

Pasaran motosikal Thailand yang telah berkembang pesat sejak tiga tahun lalu, mula mengalami penurunan pada separuh pertama 2024.

Tokoh-tokoh industri itu telah melaporkan bahawa mereka menjual 904,135 motosikal dalam enam bulan pertama tahun ini. Walaupun itu adalah jumlah yang besar berbanding dengan kita di Malaysia, ia sebenarnya merupakan pengurangan -9.9% berbanding separuh tahun pertama 2023. Thailand ialah pasaran motosikal keenam terbesar di dunia.

Ekonomi negara itu kini dilihat sebagai yang paling lemah di rantau ini disebebakan oleh apa yang disebut oleh Bangkok Post sebagai “penggunaan berlebihan.” Permintaan untuk penggunaan lebih tinggi berbanding dengan bekalan tunai hasil pendapatan, dan ini membawa kepada kewangan domestik yang tidak mencukupi.

Presiden Honda Thailand, Yuichi Shimizu berkata, “Hutang isi rumah yang tinggi mencecah 91% daripada KDNK dan kuasa beli pengguna yang lemah menyebabkan orang ramai lebih berhati-hati dalam berbelanja. Mereka bimbang dengan keadaan ekonomi semasa.”

Harapan awal untuk peningkatan ekonomi semula pada 2024 tidak menjadi. Majlis Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Sosial Negara (NESDC) telah mengurangkan unjuran pertumbuhan 2024 untuk ekonomi Thailand kepada 2.2%–2.7%, turun daripada 2.8%–3.3% yang diramalkan pada November 2023. Tinjauan untuk 2024 adalah lebih lemah daripada sebelumnya diunjurkan disebabkan oleh prospek eksport dan pelaburan awam yang lebih malap.

Oleh itu, peneraju pasaran, Honda menyaksikan penurunan -7.5%, manakala pesaing utama mereka, Yamaha kehilangan -12%. Piaggio, di tempat ketiga menyaksikan kejatuhan besar -34%, dan di keempat, GPX menyaksikan pengurangan mendadak sebanyak -62.2%.

Walaubagaimanapun, motosikal elektrik menyaksikan pertumbuhan yang mampan. Honda dan pengeluar dari China berada pada kedudukan yang baik untuk mengeksploitasi sektor ini. Setelah menjual 13,600 unit motosikal elektrik setakat ini, Honda menjangkakan akan menjual sejumlah 30,000 unit pada 2024, meningkat daripada 21,000 pada 2023. Malah, syarikat itu merancang untuk mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya 44 stesen pertukaran bateri dan akan meningkatkan bahagian mereka dalam sektor penyewaan motosikal.

The Thai motorcycle market, which had boomed for the last three years, begins to see a drop in the first half of 2024.

Industry players reported that they delivered 904,135 motorcycles in the first six month of the year. While that is a huge number compared to us in Malaysia, it was actually a -9.9% drop compared to H1 2023. Thailand is the world’s sixth largest motorcycle market.

The country’s economy is now seen as the weakest in the region due to what the Bangkok Post calls “over-consumption.” The demand for consumption has stripped the supply of cash from income, leading to inadequate domestic liquidity.

The president of Honda Thailand, Yuichi Shimizu said that, “High household debt that stands at 91% of GDP and weak consumer purchasing power caused people to be more cautious about spending. They are worried about the current economic situation.”

It was hoped that 2024 will see the economy rally again, but it is not to be. The National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) has reduced its 2024 growth forecast for Thailand’s economy to 2.2%–2.7%, down from the previous forecast of 2.8%–3.3% predicted in November 2023. The outlook for 2024 is weaker than previously projected due to dimmer export and public investment prospects.

As such, market leader, Honda saw a -7.5% drop, while their arch rival, Yamaha lost -12%. Piaggio, in third saw a large -34% drop, and in fourth, GPX saw a precipitous hit of -62.2%.

However, electric motorcycles are seeing a sustainable growth. Honda and Chinese are well positioned to exploit this sector. Having sold 13,600 units thus far, Honda expects to sell a total of 30,000 units in 2024, up from 21,000 in 2023. In fact, the company is planning to have at least 44 battery swapping stations and increase their share in the motorcycle rental sector.

Thai rider, Somkiat Chantra will move to the MotoGP class in 2025.

The news was a source of pride for the people of Thailand as he is the first rider from that country to take part in the premier class. Somkiat, 25, has been recruited as a rider for the LCR Honda satellite team, replacing Japanese rider Takaaki Nakagami.

“Going to MotoGP has always been my dream, and I will finally make it happen.

