

Yamaha made big waves back in 2009 when they introduced the YZF-R1 of that year with a “crossplane engine.” It is also known as the CP4 in short for “crossplane four cylinder.” Yes, it has been 15 years already, yet there still exists some confusion on what it actually means.

Not helping to clear the air is Yamaha calling their parallel-twin CP2 (MT-07, Tenere 700, and YZF-R7) and their triple CP3 (MT-09, Tracer/Tracer GT, YZF-R9).

So, let us take a closer look as to what a “crossplane engine” actually means.

Let us start with the “flat plane” engine

The “plane” in the word alludes to the crankshaft’s throws i.e. how the crankpins are arranged. Crankpins are the cylindrical extrusions on a crankshaft where big end of a connecting rod (conrod) is mounted. On the top of this conrod is a smaller end where a piston is attached via a wrist pin. As such, combustion pressure pushes down on the crown (top) of the piston, forcing the piston down. This motion is carried by conrod to push the crankshaft, making the later go around. The rotation of the crankshaft is what gives the engine its torque and power.

Traditionally, inline-four engines have their crankpins arranged in 180° intervals between them. In other words, piston one is up, the piston two is down, the following piston three is also down, and finally the last piston four is up. Seen from one end of the crankshaft, all the crankpins appear one a single plane (axis), hence the engine is known as a “flat plane.”

In accordance to this, the engine’s firing order (the order which a spark is introduced to ignite the fuel/air mixture) is every 180° of crank rotation i.e. 720°/4 cylinders = 180°. Why 720°? That is because a four-stroke engine requires two crankshaft rotations (720°) to complete the four strokes i.e. intake, compression, combustion, exhaust.

To illustrate this: Cylinder one fires, the crank turns 180°, cylinder three fires, the crank turns another 180°, cylinder four fires, and finally, cylinder two fires after another 180°. This is called an even firing order since it is 180°-180°-180°-180°.

With this crankshaft structure all 4 pistons generate the secondary force in the same direction at the same time. 2 pistons move from TDC towards 90° and 2 other pistons move from BDC to 270°. It results in accumulating all the forces, because all forces are directed in one and the same direction. This is the total secondary force of this 180°crankshaft structure.

In other words, the inline-four engine has a lot of vibration but it only feels smooth because the shakes are quelled by a counterbalancer shaft.

Now the “crossplane engine”

The first crossplane crankshat/engine was actually first proposed in 1915, before Cadillac introduced the first crossplane V8 in 1923. V8 engines used flat-plane cranks prior to that.

Now, since we have illustrated the flat-plane crank, the crossplane crank has its crankpins offset by 90°. This means, while crankpin one fully up, crankpin two is 90° away. The last crankpin is 180° from crankpin one, thus crankpin three is 90° away from crankpin four.

This arrangement would give the engine a 90°-90°-90°-90° firing order but(!) it results in a very wild power delivery like the traditional 500cc two-stroke (albeit V4) GP bikes. Mick Doohan called this the “Screamer” engine.

So, to quell that kind of character, the Big Bang firing order was introduced in the 1990 Honda NSR500, which crowded all the four cylinders’ firing order closer together, while leaving the crankshaft to turn the rest of the way without power pulses.

This is especially useful for high-powered motorcycles, because power pulses will disrupt the tyre’s grip. Each power pulse “kicks” the tyre and if the rear tyre starts to lose grip and spin, the power pulses will keep it spinning, hence losing grip. The rider has two choices here: Roll out of the throttle or end up having less acceleration off a corner, and even crash. In today’s world, traction control will interfere to cut the torque to the rear wheel causing the rider to lose acceleration off a corner.

On the other hand, having no power pulse lets the tyre “rest,” allowing it time to grip. Another advantage of this is better tyre life.

Moving forward to the Yamaha R1’s, its inline-four crossplane engine fires at 270°-180°-90°-180°. The firing order has also been changed to 1-3-2-4, instead of the flat-plane’s 1-3-4-2.

We have 4 pistons that are all in a different position from each other. Two pistons are at the beginning of moving downwards, and two pistons are at the beginning of moving upwards.

Piston 1 is at TDC and moves to 90°, while piston 4 is at BDC and moves to 270°. Both these pistons generate a force that is directed upwards (conrod outward movement), but piston 2 is at 270° and moves to TDC, while piston 3 is at 90° and moves to BDC. Both these pistons generate a force that is directed downwards (conrod inward movement).

This means that pistons 1 and 4 are a pair that have a force upwards and pistons 2 and 3 have a force directed downwards. As such, the upward forces are cancelled out by the downward forces. Ultimately, the crossplane crankshaft has no secondary force.

Benefits of the inline-four crossplane engine

With the crossplane crankshaft design, the inertia force (= inertia torque) is reduced to almost zero, apart from a little due to flex and torsion from the crankshaft. So what remains is the ‘pure’ combustion torque. The feeling of the combustion torque is what is meant by throttle feeling. The combustion torque is no longer overruled by the inertia torque with the crossplane crankshaft. This gives the rider the feeling he is directly controlling the rear wheel without any interference, thus improving the ride ability.

