
motorcycle children’s book


  • Tercari-cari cara yang sesuai bagi menarik minat anak anda terhadap motosikal? Anda tidak perlu mencari dengan lebih jauh lagi dengan adanya Motomice: Sebuah buku kanak-kanat mengenai permotosikalan!
  • Ditulis oleh seorang pengarang Amerika Syarikat, Paul Owen Lewis, buku bergambar itu berkisarkan sekumpulan tikus yang merupakan penunggang pelbagai jenis motosikal, dari motosikal chopper gaya lama, pelumba motosikal superbike, malah penggemar motosikal klasik.
  • Berharga $16.99 (RM68.20), ianya juga sesuai bagi mengajar kanak-kanak mengenai keluarga, kepelbagaian dan perpaduan menggunakan dunia permotosikalan sebagai contoh.


Looking for a perfect way to get children into bikes? Look no further than Motomice: A children’s book about motorcycling!

Written by American author Paul Owen Lewis, the picture book revolves around biker mice of all kinds from old-school choppers, superbike racers and even classic bike enthusiasts.

Priced at $16.99 (RM68.20), it’s also perfect to teach children about family, diversity and unity using the world of motorcycles as examples.

Most motorcycle enthusiasts who have made the journey into parenthood have the tendency to get their children into the same love and passion for motorcycling. While there are many ways to do, there’s no better way to do so then to begin with a storybook filled with colourful characters. (more…)


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