“I am determined to learn, give my best, and enjoy this new adventure. It will be difficult, but I will give my best,” Somkiat said in a statement.

Somkiat has won two races in Moto2 since making his debut in the class in 2019 and finished last season sixth in the riders’ standings.

He is currently 10th in the championship this year with 64 points from 11 races.

A total of 116 deaths due to road accidents were recorded during the three days of the Songkran festival in Thailand. The death toll on Saturday alone reached 48 cases, while 411 injuries were reported. The number of those injured reached 968 in the same period.

A total of 936 road accident cases were reported. 40.05 percent of them were caused by speeding, 27.81 percent were due to drunk driving, and another 16.85 percent were due to overtaking other vehicles.

A total of 85.5 percent of accidents involved motorcycles. The majority of accidents were not due to winding roads or bad conditions, instead 81.63 percent occured on straight roads.

Nakhon Si Thammarat and Songkhla provinces recorded the highest number of road accidents in three days with 19 cases each.

The city of Bangkok recorded the highest number of deaths in the same period which was 8 deaths, while Songkhla recorded 45 cases of injuries.

The Director General of the Civil Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department, Chaiwat Chuntirapong, said officials are adjusting prevention measures to suit the reality on the ground.

The focus is on secondary roads and communities, where motorcyclists tend to speed without helmets and after consuming alcohol.

We know many motorcyclists and drivers from Malaysia who like to go to Thailand for the Songkran festival and for recreation, but do hope that you ride and carefully when there. Also, the report mentioned the consumption of alcohol but did not include the consumption of the legalised  marijuana. There may be cases involving it but not reported. Regardless, the Thai government will withdraw the legalization of cannabis at the end of this year.

Seramai 116 kematian akibat kemalangan jalan raya dicatatkan dalam tempoh tiga hari perayaan Songkran di Thailand. Angka kematian pada hari Sabtu sahaja telah mencapai 48 kes, manakala 411 kecederaan dilaporkan. Jumlah mereka yang tercedera mencecah 968 dalam tempoh yang sama.

Sejumlah 936 kes kemalangan jalan raya dilaporkan. 40.05 daripadanya disebabkan oleh memandu laju, 27.81 peratus oleh kerana memandu di dalam keadaan mabuk, dan 16.85 peratus lagi kerana memotong kenderaan lain.

Sebanyak 85.5 peratus kemalangan melibatkan motosikal. Majoriti kemalangan bukan kerana jalan berliku atau keadaan tidak baik, sebaliknya 81.63 peratus berlaku di atas jalan lurus.

Wilayah Nakhon Si Thammarat dan Songkhla mencatatkan jumlah kemalangan jalan raya tertinggi dalam tempoh tiga hari masing-masing sebanyak 19 kes.

Jualan motosikal Thailand menyusut -11% (peratus) dalam suku pertama 2024.

Pasaran motosikal Kingdom telah menikmati pertumbuhan tiga tahun berturut-turut sebelum ini, menjadikannya pasaran motosikal keenam terbesar di dunia. Walau bagaimanapun, hanya 454,795 motosikal dijual (-11%) dalam tiga bulan pertama tahun ini.

Honda, walaupun masih mengekalkan kedudukan teratas mereka, melaporkan penurunan sebanyak -9.9%. Saingan terdekat mereka Yamaha telah kehilangan -10.6%. Mengikuti di tempat ketiga ialah Piaggio dengan penurunan sebanyak -29.6%, dan GPS jenama tempatan yang menyaksikan penurunan besar -52.2%.

Walau bagaimanapun, ia bukan semua malapetaka untuk beberapa jenama baru muncul seperti Lambretta yang menyaksikan peningkatan +29.8%, Lion +302%, dan EM +1,534%.

Penurunan itu bukan disebabkan oleh lebihan motosikal. Sebaliknya, ia berikutan keadaan ekonomi Thailand sekarang yang sudah pun mengalami kemelesetan akibat hutang isi rumah yang tinggi, kekurangan rangsangan (pelaburan) dan reformasi ekonomi. Ekonomi negara itu adalah yang paling perlahan di rantau ini.

Majlis Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Sosial Negara (NESDC) telah mengurangkan unjuran pertumbuhan 2024 untuk ekonomi Thailand kepada 2.2%-3.2%, daripada 2.7%-3.7% yang diramalkan pada November. Ramalan itu berdasarkan pertumbuhan KDNK sebanyak 1.7% pada Q4 2023, didorong oleh eksport dan pelaburan swasta, tetapi penurunan 3% dalam perbelanjaan kerajaan.