In addition to this is the irregular firing order which allows the rear tyre to rest as we mentioned earlier.

This was why Valentino Rossi chose the crossplane engined YZR-M1 when he joined the Yamaha MotoGP team in 2004. To him, it had a smoother throttle response and promoted better rear tyre traction. Remember this was when traction control and certainly aerodynamics were still decades away.

Yamaha then became the first manufacturer to adopt that crankshaft arrangement to a road bike, namely the YZF-R1 in 2009. It continues to be the only inline-four road bike with a crossplane crankshaft.

So, what about CP2 and CP3?

There are two types of parallel-twin crankshaft layouts, initially. Traditionally, the British twins used a 360° layout which the both pistons rose and fall together. Then, it was revised to the 180° twin, which one piston is at TDC while another is at BDC. But the former has a high secondary and primary vibrations, while the latter has high primary vibrations.

So, Yamaha first introduced the TRX850 in 1995 with a parallel-twin engine with a 270° crankshaft, to mimic the firing order of a 90° V-Twin’s.

But somehow, the TRX850 faded away. Not the engine layout, though, because Yamaha revived that format in the MT-07 in 2014, and called it the CP2 (crossplane 2-cylinder).

As for the CP3, as you may have guessed it, it is a three-cylinder engine with a crossplane crankshaft. However, it has to be said that the inline three-cylinder engine is already a crossplane engine, as the crankpins are spaced at 120° to each other rather than being on a flat-plane. It is just a matter of familial continue (and for marketing purposes) that Yamaha calls it the CP3.

So while the CP2 and CP3 are trademarks for Yamaha, the technology is not.

Ah ya, ia adalah 9 Oktober semalam dan seperti yang dijanjikan, Yamaha R9 (2025) telah dilancarkan. Tetapi sebelum kami teruskan, kami ingin nyatakan bahawa R9 ini BUKAN pengganti untuk Yamaha YZF-R1! Kami telah membaca komen dalam beberapa halaman dan ada orang yang keliru.

Walauapapun, YZF-R9 yang telah lama dikhabarkan berada di sini akhirnya dan ia kelihatan cantik, pada pendapat kami yang rendah hati.

Ciri-ciri utama:
  • Enjin 890cc, tiga silinder, CP3 yang turut memacu Yamaha MT-09 dan Yamaha Tracer 9 GT.
  • Walaubagaimanapun, ECU R9 adalah berbeza, yang dikatakan oleh Yamaha bertujuan untuk “menyediakan kuasa supersport yang mendebarkan dengan watak enjin tork yang lebih luas.” Kami hanya berharap bahawa mereka telah menyelesaikan tindakbalas pendikit yang mengejut bagi MT-09.

  • Pengilang tidak mendedahkan angka kuasa, tetapi enjin MT-09 semasa menghasilkan 117hp dan 92Nm.
  • Terdapat radiator yang lebih besar (bagus!) dan sproket belakang yang lebih kecil (16/43 vs. 16/45).

  • Kerangka Deltabox tuangan graviti serba baharu. Ia merupakan kerangka aluminium paling ringan Yamaha dengan berat hanya 9.7kg.
  • Fork jenis terbalik KYB SDF 43mm berspesifikasi tinggi, yang boleh laras sepenuhnya, dengan tiub bersalut Kashima dan monoshock KYB boleh laras sepenuhnya di bahagian belakang.

  • Silinder brek induk jejari Brembo, cakera 320mm, dan kaliper Brembo Stylema di hadapan (yahu!).
  • Ergonomik adalah lebih sporty daripada YZF-R7, dengan hendal diletakkan rendah dan pemijak kaki lebih tinggi.

  • Terdapat IMU enam paksi bersama mod tunggangan Rain, Sport, Street, Custom serta empat mod Track.
  • Kawalan permulaan (launch control) juga disertakan, membolehkan anda membuka pendikit dengan luas dan melepaskan klac.

  • Quickshifter sebagai peralatan standard.
  • Satu lagi ciri unik ialah Pengawal Rakaman dan Analisis Telemetri (Y-TRAC) untuk log dan menganalisis data tunggangan yang boleh mereka semak kemudian.

  • Ia memaut ke telefon penunggang menggunakan Bluetooth, bermakna basikal itu juga mempunyai navigasi penuh bersepadu, panggilan dan muzik.
  • Skrin TFT 5-inci baharu yang kelihatan lebih mudah dibaca.


Jadi, Yamaha R9 (2025) ialah motosikal sport “saban hari” yang boleh anda bawa ke track day sekali-sekala. Ia lebih mudah diakses berbanding dengan YZF-R1, tetapi dengan beberapa teknologi daripada R1.

Walaubagaimanapun, kita di Malaysia mungkin melihat motosikal ini sebagai impian semata-mata memandangkan kita masih belum menerima YZF-R7 lagi. Apa kata anda, Hong Leong Yamaha?





