dibina khusus untuk motosikal pengembaraan tetapi Royal Enfield mengatakan tayar kompaun keras ini telah diubah suai untuk Guerilla.

Tayar ini meliputi satu set roda 17-inci di hadapan dan belakang sementara kuasa brek diuruskan oleh cakera 310mm di hadapan yang diapit oleh kaliper ByBre dua piston. Bahagian belakang dikawal oleh kaliper satu piston dengan cakera 270mm. Kedua-duanya disokong oleh sistem ABS dua saluran.

Suspensi terdiri daripada fork teleskopik 43mm di hadapan dengan 140mm perjalanan sementara monoshock dengan 150mm perjalanan menguruskan bahagian belakang, dan boleh disesuaikan untuk pre-load atau pra-beban.

Fork mempunyai sudut rake 21.8 darjah yang 4 darjah kurang daripada Himalayan sementara jejaknya berukuran 91mm, 27mm lebih pendek daripada Himalayan.

Ini menghasilkan motosikal dengan jarak roda 70mm lebih pendek pada 1440mm dan panjang keseluruhan 2090mm, yang lebih pendek 155mm daripada abangnya.

Berkenaan dengan dimensi, Guerilla sesuai untuk mereka yang mempunyai cabaran ketinggian. Ia mempunyai ketinggian keseluruhan 1125mm (turun 191mm dari H besar) sementara tempat duduk hanya 780mm dari tanah. Terdapat pilihan tempat duduk tinggi yang duduk 800mm dari tanah serta pilihan tempat duduk rendah yang duduk 760mm. Ini menjadikan Guerilla sesuai untuk semua binaan badan.

Dari segi berat, Guerilla hanya seberat 185kg (berat kasar dengan 90% bahan api dan pelincir) dan itu menjadikannya 11kg lebih ringan daripada Himalayan.

Bagi teknologi, Guerilla mempunyai lampu depan LED bulat yang sama seperti Himalayan dan bahagian belakang juga mempunyai isyarat belok LED yang juga berfungsi sebagai lampu brek.

Panel instrumen empat inci berwarna juga sama seperti Himalayan dan menawarkan sambungan telefon pintar melalui aplikasi Royal Enfield yang khusus. Mengenai navigasi, daripada mencipta semula roda, Royal Enfield hanya mengintegrasikan Google Maps ke dalam aplikasi dan dengan itu memberikan navigasi belok demi belok pada panel meter itu sendiri.

Selain daripada perkongsian komponen yang jelas, bahagian terbesar adalah enjinnya sendiri. Enjin 452cc hampir tidak berubah daripada yang terdapat pada Himalayan dan menghasilkan 40PS dan 40Nm tork.

Apa yang telah berubah adalah keadaan penalaan, dengan Royal Enfield mengatakan bahawa Guerilla mempunyai tork pertengahan terbaik dalam kelasnya.

Transmisi enam kelajuan juga 90% serupa dengan hanya pemacu akhir yang sedikit lebih tinggi. Terdapat juga klac bantuan dan slipper klac yang menjadikan tuas berasa sangat ringan, yang berguna dalam lalu lintas.

Enjin dipasang pada rangka tiub keluli yang sama seperti Himalayan walaupun ia telah diubah sedikit sementara sub-framenya adalah semua baru.

Royal Enfield mengatakan bahawa jisim keseluruhan motosikal telah diletakkan lebih rendah dan ke hadapan untuk memberikan rasa yang lebih tangkas di dalam dan luar selekoh.

Tangki bahan api 11 liter sebaliknya adalah semua baru dan diperbuat daripada logam, dan angka penggunaan bahan api rasmi dinilai pada 29.5km per liter yang memberikan jarak teori yang lebih 300km.

Terdapat pelbagai warna dan banyak aksesori rasmi Royal Enfield untuk menyesuaikan watak motosikal ini.

Dari segi harga, rakyat Malaysia perlu menunggu sehingga motosikal ini dilancarkan secara rasmi untuk itu tetapi jangkakan harga di bawah RM40k.

Harga untuk pasaran dunia adalah seperti berikut di bawah:

We have been teased, we have read leaked spec sheets and even seen blurred out images, but it has all come to an end now as Royal Enfield has officially unveiled its second roadster model – the Guerilla 450.