Beberapa saluran berita Thailand telah pun meramalkan penurunan jualan motosikal 2024 seawal Januari 2024.

Thailand ialah pangkalan pembuatan motosikal utama ke-5 terbesar dengan kapasiti untuk 2 juta motosikal, di belakang China (23 juta), India (20 juta), Indonesia (8 juta) dan Vietnam (3 juta).

Terdapat 7 pengeluar motosikal di Thailand. Mereka ialah Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, BMW, Triumph dan Ducati.

The Thai motorcycle industry sees an 11% decrease in the 1st quarter of 2024.

The Kingdom’s motorcycle market had enjoyed three years of consecutive growth previously, making it the sixth largest motorcycle market in the world. However, there were only 454,795 motorcycles sold (-11%) in the first three months of the year

Honda, while retaining their top spot, saw a decrease of -9.9%. Their closest rival Yamaha has lost -10.6%. Following in third was Piaggio with a decrease of -29.6%, and local brand GPS who sees a massive -52.2% drop.

However, it is not all doom and gloom for some emerging brands such as Lambretta who saw a +29.8% increase, Lion +302%, and EM +1,534%.

However, the drop is not due to over saturation. Instead, it is due to Thailand’s current economical state which is already in recession due to high household debts, lack of stimulus (investments) and economic reform. The country’s economy is the slowest in the region.

Despite hopes that the economy rebounds this year, the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) has reduced its 2024 growth forecast for Thailand’s economy to 2.2%-3.2%, from the 2.7%-3.7% predicted in November. The forecast was based on a 1.7% GDP growth in Q4 2023, driven by exports and private investment, but a 3% drop in government spending.

Several Thai news outlets had already predicted a decrease in 2024 motorcycle sales in as early as January 2024.

Thailand is the 5th largest major motorcycle manufacturing base with a capacity for 2 million motorcycles, behind China (23 million), India (20 million), Indonesia (8 million) and Vietnam (3 million).

There are 7 motorcycle manufacturers in Thailand. They are Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, BMW, Triumph and Ducati.

Thai Public Prosecutor is set to prosecute the country’s former police chief for allegedly helping the heir to the Red Bull energy drink company avoid murder charges. The suspect is accused of killing a police officer in a hit-and-run accident in 2012.

Thailand’s former Police Chief, Somyot Poompanmoun and seven other officers were charged with dereliction of duty and helping certain individuals to avoid punishment.

Somyot, 69, is accused of using his position as a member of the Parliament’s legal committee to help Vorayuth Yoovidhya. Somyot, however, denied the allegations to the Thai media.

Vorayuth was accused of crashing into a policeman, Wichien Klanprasert with his Ferrari and dragging the victim’s body for tens of meters. Vorayuth then fled the scene. The accident occurred when the former was 27 years old in 2012.

Vorayuth avoided eight court summons related to the case before the authorities issued an arrest warrant five years after the incident. He has since fled abroad and his current whereabouts are unknown.

In 2020, the Thai Police said they will investigate why the criminal charges were dropped. The decision was made after public outcry to the dropping of the case.

Vorayuth’s late grandfather, Chaleo Yoovidhya was the founder of Krating Daeng energy drink (for the local market initially), who eventually became one of the founders of Red Bull (for the global market) along with Dietrich Mateschitz.

Forbes ranks the family as the second richest in Thailand with a net worth of US$33.4 billion (RM159.55 billion).

In a recent report by The Nation, a Pattaya resident raised concerns about gangs comprising mainly Arabian tourists aged 17 to 25, engaging in high-speed bike races along Soi VC Residence Hotel and Soi Yensabai.


Rev up your engines and mark your calendars, because Harley-Davidson is back with the second edition of Asia Harley Days.

  • Scheduled for October 28, 2023, this moto-music extravaganza promises a high-octane celebration of music, motorcycles, and more at the stunning Legend Siam in Pattaya, Thailand.
  • The festival’s program is packed with excitement including test rides of the latest Harley-Davidson motorcycles and the iconic Harley-Davidson parade.

Enthusiasts and fans from across 11 countries and territories, including Thailand, South Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan, Macao, Hong Kong, India, and Singapore, are expected to gather for this year’s edition. The event will also host representatives from 80 H.O.G  chapters and numerous motorcycle clubs from these markets.

For those looking to grab early bird tickets, act fast – they’re available until October 10th, after which prices will increase. Tickets can be purchased online via the festival website ( or from the nearest Harley-Davidson dealer.