Ah yes, it was 9th October yesterday and as promised, the 2025 Yamaha R9 has been launched. But before going further, let us state that it is NOT the replacement for the Yamaha YZF-R1! We have read through the threads in several pages and there were folks who were confused.

In any case, the long-rumoured YZF-R9 is here at last and it does look good, in our humble opinion.

  • 890cc, three-cylinder, CP3 engine which also powers the Yamaha MT-09 and Yamaha Tracer 9 GT.
  • However, the R9’s ECU is different, which Yamaha says is intended to “provide thrilling supersport power with a more broad, torquey engine character.” Whatever. We just hope that they have ironed out the snatchy throttle response of the MT-09.

  • The manufacturer did not disclose the power figures, but the current MT-09’s engine puts out 117hp and 92Nm.
  • There is a larger radiator (yay!) and a smaller rear sprocket (16/43 vs. 16/45).

  • All-new advanced gravity-cast Deltabox frame, which is Yamaha’s lightest aluminium frame weighing only 9.7kg.
  • High-spec, fully-adjustable, 43mm KYB SDF upside-down forks with Kashima-coated tubes, and KYB fully-adjustable monoshock at the back.

  • Brembo radial master cylinder, 320mm discs, and Brembo Stylema calipers up front (yay!).
  • The ergonomics are much sportier than the YZF-R7’s, with the clip-ons placed low and footpegs higher.

  • There is a six-axis IMU, along with Rain, Sport, Street, Custom riding modes, in addition to four Track modes.
  • Launch control is also included, allowing you to pin the throttle and dump the clutch.

  • A quickshifter as standard equipment.
  • Another unique feature is the Telemetry Recording and Analysis Controller (Y-TRAC) to log and analyse riding data which they can later review.

  • It links to the rider’s phone using Bluetooth, meaning the bike also boasts integrated full navigation, calls and music.
  • New 5-inch TFT screen that appears to be much easier to read.

In a nutshell

So, the 2025 Yamaha R9 is an “everyday” sportbike that you can take to the occasional track day. It is much more accessible compared to its YZF-R1, but with some of the technologies from the R1.

However, we in Malaysia may see this bike as just a pipe dream since we have not even received the YZF-R7 yet. What say you, Hong Leong Yamaha?





Dunia motosikal telah lama menunggu Yamaha YZF-R9 sehingga hampir terlupa mengenainya. Tetapi Yamaha USA baru sahaja menayangkan satu video acah di YouTube dengan ayat, “Era baharu akan datang. 9 Oktober.”

Ia boleh dilihat dalam video bahawa terdapat sebuah motosikal sport ber-fairing penuh di latar belakang dan kira detik yang berhenti dan berulang pada nombor 9. Selain itu, video itu menunjukkan lampu depan yang terletak di tengah-tengah di antara DRL sisi, yang mengikut susunan lampu Yamaha YZF-R7. Jadi, video ini benar-benar mengesahkan pelancaran YZF-R9.

Yamaha kini mempunyai R7 sebagai motosikal sport “saban hari” yang berada di dalam segmen yang sama dengan Honda CBR650R, Suzuki GSX-S800, Triumph Daytona 660, dan Aprilia RS 660. Bagi banjaran supersport “tulen” pula, hanya terdapat dua motosikal iaitu Honda CBR600RR dan Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R, selepas Yamaha menurunkan R6 tahun lalu.

Di kalangan motosikal superbike pula, terdapat Yamaha YZF-R1 yang bersaing dengan Aprilia RSV1100 V4, Ducati Panigale V4, Honda CBR1000RR-R, Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R.

Jadi, di manakah Yamaha YZF-R9 (2025) akan diletak? Hanya terdapat satu lagi motosikal sukan dalam banjaran ini, Ducati Panigale V2. Pengeluar Itali itu telah berhenti mengeluarkan Panigale V2 dengan enjin Testastretta dan sedang berusaha untuk menghasilkan enjin V-Twin baharu.

Walauapapun, motosikal sukan di bawah 1000cc yang praktikal dan sesuai untuk tunggangan harian seerta di litar sekali-sekala sentiasa dialu-alukan. Mari kita nantikan 9 Oktober.

The motorcycling world had been waiting for the Yamaha YZF-R9 for so long that it is almost out of mind. But Yamaha USA had just dropped a teaser video in YouTube with the line, “A new era is rising. October 9th.”

It can be seen in the video that there is a fully-faired sportbike in the background and a countdown that stops and repeats at the number 9. Additionally, the video shows a centrally-located headlight in between side DRLs, an arrangement like that of the Yamaha YZF-R7’s. So, this video truly confirms the launch of the YZF-R9.

Now, Yamaha has the R7 as the “everyday” sportbike which occupies the same segment as the Honda CBR650R, Suzuki GSX-S800, Triumph Daytona 660, and Aprilia RS 660. As for the “pure” supersport range, there are only two horses here – The Honda CBR600RR and Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R – after Yamaha dropped the R6 years ago.

On the superbike front, there is the Yamaha YZF-R1 taking the fight to the Aprilia RSV1100 V4, Ducati Panigale V4, Honda CBR1000RR-R, Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R.