Said to be the road going variant of the successful Himalayan 450, the Guerilla is at home in the mountains as it is on the streets of a densely populated urban city. Hence why the chosen launch location, the vibrant and historic city of Barcelona is such an apt location.

The Guerilla was developed in and around Barcelona, and though we have only been fed some information about the bike in the past few months, Royal Enfield has been quietly working on the bike since 2019. That is a long time in the making, but as they say, good things come to those who wait and after having ridden it, we can say that it is indeed a very good thing.

But we can’t tell you much about how it feels like because of an on-going embargo that does not allow reviews to be published until the 27th of July. That is because the test ride event in Barcelona is still on-going and there still are many journalists who are yet to ride the bike. So to level the playing field, Royal Enfield put out an embargo, and we respect that.

What we can tell you though are the specifications and we can also show you what the bike looks like, in detail this time with no blurred out parts.

The Guerilla 450 shares a lot of its underpinnings with its sibling, the Himalayan, so we are warning you right now that there will be a lot of Himalayan references coming up. Bear with us.

The design though is the biggest (and most obvious) difference. But there are elements of the Hunter 350, which is not all that surprising since the two are essentially Roadsters.

Starting with the tyres, the Guerilla runs on the same Ceat Gripp XL Rad tyres that we first saw on the, you guessed it, Himalayan. The tyres were built specifically for the adventure bike but Royal Enfield says the hard compound tyres have been repurposed for the Guerilla.

The tyres wrap a set of 17-inch wheels front and back while braking power is managed by a 310mm disc up front that is gripped by a dual-piston ByBre caliper. The rear is kept in check by a 270mm single-piston caliper. Both are further backed up by a dual-channel ABS system.

Suspension consists of a 43mm telescopic fork up front with 140mm of travel while a monoshock with 150mm of travel manages the rear. The latter is adjustable for pre-load.

The forks have a rake angle of 21.8 degrees which is 4 degrees less than the Himalayans while the trail measures in at 91mm, a full 27mm shorter than the Himalayan.

This results in the bike have a 70mm shorter wheelbase at 1440mm and overall length of 2090mm, which is shorter by 155mm than its bigger brother.

On the topic of dimensions, the Guerilla is ideal for those who are challenged in the height department. It has an overall height of 1125mm (down by 191mm from the big H) while the seat is just 780mm off the ground. There is an high seat option that sits 800mm off the ground as well as a low seat option that sits 760mm. This makes the Geurilla well suited for all builds.

In terms of weight, the Guerilla weighs just 185kg (kerb with 90% fuel and lubricants) and that makes it 11kg lighter than the Himalayan.

As for tech, the Guerilla has the same circular LED headlight as the Himalayan and the rear too has LED turn signals which also double up as the brake lights.

The colourised four-inch instrument panel is also the same as the Himalayan and offers smart phone connectivity through a dedicated Royal Enfield application. When it comes to navigation, rather than reinventing the wheel, Royal Enfield simply integrated Google Maps into the app and thus gives you turn-by-turn navigation on the meter panel itself. The display is truly extraordinary.

Now to the juicy bits.

Besides the obvious sharing of components, the biggest bit is the engine itself. The 452cc engine is almost unchanged from the one in the Himalayan and makes 40PS and 40Nm of torque.

What has changed though is its state of tune, with Royal Enfield saying that the Guerilla boasts best in class mid-range torque.

The six-speed transmission too is 90% identical with only the final drive being slightly taller. There is also the assist and slipper clutch that makes the lever feel ultra-light, which comes in handy in traffic.

The engine is mounted onto the same steel tubular frame as the Himalayan though it has been slightly modified while the sub-frame is all-new.

Royal Enfield says that the overall mass of the bike has been placed lower and towards the front of the bike to give it a more nimble feel in and out of corners.

The 11-litre fuel tank on the other hand is all new and made of metal, and the official fuel consumption figure is rated at 29.5km per litre which provides a theoretical range of a little over 300km.

There are a host of different colour ways and a bunch of official Royal Enfield accessories to match the character of the bike.

