
Marc Marquez

Six-time MotoGP world champions Marc Marquez returns to winning ways at the German GP 581 days after securing his last win.

The Spaniard was out for nine months since breaking his right humerus at Jerez last year before making his return to MotoGP in Portimao.

During the post-race conference at the Sachsenring, Marquez revealed a 30-minute phone call with five-time MotoGP champion Mick Doohan had helped him.

“When I was injured, always I feel like I will come back and I will come back strong. But since the first time I ride the MotoGP bike in Portimao, I say ‘okay, I am far, very far from my level.

“From that point it was very hard. The next races was even harder. It’s difficult but I just forget everything and focus on my personal and professional side. When I say forget everything; I mean extra comments, comments from outside.

“I just listen to the people that want to help me, and I try to find something or some comments that helped me – which was a phone call from Mick Doohan. I met (with) him in Mugello and I know that he had a similar situation in 92 and 93.

“I was 30 minutes in a phone call with him and I was just listening, he was speaking everything. He was explaining his situation, but was also like he was explaining my situation.

“It was the exact same problems like understanding the bike, not riding like you want to, stupid mistakes, stupid crashes, some races you will be fast, practice you will be slower and you don’t know why, and all the problems that I have this year – he explain and had in the past,” said Marquez.


Marc Marquez marks his return to Sachsenring with a sensational first win of the season 581 days after securing his last win in the premier class.

The victory in Sachsenring means the Repsol Honda rider extends his unbeaten record to 11 (nine wins in the premier class).

Despite starting at P5, the Spaniards managed to propel himself up to second place behind Aprilia’s Aleix Espargaro at Turn 1 before taking the lead later on.

The six-time MotoGP champion looks like his old self on board the RC213V as he crosses the finish line ahead of KTM’s Miguel Oliveira and championship leader Fabio Quartararo.

Marquez now sits at 10th place in the championship standings with 41 points.

Pelumba Repsol Honda, Pol Espargaro, mula menyuarakan ketidak puasan hati terhadap HRC yang tidak memberikan layanan sama rata.

Espargaro kecewa apabila mengetahui bahawa dia mendapat jentera RC213V dengan spesifikasi berbeza berbanding Marc Marrquez.

Pelumba Sepanyol itu sertai Repsol Honda dari KTM pada hujung musim lalu dalam usaha mengejar kedudukan lebih baik dan hanya bersaing bersama Marquez sewaktu Di Portimao selepas rakan sepasukannya itu diketepikan ekoran masalah kecederaan.

Bagaimanapun, selepas aksi di Jerez yang menyaksikan dia menamatkan perlumbaan di kedudukan ke-10, di belakang Marquez, Espargaro meluahkan kekecewaannya terhadap situasi yang dihadapi ketika ini.

“Jentera tiada cengkaman dan kelajuan juga tidak berapa baik. Saya tidak dapat menunggang dengan lancar.

“Saya hanya seorang pekerja, jadi apa sahaja pakej yang mereka (HRC) beri, saya akan cuba yang terbaik dan kemudian membuat keputusan mana satu yang lebih baik.

“Kami semua menggunakan pakej yang berlainan, Marquez guna pakej lain, saya guna pakej lain malah pasukan satelit juga menggunakan mesin yang berbeza.

“Akan tetapi, masalahnya sekarang saya tidak dapat mengukur sama ada saya, jentera atau pakej yang digunakan yang tidak cukup bagus. Saya bingung,” jelas Espargaro.

Susulan permasalahan ini, Espargaro menjelaskan dia tidak dapat menghulur sebarang bantuan dalam pembangunan jentera ketika ini.

“Berdasarkan pengamatan saya, saya tidak dapat membantu mereka (HRC) dan mereka juga tidak dapat membantu saya kerana setiap pelumba mendapat pakej berbeza,” tambahnya.

Walaupun baru sertai Repsol Honda, Espargaro tidak malu untuk menyuarakan pendapatnya apatah lagi tidak berpuas hati HRC mengikut telunjuk Marquez dalam pembangunan jentera.

Bagaimanapun, tindakan HRC memfokuskan pembangunan RC213V mengikut acuan Marquez bukan lagi satu kejutan, apabila langkah itu menghadiahkan enam kejuaraan dunia MotoGP sebelum ini.