So, where will the the 2025 Yamaha YZF-R9 fit in? There is only one other sportbike in this range, the Ducati Panigale V2. The Italian manufacturer had stopped producing the Panigale V2 with the Testastretta engine and are looking to produce a new V-Twin.

In any case, a practical sub-1000cc sportbike that is good for everyday riding and the occasional trackday is always welcome in our books. Let us look forward to 9th October.

Hong Leong Yamaha Motor Sdn Bhd (“HLYM”) melancarkan motosikal Yamaha PG-1 (Playful Gear 1) yang dinanti-nantikan bulan lepas, mentakrifkan semula standard untuk menunggang pengembaraan. PG-1, yang didatangkan dengan rupa lasak lagi klasik, mudah disesuaikan dengan aksesori untuk dipadankan dengan gaya peribadi penunggang untuk pengalaman menunggang yang lebih tinggi. Dalam sentuhan yang menarik, HLYM berbesar hati untuk memperkenalkan empat persona berbeza PG-1 yang mencerminkan kepelbagaian gaya hidup dan pilihan penunggang motosikal, menekankan kepelbagaian motosikal untuk memenuhi setiap jenis pengembaraan.

Persona 1: Wira Kembara

Wira Kembara mendambakan keseronokan pengembaraan melangkaui landskap bandar. Apabila hujung minggu tiba, dia menukar kehidupan bandar untuk kebebasan di jalan terbuka, didorong oleh keinginan untuk meneroka alam semula jadi. Dengan Yamaha PG-1, dia menerokai trek yang sukar, berhubung semula dengan alam luar yang liar dan menyelami keindahan semula jadi hutan tropika Malaysia.

Persona 2: Retro Manik

Retro Manik adalah gagah dan elegan, dengan mudah mengimbangi kecintaan terhadap penerokaan dengan komitmen terhadap gaya. Yamaha PG-1 bukan sekadar cara pengangkutan kepadanya; ia adalah lanjutan daripada citarasa halusnya. Lelaki moden ini tidak sabar-sabar untuk mendedahkan permata tersembunyi Malaysia pada PG-1, mengemudi dengan yakin melalui landskap luar bandar dan bandar dengan tujuan dan keanggunan.

Persona 3: Perantis Gaya

Pencinta seni, fesyen dan budaya, Perintis Gaya sentiasa mencari tempat persembunyian yang menawan, kafe yang selesa dan seni jalanan yang indah yang menceritakan kisah. Dengan Yamaha PG-1 sebagai teman perjalanannya yang boleh dipercayai, Culture Vulture meneroka landskap bandar sambil berkongsi pengembaraannya di media sosial untuk merakam keindahan dalam detik-detik setiap hari.

Persona 4: Penjelajah Bandar

Merangkul keseronokan bandar selepas gelap, Penjelajah Bandar merangkumi gabungan unik misteri dan pengembaraan. Dia dengan mudah meluncur melalui bandar dengan Yamaha PG-1 sambil mencari destinasi menarik yang sibuk dengan kehidupan malam. Sama ada perjalanan tengah malam melalui jalan bercahaya neon atau penerokaan untuk mendedahkan tempat tersembunyi, Street Adventurer mengimbangi kecanggihan bandar dengan rasa pengembaraan yang bersemangat.

Selaras dengan slogannya, “Aku dan Kebebasan!”, Yamaha PG-1 direka untuk penyesuaian yang mudah untuk disesuaikan dengan gaya peribadi penunggang. Penunggang yang sedang bersiap sedia untuk pengembaraan penerokaan kini boleh mendapatkan Pek Eksplorasi GIVI PG-1 pada harga RM700 (terhad kepada 500 unit pertama) atau Pek Ekspedisi Yamaha PG-1 pada harga RM1,200.00 (terhad kepada 300 unit pertama). unit). Bagi mereka yang ingin memperibadikan PG-1 mereka dengan lebih lanjut, mereka mungkin berminat untuk melihat Prelova Studio atau Taymen Airbrushing.

Aksesori TYM:

Harga jualan disyorkan: RM1,200 (Nilai: RM1,800) – Terhad kepada 300 unit sahaja.

• Kit Pelindung Tangan;
• Kit Penutup Pelindung Tangan;
• Pembawa Barangan Depan;
• Kit Kerangka;
• Kit Pelindung Kaki.

Akesori GIVI:

Harga runcit disyorkan: RM700 (Nilai: RM1,200) – Terhad kepada 500 unit sahaja.

• Beg Sisi;
• Beg Hendal;
• Beg Sandang;
• Rak untuk Beg Sisi;
• Rak untuk Beg Sandang.

Hong Leong Yamaha Motor Sdn Bhd (“HLYM”) launched its highly anticipated Yamaha PG-1 (Playful Gear 1) bike last month, redefining standards for adventure riding. The PG-1, which comes with a rugged yet classic look, is easily customizable with accessories to match the rider’s personalized style for an elevated riding experience. In an exciting twist, HLYM is pleased to introduce the four different personas of the PG-1 which reflect the diverse lifestyles and preferences of motorcyclists, emphasizing the bike’s versatility to cater to every kind of adventure.