In terms of pricing, Malaysians will have to wait till the bike is officially launched for that but expect a sub-RM40k price tag.

As for the rest of the world, the prices are below:

Here’s a full gallery of over 160 photos of close-ups and action shots:

Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 (2024) telah dilancarkan di Malaysia Autoshow 2024 hari ini.

Walaupun rekabentuk retro-futuristik motosikal ini diilhamkan oleh SG650 Concept, ia masih seumpama kanvas kosong untuk penyesuaian dan pemperibadian di kalangan peminat di seluruh dunia. Malah, Royal Enfield berkata ia sebuah “kanvas untuk pemperibadian, mencerminkan gabungan tenaga kreatif mentah, budaya adat anarki dan DNA Royal Enfield yang ikonik.”

Ciri-ciri utama:
  • Menggunakan platform enjin Royal Enfield 650 yang terbukti.
  • Enjinnya merupakan jenis 648cc berkembar selari dengan penyejukan minyak-udara, dan SOHC.

  • Ia menghasilkan 34.6 kW (46.4 hp) pada 7,250 RPM dan 52.3 Nm pada 5,650 RPM.
  • Tork yang tinggi pada RPM rendah itu bermakna ia ditala untuk pecutan, dan sesuai untuk persekitaran bandar.

  • Suspensi hadapan terdiri daripada fork Showa 43mm jenis terbalik, dengan piston besar, berfungsi berbahagi.
  • Tugas suspensi belakang dikendalikan oleh sepasang penyerap hentakan RSU dengan pelarasan prabeban 5 langkah.

  • Saiz roda depan ialah 18-inci, manakala yang belakang berukuran 17-inci.
  • Sistem brek motosikal ini menggunakan cakera tunggal 320mm di depan, dan cakera 300mm di belakang.

  • Lampunya yang nampak fancy itu menggunakan LED.
  • Meter-meter digital-analog dilengkapi dengan ciri navigasi Tripper.

  • Aplikasi Royal Enfield Wingman yang baharu memaparkan data seperti di mana motosikal berada pada masa nyata, tahap bahanapi dan minyak enjin, kala servis, dan sebagainya.
  • Juga terdapat sebuah port USB untuk mengecas peranti anda.

  • Ergonomik motosikal ini memudahkan penunggang, dengan ketinggian pelana hanya pada 795mm, pemijak kaki di bahagian pertengahan, dan posisi handel yang senang dicapai.
  • Royal Enfield menawarkan 31 Aksesori Motosikal Tulen bagi Shotgun 650 termasuklah cermin pandang belakang yang diletak dihujung handel, pelana solo, rim-rim yang dimesin.

  • Juga terdapat pakaian-pakaian jenama Royal Enfield untuk memenuhi citarasa dan gaya hidup anda.
  • Terdapat empat warna iaitu: Stencil White, Plasma Blue, Green Drill, and Sheet Metal Grey.

  • Harga jualan untuk Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 (2024) bermula dari RM 34,900.

Pra-tempahan dibuka untuk Royal Enfield Himalayan (2024) serba baharu 

Pada masa yang sama,  pratempahan kini dibuka untuk Royal Enfield Himalayan (2024) serba baharu.

Tayangan perdana rasmi motosikal itu akan berlangsung pada 8 Jun 2024, di JioSpace Petaling Jaya.

The 2024 Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 was launched at the Malaysia Autoshow 2024 today.

While the bike’s retro-futuristic design is inspired by the SG650 Concept, it is still acts as a blank canvas for customisation and personalisation among enthusiasts the world over. In fact, RE calls it “the ultimate canvas for personalization, reflecting a blend of raw creative energy, anarchic custom culture, and the iconic Royal Enfield DNA.


Main features:
  • Utilises RE’s proven 650 engine platform.
  • The engine is a 648cc parallel-twin with air-oil cooling, and SOHC.

  • It produces 34.6 kW (46.4 hp) at 7,250 RPM and 52.3 Nm at 5,650 RPM.
  • The high torque at that low RPM means it is tuned for acceleration, which is perfect for the urban environment.

  • The front suspension consist of 43mm Showa upside-down separate function big piston forks.
  • Rear suspension duties are handled by a pair of RSU shocks with 5-step preload adjustment.