Walaupun situasi semasa adalah sukar, bagi HRC, Marquez adalah bintang utama pasukan itu.

Saingan MotoGP kembali bersambung pada 14-16 Mei ini di Litar Le Mans. – Visordown

Retired three-time MotoGP world champion, Jorge Lorenzo, praised his former Repsol Honda team-mate, Marc Marquez, after his comeback at Portimao.

The sixth-time MotoGP champion finally returns to the track after 265 days due to a broken right arm sustained in the 2019 opening round in Jerez.

Marquez clocked the third-fastest time in FP1 before qualifying P6 and finished the race at seventh place despite the long layoff.

He also managed to place himself within the Top 3 at Turn 1 during the early stage of the race.

Marquez, also the only Honda rider, managed to remain on his bike while Pol Espargaro, Takaaki Nakagami and Alex Marquez crashed during free practice and race day.

“About Marc Marquez, more than his speed, I was even more surprised by his return, after nine months from a super complicated injury, possibly the longest injury in motorcycle history, and he has returned to race MotoGP without any fear of hurting himself again, having scares and taking risks to achieve an incredible result.

“He is from another planet,” said Lorenzo on his YouTube channel.

Nonetheless, Lorenzo thinks the 28-year-old will take some time before returning to his best.

“It may take a while until he is back to being the top Marquez of 2019 and there are also new younger rivals, such as Quartararo at 21, Mir at 22, Bagnaia 24. But I have no doubt that Marc will win races and fight for the world championship again, perhaps this one as well,” he added.

Marc Marquez berjaya mengutip mata pertamanya selepas hampir setahun tidak berlumba ekoran kecederaan.

Enam kali juara dunia MotoGP itu muncul pelumba Honda terpantas di GP Portugal apabila melepasi garisan penamat di kedudukan ketujuh selepas 25 lap dengan Fabio Quartararo muncul pemenang, diikuti Francesco Bagnaia kedua dan Joan Mir, ketiga.

Bagaimanapun, sebaik kembali ke paddock, Marquez seakan dilanda pelbagai emosi.

Pada hari biasa, kedudukan ketujuh mungkin akan mencetuskan pelbagai persoalan terhadap persembahan pelumba Sepanyol itu.

Namun, setelah berehat 265 hari, keputusan di Litar Autódromo Internacional do Algarve ternyata membawa seribu satu makna terhadap pelumba berusia 28 tahun itu.

“Saya bukan jenis mempamerkan emosi tetapi sebaik tiba di paddock dan melihat semua mekanik, saya tidak dapat menahan perasaan.

“Saya menanti sekian lama agar hari ini tiba, untuk menamatkan perlumbaan MotoGP. Ini adalah langkah terbesar dalam proses pemulihan saya.

“Merasai kembali perasaan sebagai pelumba MotoGP adalah impian saya dan saya berjaya melakukannya hari ini,” jelas Marquez.

Marquez berjaya menempatkan dirinya di kedudukan ketiga sebaik perlumbaan dilepaskan namun mula ketinggalan ekoran tidak mampu menangani tekanan.

“Lap pertama sangat sukar kerana saya berada di tempat yang tidak sepatutnya. Seperti berada di sekolah apabila bermain bola dengan pelajar lebih senior!” ujar Marquez.

Pelumba Repsol Honda itu akan kembali beraksi di pusingan empat MotoGP di Jerez pada hujug bulan ini, litar sama yang menjadi saksi kemalangan ngeri yang menimpa Marquez, tahun lalu.

Fabio Quartararo sekali lagi mempamerkan tunggangan mantap untuk merekodkan kemenangan kedua musim ini di GP Portugal.

Meskipun bermula di petak pertama, namun Quartararo dipintas Johann Zarco, Alex Rins dan Marc Marquez sebaik perlumbaan dimulakan.

Bagaimanapun, pelumba Perancis itu bingkas memperbaiki tunggangan untuk kembali mengejar kelompok depan yang pada satu ketika diterajui Zarco, Rins dan Joan Mir.

Manakala Marquez yang berada di kedudukan podium di awal perlumbaan mula kehilangan tempat dah menamatkan perlumbaan di kedudukan ke-9 dalam penampilan sulungnya selepas 265 diketepikan ekoran kecederaan.