Persona 1: Adventure Seeker

The Adventure Seeker craves the thrill of adventure beyond the urban landscape. When the weekend arrives, he swaps the city life for freedom on the open road, driven by a desire to explore nature. With the Yamaha PG-1, he explores off-beaten tracks, reconnects with the wild outdoors and immerses himself in the natural beauty of Malaysia’s tropical forests.

Persona 2: Urban Classic

The Urban Classic is dashing and elegant, effortlessly balancing a love for exploration with a commitment to style. The Yamaha PG-1 is more than just a mode of transportation to him; it’s an extension of his refined tastes. This modern gentleman looks forward to uncovering Malaysia’s hidden gems on the PG-1, confidently navigating through rural and urban landscapes with a sense of purpose and elegance.

Persona 3: Culture Vulture

A lover of art, fashion and culture, the Culture Vulture is always on the lookout for charming hideaways, cozy cafes and beautiful street art that tell a story. With the Yamaha PG-1 as her trusty travel companion, the Culture Vulture explores urban landscapes while sharing her adventures on social media to capture the beauty in everyday moments.

Persona 4: Street Adventurer

Embracing the excitement of the city after dark, the Street Adventurer embodies a unique blend of mystery and adventure. He effortlessly glides through the city on the Yamaha PG-1 as he seeks out cool destinations that are bustling with nightlife. Whether it’s a midnight ride through neon-lit streets or an exploration to uncover hidden spots, the Street Adventurer balances urban sophistication with a spirited sense of adventure.

In line with its tagline, “Be Free, Be You!”, the Yamaha PG-1 is designed for convenient customization to suit the rider’s personal style. Riders who are gearing up for an exploration adventure can now get their hands on the GIVI PG-1 Exploration Pack at RM700 (limited to the first 500 units) or the Yamaha PG-1 Expedition Pack at RM1,200.00 (limited to the first 300 units). For those who wish to personalize their PG-1 further, they may be interested to check out Prelova Studio or Taymen Airbrushing.

TYM Accessories:

Recommended Retail Price: RM1,200 (Value: RM1,800) – Limited to 300 units only.

• Hand Guard Kit;
• Hand Guard Cover Kit;
• Front Carrier;
• Sub Frame Kit;
• Leg Shield Kit.

GIVI Accessories:

Recommended Retail Price: RM700 (Value: RM1,200) – Limited to 500 units only.

• Side Bag;
• Handlebar Bag;
• Duffle Bag;
• Bracket for Side Bag;
• Rack for Duffle Bag.

Seperti yang kami nyatakan sebelum ini, Yamaha YZF-R1 yang sah untuk jalan raya kini hanya tersedia untuk semua pasaran lain kecuali di UK dan Eropah kerana sekatan emisi Euro 5. Bagaimanapun, motosikal itu boleh dijual di pasaran UK dan EU dalam versi perlumbaan sahaja. Oleh itu, Yamaha YZF-R1 Race (2025) dan Yamaha YZF-R1 GYTR (2025) telah dilancarkan untuk semua pasaran.

Yamaha YZF-R1 Race (2025)

Ini adalah model asas dalam rangkaian perlumbaan R1, dan seperti biasa, Yamaha mendakwa ia diinspirasikan daripada motosikal YZR-M1. Semua peralatan undang-undang jalan raya telah dialihkan, hanya meninggalkan keperluan, termasuk sayap hadapan gentian karbon yang besar. Namun Yamaha tidak menerbitkan berapa banyak daya tujahan (downforce) yang ditambahkan oleh sayap-sayap itu.

Fork adalah jenis KYB 43mm terbalik yang boleh laras untuk redaman mampatan dan lantunan. Ini dilaraskan secara konvensional, tidak seperti jenis yang dikawal secara elektronik pada R1 jalan raya. Ini kerana kebanyakan siri perlumbaan (selain daripada FIM EWC) mengharamkan suspensi yang dikawal secara elektronik. Selain itu, penunggang profesional lebih gemar suspensi manual kerana ia memberikan rasa yang lebih baik.

Brek hadapan terdiri daripada kaliper monobloc Brembo Stylema.


  • Sayap diinspirasi oleh MotoGP.
  • Fork depan KYB generasi baharu.
  • Silinder induk brek depan Brembo baharu dan kaliper Stylema.
  • Sarung pelana duduk baru yang mencengkam.
  • Berfokus pada trek sepenuhnya dan semua komponen jalanan ditanggalkan.
  • Enjin 4-silinder crossplane 998cc 200PS dengan tork linear.
  • Pakej elektronik yang canggih.
  • IMU 6 paksi dengan penderia Gyro/G untuk data gerakan 3D.
  • Kawalan Cengkaman (TCS) sensitif mereng motosikal dan Kawalan Slaid (SCS).
  • Mod Penghantaran Kuasa (PWR).
  • Kawalan ‘wheelie‘ tayar depan (LIF) dan Kawalan Pelancaran (LCS).
  • Sistem Penukaran Gear Pantas (QSS).
  • Pengurusan Brek Enjin (EBM) dan Kawalan Brek (BC).
  • Frem Deltabox aluminium dengan jarak roda pendek.
  • Lengan ayun aluminium jenis bingkai ke atas/rangka belakang magnesium.
  • Roda belakang magnesium dan tangki bahan api aluminium 17 liter.
  • Panel instrumen TFT 4.2 inci dengan Mod Trek.