  • The front wheel is 18-inches, while the rear is 17-inches.
  • Its braking system is made up by a single 320mm disc up front, and a 300mm disc at the back.

  • The headlamp, in all its funky attributes has LEDs.
  • The digital-analogue instrument panel is equipped with the Tripper navigation system.

  • The new Royal Enfield Wingman app which provides data such as live updates of the bike’s location, fuel and engine oil levels, service reminders, and so forth.
  • There is also a USB charging port to keep your device from running out of juice while on the go.

  • Its ergonomics can be summed up as accessible, with mid-set foot position, a low 795mm seat height, and easy to reach handlebar position.
  • Royal Enfield has some 31 Genunine Motorcycle Accessories for the Shotgun 650 including bar end mirrors, sculpted solo seat, contrast-cut billet rims, etc.

  • There is also a range of Royal Enfield apparels to match the lifestyle.
  • There are four unique colourways: Stencil White, Plasma Blue, Green Drill, and Sheet Metal Grey.

  • Selling price for the 2024 Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 begins from RM 34,900.

Pre-booking is open for all-new 2024 Royal Enfield Himalayan 

At the same time,  pre-bookings for the all-new 2024 Royal Enfield Himalayan is now open.

The official premiere of the bike will take place on 8th June 2024, at JioSpace Petaling Jaya.

Royal Enfield Petaling Jaya has launched the 2024 Royal Enfield Bullet 350 Special Edition. They have also revealed new colours for the Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650.

Royal Enfield Bullet 350 Special Edition

The Bullet 350 Special Edition is powered by the 349cc, fuel-injected, air-cooled, single-cylinder engine which is shared by the Meteor, Classic, and Hunter. It produces 20 hp at 6,100 RPM and 27 NM of torque at 4,000 RPM, which RE says provides “strong, low-end grunt, super smooth linear power delivery.” The power is sent through a 5-speed gearbox.

RE also claims that the chassis is “designed for improved handling and manoeuvrability,” and that it is “firmer” than previous Bullets to enhance cornering prowess while remaining stable on straight roads. There are changes to back this up, now with 41mm forks, a 100/90-19 front tyre, and 120/80-18 rear tyre.

The Bullet 350 is released in two distinct editions and three colourways, all handcrafted
with a premium finish that will delight:

  • The Bullet Standard in Black or Maroon are fitted with dual channel ABS and rear discs, and are finished with elegant hand-pinstriped body-coloured tanks and components as well as chrome and gold badges. it is priced at RM 23,500.
  • The Bullet Black Gold is finished with a striking combination of matt and gloss black tank, copper and gold 3D badge, copper pinstriping and on-trend, blacked-out engine and components, and comes with dual channel ABS and rear disc brakes. It is priced at RM 23,900.
New Colours for the Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650

Furthermore, Royal Enfield is excited to unveil the two new distinct colorways of the Super Meteor 650 – Interstellar  Grey and Astral Green – in response to market demand and to further enrich Malaysia’s cruiser journey.

The Super Meteor 650 will be available starting from RM 37,900/- in its new distinct colourways.

From Royal Enfield Petaling Jaya’s Press Release:

“A gleaming symbol of limitless resilience and an enduring name in motorcycling and automotive history, the Royal Enfield Bullet 350 continues its legendary legacy in a new avatar as Royal Enfield, the global leader in the mid-size (250cc-750cc) motorcycle segment, today announced the launch of the New Bullet 350 – Special Edition in Malaysia. Introduced on Royal Enfield’s proven, super-refined and smooth J-series engine platform, this iconic motorcycle, with over nine decades of heritage, proudly continues to be a fusion of resilient aesthetics and craftsmanship, a symbol of the vibrant culture it has catalysed over the last nine decades, and the community and characters it represents.

Additionally, in response to the strong demand following the successful launch of the Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 in September 2024 (sic). Royal Enfield is excited to reveal two new distinct colourways in Malaysia.”

Royal Enfield SG650 pertama kali muncul di pameran EICMA tahun ini sebagai konsep. Dan biasanya konsep hanya begitu, satu konsep. Ada yang mungkin membincangkan, dan yang lain mengabaikannya sebagai sesuatu yang mungkin atau mungkin tidak dibuat.