Sementara itu, tempat kedua jadi milik Francesco Bagnaia yang berjaya memintas Zarco ketika perlumbaan berbaki enam lap dengan pelumba Pramac itu kemudiannya kemalangan sejurus selepas itu.

Bagnaia kini ditempat kedua kejuaraan dunia dengan 48 mata.

Tempat ketiga jadi milik juara musim lalu, Mir yang kini mengutip 38 mata selepas tiga perlumbaan.

Malang buat Rins yang pada satu ketika cuba mengejar Quartararo di hujung perlumbaan hilang kawalan jentera lalu terbabas.

Nasib sama menimpa Zarco apabila jenteranya seakan hilang cengkaman di bahagian tayar depan lalu kemalangan.

Turut gagal menamatkan pusingan kali ini, wakil Ducati, Jack Miller dan pelumba veteran, Valentino Rossi, dengan kedua-duanya kemalangan.

Kemenangan Quartararo kini menempatkan pelumba itu mendahului kejuaraan dunia dengan 61 mata.

Dalam perkembangan sama, Marquez mengutip mata pertama (9 mata) selepas hampir setahun tidak beraksi apabila melepasi garisan penamat di kedudukan ketujuh.

Enam kali juara dunia MotoGP itu dijangka akan terus perbaiki tunggangannya dalam pusingan seterusnya di Jerez dalam usaha mengembalikan prestasi sebelum ini.

Keputusan penuh perlumbaan seperti berikut:

Marc Marquez made his long-awaited return at the Algarve Internationa Circuit, 265 days after he last rode his Honda machine.

However,  the Spaniard quickly showed his brilliance with immense speed after almost a year absence.

The Repsol Honda was the third-fastest in FP1 and secured a provisional Q2 after finishing FP2 as the sixth-fastest rider on the grid with only 0.473s off pacesetter Francesco Bagnaia.

“It was a great day, a great feeling and honestly speaking I go out on the first run – the track was not so good, but immediately I felt good on the bike,” he said. “In the morning, in terms of feeling, I felt better than in the afternoon because I was fresh. The arm was fresh and I had power.

“Then already in the afternoon, I struggled a little bit more to warm up the arm, and I start to feel the arm was a little bit more tired. Apart from that, we are in a much better situation than what we expected before the weekend.

“I don’t know how, because I don’t understand what’s going on. I’m just riding the bike, trying to follow my way.

“The lap times are coming; it’s not the most important thing, but they are coming in a good way. But it’s true the main question mark for me – the speed is there – so it’s about how the arm will react during the weekend when I get up tomorrow.” explained Marquez.

It was apparent that the 28-year-old rider was pushing the RC213V to its limit.

Marquez was nothing short of spectacular during the final lap in FP2 as the rider managed to save his ride on the way into Turn 8.

“The last lap was a little bit crazy, I didn’t like the last lap, but I had a nice save.

“But it’s my riding style, I don’t know. It’s true with the new tyre I’m struggling a little bit more than with the used tyre. [On the used tyre] the bike becomes softer, the lap times are slower and I feel much more comfortable.

“But with new tyres everything is more stiff, and specifically in that corner – I think it was Turns 6 and 7, that change of direction – my head said it was time to go in on Turn 7, but the body didn’t follow what I wanted.

“I just slid a little bit, was a save but I created the slide to finish the turn because it was the last lap and I didn’t give up the lap. Things [like] that of course with more laps on the track I will improve.” he added.

Portuguese GP continues on Saturday with the Qualifying round.

(source: Motorsport)

Marc Marquez is officially confirmed to make his return to MotoGP after passing his medical check on Thursday.

The sixth time MotoGP world champion will ride again on his RC213V, starting with the official free practice scheduled on Friday.

The Spaniards were out of action for almost a year since suffering from an injury sustained at the opening round of the 2020 season in Jerez.

The 28-year-old rider intensified his training by jumping on the RC213V-S test bike in Barcelona and Algarve after given clearance by the doctors.

Last week, Honda confirmed the rider received clearance to race in Portimao pending another medical check on Thursday (yesterday) which he also passed with flying colours.

Marquez could not hide his feelings after speaking to the press about his return.

“Of course it’s really nice to be back and be here with all of you because it was nine months away that was really hard, really difficult.