Yamaha YZF-R1 GYTR (2025)

Unit GYTR (Genuine Yamaha Technology Racing) adalah seumpana kedai yang menjual barangan profesional untuk jenama itu. R1 GYTR ini dikatakan “tidak meninggalkan sebarang usaha untuk mengejar prestasi perlumbaan”. Ia menampilkan semua peningkatan kepada R1 Race, bersama-sama dengan pelbagai komponen GTYR. Setiap model GYTR juga dibina di GYTR PRO Shop Yamaha, dan dihomologasikan untuk memenuhi peraturan FIM Superstock 1000.

Dengan spesifikasinya lebih tinggi daripada R1 Race, Yamaha YZF-R1 GYTR (2025) baharu menampilkan tahap kebolehlarasan yang lebih tinggi dalam ECU motosikal, dan ergonomik penunggang, dengan set belakang dan bar hendal boleh laras sepenuhnya.

Sistem brek hadapan menggunakan kaliper Stylema yang sama, walaupun pada model GYTR ia dipasang dengan pad brek perlumbaan Z04 dan hos brek GYTR. Terdapat juga tuil brek ibu jari untuk brek belakang. Pendawaian spesifikasi perlumbaan bersembunyi di bawah fairing, dan gas ekzos keluar dari penyenyap Akrapovic.

Suspensinya adalah Öhlins, sudah tentu.


  • Fairing perlumbaan gentian kaca hitam baharu dengan sayap berinspirasikan MotoGP dan kit pelekat.
  • Fork hadapan KYB generasi baharu.
  • Silinder induk brek depan Brembo baharu dan kaliper Stylema.
  • Set pemijak kaki perlumbaan GYTR baharu.
  • Set hendal GYTR R1 baharu.
  • GYTR Racing ECU (spesifikasi SST).
  • GYTR Racing Wire Harness.
  • Peredam Akrapovic Race dengan sistem peredam pertengahan (<100 dB).
  • Set palam GYTR AIS.
  • Sproket 15/42T 520  dan rantai lumba 520.
  • Emulator GYTR ABS.
  • Set hos brek GYTR.
  • Penutup tangki bahan api perlumbaan GYTR.
  • Set penutup enjin GYTR.
  • Pelindung sproket belakang sirip yu GYTR.
  • Pelindung tuil brek GYTR.
  • Set cangkuk pendirian dan kaki lumba belakang.
  • Sumbat stereng GYTR.
  • Skrin perlumbaan GYTR.
  • Pad brek lumba Brembo Z04.

Yamaha tidak mendedahkan harga kedua-dua model ini.

As we mentioned earlier, the road legal Yamaha YZF-R1 is now only available for all other markets except in the UK and Europe due to Euro 5 emissions restrictions. However, the bike can be sold in the UK and EU markets in competition form only. As such, here are the track-only 2025 Yamaha YZF-R1 Race and 2025 Yamaha YZF-R1 GYTR.

2025 Yamaha YZF-R1 Race

This is the base model in the competition range, and as usual, Yamaha claims that it is inspired by the YZR-M1 MotoGP bike. All road-legal equipment have been removed, leaving only the necessities, including the large carbon fibre front wings. The factory did not publish how much downforce they add on, though.

The forks are KYB 43mm upside-down units, adjustable for compression dan rebound damping. These are conventionally adjusted unlike the electronically-controlled type on the road-legal R1. This is because most racing series (apart from the FIM EWC) ban electronically-controlled suspension. Besides, professional riders prefer manually-controlled suspension as they provide better feel.

Front brakes consist of Brembo Stylema monobloc calipers.


  • New MotoGP-inspired downforce winglets.
  • New generation KYB front forks.
  • New Brembo front master cylinder and Stylema calipers.
  • New grippy seat cover.
  • Fully track-focused, all road components removed.
  • 998cc 200PS crossplane 4-cylinder engine with linear torque.
  • Sophisticated electronics package.
  • 6-axis IMU with Gyro/G sensors for 3D motion data.
  • Banking sensitive Traction Control (TCS) and Slide Control (SCS).
  • Power Delivery Modes (PWR).
  • Front Lift Control (LIF) and Launch Control (LCS).
  • Quick Shift System (QSS).
  • Engine Brake Management (EBM) and Brake Control (BC).
  • Short wheelbase aluminium Deltabox frame.
  • Upward truss type aluminium swingarm/magnesium rear frame.
  • Magnesium rear wheels and 17 litre aluminium fuel tank.
  • 4.2 inch TFT instrument panel with Track Mode.