The Royal Enfield SG650 first made an appearance at this year’s EICMA show as a concept. And usually concepts are just that, a concept. Some may talk about it, and others disregard it as something that may or may not make it to production. 

Rarely is a concept shown as a production model so soon after its first appearance, but that is exactly what transpired with the Royal Enfield SG650 – now known as the Shotgun 650, its production name. 


Royal Enfield has officially unveiled the 2024 Himalayan 452, putting an end to months of speculation. 

The motorcycle, showcased on the brand’s Instagram page, exhibits a more muscular and curvier design compared to its predecessor. Notable features include an upside-down front fork and a prominent radiator, signaling its liquid-cooled engine.

The brand’s website prominently features the same image, accompanied by the caption “The Final Test” and an option to “Stay Updated.” Clicking this leads to a landing page with a countdown clock to November 7, 2023, marking the global launch date.

A teaser video on the site recounts the Himalayan’s journey since its inception in 2016, highlighting its success on and off-road worldwide.

Updating a beloved model like the Himalayan comes with its challenges, as it caters to a distinct rider demographic. Enthusiasts are eager to see how the 2024 Himalayan 452 lives up to its legacy.

Royal Enfield proudly introduced its latest addition to the family, the Super Meteor 650, in a grand launch event held at the Desaru International Bike Week in Johor.

The official launch at the Desaru International Bike Week in Johor provided an ideal backdrop for media partners and customers to experience the Super Meteor 650’s capabilities on picturesque roads.

As a top-of-the-line premium motorcycle in Royal Enfield’s portfolio, the Super Meteor 650 embodies the essence of a cruiser. It features uncluttered controls and instrumentation, relaxed rider ergonomics, rock-steady stability on highways, and a joyous riding experience on winding roads. Its flexible, smooth engine delivers ample torque, and its retro styling proudly showcases Royal Enfield’s DNA.

The Super Meteor 650 is now available in dealerships across Malaysia, with introductory prices starting at RM37,900 for the Super Meteor Single (Astral), RM38,300 for the Super Meteor Dual (Interstellar), and RM39,300 for the Super Meteor Tourer (Celestial).

The Super Meteor 650 is the third motorcycle to feature Royal Enfield’s 650cc parallel-twin engine after the Continental GT and Interceptor. 

However, this is not simply an engine swap from the smaller Meteor 350 or a different aesthetic from the existing 650 Twin. Instead, the Super Meteor 650 gets a newly built frame, revised suspension geometry, redesigned fuel tank, new side panels and a new swingarm.

Also, the Super Meteor 650 is the first 650cc model from Royal Enfield to be equipped with full-LED lighting. In addition, the Super Meteor is also the first Royal Enfield to be fitted with upside-down forks.

Nonetheless, the motorcycle continues to offer conventional cruiser-style riding ergonomics similar to the 350. Meanwhile, instrumentation comes from a digital-analogue display with tripper navigation.

With the launch of the Super Meteor 650, Royal Enfield continues to make strides in providing riders with exceptional motorcycles that blend timeless design with modern performance, reaffirming its commitment to the ever-growing motorcycling community in Malaysia and beyond.

Royal Enfield, the world’s oldest continuously producing motorcycle brand, was thrilled to announce the much-anticipated 12th edition of the Royal Enfield One Ride.

This global motorcycling extravaganza, recognised as one of the world’s largest single-day rides, brought together enthusiasts from across the globe in the spirit of camaraderie and adventure.

Mr. Rewi Hamid Bugo, Chairman of Didi Group, had expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “The 12th edition of Royal Enfield One Ride promises to be an exceptional gathering of riders. With more than 600 Royal Enfield enthusiasts from Malaysia and beyond converging for an exhilarating ride, it marked the largest gathering and ride in the history of Royal Enfield, all in celebration of Malaysia Day and the sheer joy of riding.”

Royal Enfield Malaysia by Didi Group was proud to host the Royal Enfield One Ride in collaboration with the Malaysian Vintage & Classic Military Bike and Kelab Motosikal Klassik Selangor. Held on September 16 and 17, 2023, this year’s One Ride guaranteed a plethora of thrilling activities and attractions that made it an unforgettable event.