Asia Harley Days is not just about music and motorcycles; it’s also a celebration of Harley-Davidson’s 120th anniversary. The festivities will kick off with the renowned Harley-Davidson parade, starting from Legend Siam at 1pm.

Bikers will embark on a charitable ride down the scenic Buddha Mountain highway, supporting the Red Cross in Sattahip District. After the parade, the festival gates will open from 4 p.m. to midnight, welcoming attendees to an evening of entertainment.

The musical lineup promises electrifying performances, featuring popular DJ Naanza, King Pitchet and his band rocking out, the 2023 Sound Circus winners Chlypdy from Malaysia, Thai-Japanese sensation Tom Isara, and FineDay Stories belting out international rock anthems.

In addition to the music, festival-goers can enjoy a fashion show, stunts mania, slow racing, a gymkhana competition, and the Custom Kings Contest. Special areas will be set up for H.O.G. members and motorcycle club enthusiasts to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Harley Owners Group, with awards recognizing iconic riders from the region.

Krungsri Auto takes the spotlight as the presenting sponsor, with Ford as the official car partner, Michelin as the tire partner, and support from Snap-on, Products Bangkok, Johnnie Walker Style, Shade Commune, Amazing Thailand, GQ, Art of Speed, and Legend Siam.

Don’t forget to grab an official festival t-shirt, available at select Harley-Davidson dealer outlets and at the festival itself. For the latest updates and details about the festival, visit

In an exciting update from Cub House Honda in Thailand, motorcycle enthusiasts are in for a treat as the brand unveils its latest creation, the Honda Monkey Lightning Edition.

  • Bursting with charm and unique graphics, this special edition Monkey promises a delightful riding experience.
  • the unique Honda Monkey Lightning Edition is priced at THB108,900 (RM14.8k).

The eye-catching design begins with the tank, which showcases a playful cartoon lightning bolt flanked by charming storm clouds. Adding to the appeal, smaller bolts of lightning shoot from beneath the clouds towards the ground.

The words “Lightning Edition” encircle the design, with the letter “i” in “lightning” cleverly replaced by yet another lightning bolt, emphasizing the theme. The Lightning Edition mascot, sporting tinted sun goggles, lends a cool touch to the tank’s aesthetics.

The bold proclamation “MONKEY LIGHTNING” in black and yellow block letters grabs attention, with the letter “i” once again fashioned into a vibrant yellow lightning bolt. The cream-colored plain background accentuates the tank’s captivating text and logo.

Carrying the same captivating theme as the tank, the side cover features a cream-coloured background encased in a black outline to complement the bike’s dominant yellow colour.

The standard Honda Monkey swingarm is given a dazzling yellow makeover to match the overall color scheme of this Special Edition. Written in black and yellow block letters, the swingarm proudly states “Flash of Lightning. The rear shock’s bright yellow spring harmonizes beautifully with the bike’s main color.

Honda all-new lightweight naked motorcycle, the CB750 Hornet is now officially available in Thailand. 

  • The 2023 Honda Hornet 750 features an all-new engine.
  • Equipped with ride-by-wire and Honda Selectable Torque Control. 

According to reports, the Honda Hornet CB750 is priced at THB319,000 (RM41.2k) and is available in two colour options; Graphite Black and Pear Glare White. 

Powering the Hornet is a 755cc parallel-twin engine producing 92hp and 75Nm. The engine features a 270-degree crank that allows the engine to provide a feel similar to a V-Twin configuration. 

In addition, the two cylinders is coated with nickel-silicon carbide, a feature inherited from the firm’s CBR1000RR-R while the Unicam system is similar to the CRF450R motocross machine.

Meanwhile, the engine is wrapped around an all-new steel diamond frame which Honda claimed to weighs only 16.6kg which is 2kg lighter than the frame on Honda’s CB650R.  According to Honda, the Hornet 750 is equipped with a 15.1L fuel tank and with a fuel consumption rate at 23km/l, this means that the bike could go up to 340km. 

The Hornet also gets Honda’s patented ‘Vortex Flow Ducts’ designed to evenly distribute air into the airbox. According to Honda, the air ducts boost the bike’s throttle response.

Electronically, the Honda Hornet 750 gets ride-by-wire, which offers three pre-mapped riding modes; Rain, Standard and Sport. However the fourth mode, is fully customisable by the rider.

The motorcycle is suspended by Showa’s SFF-BP 41mm USD forks with 130mm travel at the front and a preload-adjustable shock absorber with Pro-Link swingarm at the rear. Other notable features include auto-cancelling indicators, 5-inch TFT display, Honda Smartphone Voice Control System (available for Android and iOS). 


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