2025 Yamaha YZF-R1 GYTR

The GYTR (Genuine Yamaha Technology Racing) unit is the Pro Shop for the brand. The R1 GYTR is said to “leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of racing performance”. It features all the upgrades to the R1 Race, along with a host of “race-developed” GTYR parts. Each GYTR model is also built in one of Yamaha’s specialist GYTR PRO Shops, and is homologated to meet the FIM Superstock 1000 regulations right out of the crate.

Above the spec of the R1 Race, the new 2025 Yamaha YZF-R1 GYTR features a higher level of adjustability in the bike’s ECU, and rider ergonomics, thanks to fully adjustable rearsets and handlebars.

The front brake system uses the same Stylema calipers, although on the GYTR model they are fitted with Z04 racing pads and GYTR brake lines. There is also a thumb brake lever for the rear brake. A race-spec wiring loom hides underneath the fairing, and exhaust gases are shot out of an Akrapovic silencer.

Suspension is Öhlins, of course.


  • New black glass fibre race cowl with MotoGP-inspired winglets and sticker kit.
  • New generation KYB front forks.
  • New Brembo front master cylinder and Stylema calipers.
  • New GYTR race rear set.
  • New GYTR R1 handlebar set.
  • GYTR Racing ECU (SST spec).
  • GYTR Racing Wire Harness.
  • Akrapovic Race muffler with mid-damper system (<100 dB).
  • GYTR AIS plug set.
  • 15/42T 520 sprockets and 520 racing chain.
  • GYTR ABS emulator.
  • GYTR ON/OFF switch.
  • GYTR brake line set.
  • GYTR racing fuel cap.
  • GYTR engine cover set.
  • GYTR sharkfin rear sprocket guard.
  • GYTR brake lever guard.
  • Stand hook set and rear racing stand.
  • GYTR steering stoppers.
  • GYTR racing screen.
  • Brembo Z04 racing brake pads.

Yamaha has net set a price for both models.

Akhirnya, Yamaha mengesahkan mereka sedang membangunkan enjin V4 untuk MotoGP. Berita itu disahkan oleh Pengarah Urusan Yamaha Racing Lin Jarvis dalam temu bual bersama

Saya boleh mengesahkan bahawa kami sedang sibuk membangunkan enjin V4,” kata Jarvis.

Ia sesuatu yang sudah lama kerana ketika Suzuki masih di sini, terdapat dua pengeluar yang menggunakan enjin empat silinder selari (inline-4). Dan jelas pesaing lain yang menggunakan enjin V4. Walaubagaimanapun, dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, kami telah melihat banyak, banyak perkembangan teknikal dalam sukan ini dan sudah tentu Suzuki melangkah keluar. Jadi kami adalah satu-satunya pengeluar yang tinggal dengan inline-4.

Enjin inline-4, pada pendapat kami, masih mempunyai banyak kapasiti untuk dibangunkan dan diperbaiki. Tetapi apabila anda mempunyai semua pesaing anda menggunakan V4 dan kini semasa kami melihat ke arah peraturan 2027, adalah penting bagi kami untuk memahami sepenuhnya potensi V4 berbanding inline-4.

Jadi berdasarkan itu, suatu ketika dahulu kami mengambil keputusan untuk memulakan projek itu. Projek ini mengikut jadual… Enjin sudah diuji di atas bangku (di luar motosikal). Kami belum menjalankannya dalam basikal lagi tetapi apabila ia bersedia dengan ujian ketahanannya, maka akhirnya kami akan mula menjejaki ujian itu.

Jarvis juga menyatakan bahawa Yamaha masih mempunyai fikiran terbuka sama ada untuk menggunakan enjin sebaris atau V4 untuk era 850cc baharu.

Apabila [V4] lebih pantas daripada inline-4, kami akan membawanya masuk. Jadi mari kita lihat!

Yamaha dan Honda berada di bawah peraturan konsesi dalam MotoGP, bermakna mereka boleh menggungakan enjin yang disemak atau serba baharu pada bila-bila masa yang mereka mahu. Sebaliknya, tiga pengeluar lain, iaitu Ducati, KTM, dan Aprilia perlu melakukan homologasi pada awal musim dan menggunakan enjin yang sama sepanjang musim.

Penunggang pasukan pengilan Yamaha, Fabio Quartararo ditanya baru-baru ini mengenai khabar angin V4: “Saya rasa kita perlu mempertimbangkan semua pilihan… Saya tidak pernah menunggang V4 tetapi jika kita lihat motosikal yang berfungsi, ia adalah V4. Okay, Honda sedang bergelut, tetapi hanya kami yang mempunyai Inline. Mungkin ia sesuatu yang perlu dipertimbangkan.

Yamaha juga boleh mengharapkan kerjasama mereka dengan Marmotors, yang diketuai oleh bekas pereka F1 Luca Marmorini, untuk membantu dalam rekabentuk V4-nya. Marmorini sebelum ini menyumbang kepada enjin RS-GP V4 Aprilia.