The official flag-off of the event was graced by the esteemed presence of YBHG. Dato’ Amirul Azizan Bin Dato’ Sri Abd Rahim at Dataran Pantai Batu Laut, Banting Selangor.

In line with the spirit of responsible travel, this year Royal Enfield emphasised the message of responsibility and sustainability with the hashtag #LeaveEveryPlaceBetter. The brand encouraged its rider community to adopt responsible travel practices, ensuring that their journeys had a positive impact on the places they explored. Royal Enfield firmly believed that motorcycling was not just about reaching the destination; it was also about cherishing the journey and preserving the natural beauty that surrounded it.

The 12th edition of the Royal Enfield One Ride was indeed a momentous gathering of motorcycle enthusiasts, uniting riders from different corners of the world to celebrate the joy of riding and the spirit of global brotherhood. 

Royal Enfield is embracing the electric revolution with plans to introduce its debut electric motorcycle by 2025.

  • Royal Enfield progressing steadily towards inaugural electric two-wheelers launch in 2025. 
  • a team of nearly 100 two-wheels and EV expert is currently developing a thriving ecosystem to create a proper electric motorcycle. 

A recent report from The Hindu Business Line affirms the brand’s steadfast progress toward this milestone. Acknowledging the shifting tides of the motorcycle industry, Royal Enfield remains committed to both its traditional internal combustion offerings and its pioneering electric venture.

To achieve this vision, the company has established a dedicated electric vehicle division and harnessed the expertise of Mario Alvisi, a former Ducati executive, as the Chief Growth Officer.

With unwavering focus, a close-knit team of nearly 100 experts is working to create not just an electric motorcycle but a thriving electric vehicle ecosystem. Their mission is to craft distinctive, high-performance electric motorcycles that encapsulate Royal Enfield’s signature charm.

Eicher Motors, Royal Enfield’s parent company, has strategically invested in Spanish electric mobility firm Stark Future, fostering potential synergies. This strategic partnership seeks to leverage their respective strengths in a collaborative pursuit of innovation.

While certain components like battery cells are sourced internationally, Royal Enfield actively engages in in-house manufacturing and supply chain partnerships for other essential parts. The company has expanded its supplier network, embracing 11-12 new collaborators and exploring further opportunities.

After nine decades of dominance in the Indian market, the much-awaited 2023 Bullet 350 is finally here, and it has everyone talking.

  • powering the 2023 Bullet 350 is the the same 350cc engine that currently powers its siblings: the Meteor 350, Classic 350, and Hunter 350.
  • the 2023 Bullet 350 pays homage to the model’s heritage but with a mix of modern technology. 

A Nod to the Past

“The 2023 Bullet. New heart. Same beat,” says Royal Enfield about their latest Bullet 350. The model pays homage to its rich past while standing toe-to-toe with modern design and technology. It’s clear that Royal Enfield took inspiration from its fanbase. The company recently asked people to share their cherished memories with previous Bullet models, and those stories seem to have influenced the latest Bullet’s introduction film.

What Powers It?

At the heart of the new Bullet 350 lies the same 350cc engine that currently powers its siblings: the Meteor 350, Classic 350, and Hunter 350. The engine is known for its reliable performance, enough to give riders the confidence for long road trips and daily commuting alike.

Built for the Rider

Safety hasn’t been compromised either. The Bullet 350 comes equipped with dual-channel ABS, ensuring better control during sudden stops or tricky road conditions. One of the most striking features is its instrument panel. It marries analogue and digital displays into a unique rounded triangular form that is not just practical but also elegantly designed.  

For comfort, Royal Enfield claims to have improved the bench seat to offer better under-thigh support for riders, regardless of the type of journey they’re on. In today’s digital age, a USB port next to the clutch lever on the left handlebar is an intuitive addition for charging smartphones and other devices on the go.


When it comes to customisation, there are options aplenty. The basic model is available in Military Black or Military Red  but if you’re willing to spend a bit more, you can opt for the Standard trim, available in Maroon or Black. For those who prefer the crème de la crème, the premium Black Gold is also available. 


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