“Tomorrow it is time to make the most important step in my rehabilitation which is riding again a MotoGP bike. It is true that I’m nervous.

“I’m nervous, and I have some butterflies in the stomach that are not normal in me. But I know that after FP1 this will be gone, and now is time to enjoy being on the bike again,” he said.

Marc Marquez will return to MotoGP nearly a year after being sidelined with an injury sustained during the 2020 season opener in Jerez.

The Spaniards will take part in this month’s Portuguese Grand Prix, as confirmed by Repsol Honda.

The six-time MotoGP champion had undergone three operations on his right arm in a bid to return for the 2021 season opener in Qatar. However, the medical team had advised against the idea with test rider Stefan Bradl replaced Marquez on both occasions.

Nonetheless, the doctors have given Marquez all-clear to contest in the third round at Portimao on April 16-18.

“In the review carried out on Marc Marquez by the Hospital Ruber Internacional medical team, four months after surgery, led by Doctors Samuel Antuña and Ignacio Roger de Oña, and made up of Doctors De Miguel, Ibarzabal and García Villanueva, for an infected pseudoarthrosis of the right humerus, a very satisfactory clinical condition was found, with evident progress in the bone consolidation process.

“In the current situation, Marquez can return to competition, assuming the reasonable risk implicit in his sporting activity,” said Honda in a statement.

Marquez is yet to jump on the latest RC213V but was allowed to ride the Honda RC213V-S test bike at Barcelona and Algarve after doctors allowed him to intensify his training.

Marquez also shared his excitement on social media.

“I’m very happy. Yesterday I visited the doctors, and they gave me the green light to return to the competition. They have been nine difficult months, with moments of uncertainties and ups and downs, and now, I will be able to enjoy my passion again,” he said.

Marc Marquez is now allowed to kick-start his mobility recovery programme after his latest medical check.

The latest report suggests Marquez will soon gradually return to competitive racing; however, it remains a mystery whether the recovery will be quick enough for him to participate in the season-opener on March 28.

Since July last year, the Spaniard has been sidelined due to a broken right arm suffered in Jerez, which later required three operations.

Nonetheless, the latest updates do not suggest Marquez is allowed to jump on the bike. Instead, he can now intensify his gym training to build his muscle.

“From this moment on, Marquez can now intensify his strength and mobility recovery programme to return to competitive racing gradually,” said Repsol Honda in a statement.

Marc Marquez makes an appearance alongside new team-mate, Pol Espargaro during the 2021 Repsol Honda presentation.

However, the six-time world champion admits he will set to sit out from the Qatar Test pending recovery of his right arm.

The 28-year-old rider has undergone three operations so far after suffering a horrific accident during last season opener in Jerez and hasn’t been on track since last July.

After the online presentation, Marquez ruled himself out of the official Qatar testing next month.

“Now we just try to follow my body with the physio and doctor, increase the work at home. But I don’t know – and the doctors don’t know – when I will be ready to return. But the most important is that every week I feel better.

“It’s been 10 months without a bike and the first time I will ride the MotoGP again I will not be 100%. One thing is to be 100% on the bone side, another is to be 100% for the muscles and everything,” explained Marquez.

Moreover, Marquez admits it might take him a half-a-season to return to his best form.

“We’ll see if it takes one race, two races or half-a-season to be the same Marc as before,” he added.

After winning six world championships with Marc Marquez, 2020 was a complete defeat for Honda with only two podiums recorded, thanks to Alex Marquez.

With the 2021 season opener inching closer, the Japanese outfit is still accessing Marquez’s condition.

“We are currently monitoring Marc’s condition to make sure he returns in great shape, and we are preparing a fast bike for him,” explained Honda Racing Corporation Manager, Tetsuiro Hikita.

The never-ending questions regarding Marc’s availability for the upcoming season opener suggest that the team is ‘looking’ for someone experienced enough to tame the RC213V alongside Pol Espargaro.

Although Andrea Dovizioso’s name came up, the Honda top brass is not confident the rider would be interested.

“If he (Marquez) doesn’t make it back in time, we’ll have Stefan (Bradl) with us, like last year.

“There are rumours that Andrea (Dovizioso) could be joining us, but I don’t think a rider of his caliber would be interested,” Hikita concluded.


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