Walaubagaimanapun, kerumitan yang dilalui oleh Honda menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan enjin V4 tidak semestinya menjadi pembaikan ajaib untuk Yamaha. Jentera Yamaha YZR-M1 juga kurang dalam beberapa segi seperti aerodinamik dan elektronik berbanding mesin-mesin jenama Eropah. Sebaliknya, kuasa enjin yang lebih banyak membantu motosikal untuk melawan seretan aerodinamik, justeru memberikan jurutera lebih banyak kelonggaran dalam memperkenalkan ciri aerodinamik.

It has been a long time coming, but finally, a Yamaha V4 MotoGP is in the works. The news was confirmed by Yamaha Racing Managing Director Lin Jarvis in an interview with

I can confirm that we are busy developing a V4 powerplant,” Jarvis said.

It’s something that goes back a while, because when Suzuki was still here, there were two manufacturers running with the inline-4. And obviously the other competitors running with the V4. In the last years, however, we’ve seen many, many technical developments in this sport and of course Suzuki stepped out. So we’ve been the only manufacturer remaining with the inline-4.

The inline-4, in our opinion, still has plenty of capacity to be developed and to be improved. But when you have all of your competitors using V4s and now as we look towards the 2027 regulations, it’s important for us to fully understand the potential of a V4 versus the inline-4.

So based on that, some time ago we took the decision to start the project. The project is on schedule… The engine is already being bench-tested.  We’ve not run it in a bike yet but when it is ready with its durability testing, then we’ll finally start to track test it.

Jarvis also indicated that Yamaha still has an open mind on whether to use an inline or V4 engine for the new 850cc era.

When [the V4 is] quicker than the inline-4, we’ll bring it in. So let’s see!

Yamaha and Honda are under concessions in MotoGP, meaning they can run a revised or new engine anytime they wanted. Conversely, yhe other three manufacturers, namely Ducati, KTM, and Aprilia need to homologate at the beginning of the season and use the same engine throughout the season.

Yamaha factory rider, Fabio Quartararo was asked recently on the V4 rumours: “I think we have to consider all the options… I never rode a V4 but if we look at the bikes that are working, they are V4s. Okay, Honda is struggling, but we are the only ones with the Inline. Maybe it is something to consider.

Yamaha can also count on its partnership with Marmotors, headed by ex-F1 designer Luca Marmorini, to aid in its V4 design. Marmorini previously contributed to Aprilia’s RS-GP V4 engine.

However, Honda’s ongoing struggles show that a V4 is unlikely to be a magic fix for Yamaha, whose M1 is also lacking in areas such as aerodynamics and electronics compared to the European machines. On the other hand, having more engine power helps the bike to push through aerodynamic drag, allowing engineers more leeway in introducing aerodynamic features.

“Moped lasak” Yamaha PG-1 telah didedahkan semasa Karnival Yamaha GenBlu 2024. Para hadirin dan pihak media juga berpeluang menguji basikal tersebut.

Yamaha berkata bahawa nama motosikal itu sebenarnya singkatan untuk “Playful Gear 1.” Seperti moped lain, ia berasaskan casis tulang tengah tetapi mencirikan suspensi dengan jarak gerakan yang panjang. Ia seakan moped yang diubahsuai untuk perlumbaan off-road, yang dipanggil “cub cross” di Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, Yamaha PG-1 ini berada di dalam kategori yang sama dengan Honda CT125 Hunter Cub/Trail dan Aveta Ranger Max Explorer.

Enjin PG-1 ialah jenis 114cc, satu silinder yang disejukkan oleh udara, dan menghasilkan 6.6kW (8.9hp) pada 7,000 RPM dan 9.5Nm pada 5,500 RPM. Ia dipadankan kepada transmisi empat kelajuan. Enjin ini (dan mungkin transmisi) dikongsi dengan Yamaha EZ115, yang sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Lagenda 115.

Ciri-ciri yang menjadikannya sebuah motosikal yang boleh ditunggang di mana-mana ialah jarak kelegaan tanah 190mm, tayar bertiub “knobby” 90/100-16 inci pada kedua-dua hujungnya, dan bar hendal lurus ke atas. Tangki bahan apinya mempunyai kapasiti 5.1 liter, dan berat basah didakwa sebagai 107kg (agak ringan).

Tiub fork depan mempunyai penutup jenis akordion, manakala lampu depan dan lampu belakang bulat melengkapkan rupa lasaknya.

Satu ciri yang menarik ialah tempat duduk terbelah, yang membolehkan pengisian bahan api dengan mudah di bawah tempat duduk penunggang, sementara terdapat beberapa ruang penyimpanan di bawah tempat duduk pembonceng. Ketinggian tempat duduk penunggang ialah 795mm.

Hong Leong Yamaha Motor akan melancarkan Yamaha PG-1 secara rasmi pada tarikh lain, tetapi mereka telah mengumumkan harga jualan yang disyorkan sebanyak RM6,998.00. Ia didatangkan dalam dua warna iaitu Casual Beige dan Forest Green.

Galeri foto Yamaha PG-1


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