
Norton Motorcycles

Norton Motorcycles bermula pada tahun 1898 dan telah melalui segala situasi di dalam sejarahnya termasuklah inovasi, kejayaan perlumbaan dan jualan, penurunan, pengambilalihan dan kebangkitan semula.

Terdapat tiga episod kebangkitan, pertama di bawah syarikat pelaburan Amerika Utara, diikuti oleh Stuart Garner, dan akhirnya pada masa ini oleh TVS Motor Company yang berpangkalan di India bermula 2020.

TVS Motor mempunyai rancangan besar untuk jenama legenda itu dan tidak sabar untuk mengembangkannya secara global.

Daripada Siaran Media

Norton Motorcycles, sebahagian daripada Syarikat Motor TVS, mengumumkan rancangan pelaburan dan pertumbuhannya untuk meletakkan syarikat itu di tempat yang ideal untuk pengembangan antarabangsa. Ketika di Goodwood Festival of Speed, ahli pasukan kepimpinan kanan Norton – Sudarshan Venu, Dr Robert Hentschel dan Richard Arnold – berkongsi visi jenama itu dan membincangkan bagaimana Norton kini berada pada kedudukan yang sempurna untuk berkembang secara global.

Sudarshan Venu, Pengarah Urusan, TVS Motor Company, berkata: “Visi, komitmen dan pelaburan kami ke dalam jenama Norton sedang memasukki fasa yang menarik. Kami tidak sabar-sabar untuk berkongsi perkara itu dengan penunggang motosikal di seluruh dunia.

Sudarshan Venu

Dengan sokongan TVS Motor dan keupayaan global, Norton sedang dicergaskan semula sebagai jenama global, yang diketuai oleh pasukan yang kuat dan dinamik.

TVS Motor telah memberikan komitmen sebanyak £200 juta sepanjang hayat pelaburan dalam pembangunan produk baharu, kemudahan, penyelidikan dan pembangunan serta kejuruteraan kualiti bertaraf dunia. Motosikal Norton baharu akan mengikut falsafah syarikat iaitu ‘Reka Bentuk, Dinamisme dan Perincian’. Pelancaran produk yang menarik sedang dirancang mulai tahun depan, dengan enam model baharu dirancang dalam tempoh tiga tahun akan datang. Sebagai sebahagian daripada ini, Norton sedang bersedia untuk pengembangan antarabangsa dengan tumpuan awal pada Amerika Syarikat, Jerman, Perancis, Itali dan India.

Pelantikan termasuk Richard Arnold, Pengarah Eksekutif Norton, bekas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kelab Bola Sepak Manchester United dan Dr. Robert Hentschel, Pengarah Eksekutif & Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, Norton Motorcycles. Menghimpunkan orang yang betul telah meletakkan Norton dalam kedudukan terbaik untuk memanfaatkan pertumbuhannya.

Hasil daripada pelaburan dan sokongan TVS, penyelidikan dan pembangunan Norton yang digiatkan semula telah disalurkan ke dalam saluran paip produknya melalui kemudahan canggihnya di Solihull, UK. Perjanjian untuk ini ialah One of One V4SV, yang diilhamkan oleh ‘White Charger’ Steve Hislop yang mempercepatkan Goodwood Hillclimb setiap hari perayaan.

Dr. Robert Hentschel, Pengarah Eksekutif & Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, berkata: “Pelaburan dalam penyelidikan dan pembangunan serta kepimpinan telah meletakkan kami pada kedudukan untuk membawa enam produk menarik ke negara-negara di seluruh dunia, dengan kualiti dan skala bertaraf dunia, mengeja satu lagi zaman kejayaan dalam Norton cerita. Tumpuan kami pada reka bentuk, kebolehmanduan dan butiran akan memaksimumkan peluang menarik untuk Norton serta pelanggan baharu yang memilih salah satu motosikal kami.

Dr. Robert Hentschel

Tahun ini juga menandakan penyiapan Norton Motorcycles memberi penghormatan kepada pelanggan Norton Motorcycles UK Ltd (NMUL). Selepas melabur £2.3 juta ke dalam pembangunan, pembuatan dan kejuruteraan semula platform Komando dan V4, pemenuhan dan penghantaran pesanan untuk pelanggan syarikat terdahulu menandakan penutupan bab penting di mana Norton boleh memberi tumpuan sepenuhnya pada masa depan syarikat.

Richard Arnold, Pengarah Eksekutif, berkata: “Warisan Norton adalah luas, dan memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan kami sebagai jenama global. Adalah penting bagi kami untuk mengutamakan pelanggan kami, pada masa kini dan akan datang. Bukan sahaja dengan basikal baharu tetapi juga dengan setiap titik sentuhan pengalaman Norton. Produk yang sedang dalam ujian dan pembangunan adalah sangat menarik. Penunggang basikal di seluruh dunia akan suka menunggangnya dan suka memilikinya, saya tidak sabar untuk memperluaskan ketersediaan mereka kepada pengedar tempatan di wilayah baharu dan berhubung dengan penunggang basikal untuk berkongsi perjalanan Norton.

Richard Arnold
Tamat Siaran Media

Jadi, marilah kita menantikan Norton memasuki semula pasaran Malaysia, ya?

Norton Motorcycles began in 1898 and has gone through a tumultuous history of innovations, racing and sales successes, decline, takeovers, and revivals.

There were three episodes of revival, first under an North American investment company, followed by Stuart Garner, and finally presently by India-based TVS Motor Company in 2020.

TVS Motor has great plans for the legendary brand and is looking forward to expanding it globally.

Begin Press Release

Norton Motorcycles, part of the TVS Motor Company, announced its investment and growth plans to put the company in the ideal place for international expansion. At the Goodwood Festival of Speed, members of Norton’s senior leadership team – Sudarshan Venu, Dr Robert Hentschel and Richard Arnold – shared the vision of the brand and discussed how Norton is now perfectly placed to expand globally.

Sudarshan Venu, Managing Director, TVS Motor Company, said: “Our vision, commitment and investment into the Norton brand is entering an exciting phase. We look forward to sharing that with motorcyclists across the world.

Sudarshan Venu

With TVS Motor’s backing and global capabilities, Norton is being reinvigorated as a global
brand, led by a strong and dynamic team.

TVS Motor has committed £200 million across the life of the investment in new product development, facilities, research and development and world class quality engineering. The new Norton motorcycles will follow the company’s philosophy of ‘Design, Dynamism, and Detail’. Exciting product launches are being planned starting next year, with six new models planned over the next three years. As part of this, Norton is preparing for international expansion with an initial focus on the USA, Germany, France, Italy and India.

Appointments include Richard Arnold, Norton Executive Director, former CEO of Manchester United Football Club and Dr. Robert Hentschel, Executive Director & CEO, of Norton Motorcycles. Bringing together the right people has put Norton in the best position to capitalise on its growth.

As a result of TVS’s investment and support, Norton’s revitalised research and development has been channelled into its product pipeline through its state-of-the-art facility in Solihull, UK. Testament to this is the One of One V4SV, inspired by Steve Hislop’s ‘White Charger’ that sped up the Goodwood Hillclimb every day of the festival.

Dr. Robert Hentschel, Executive Director & CEO, said: “The investment in research and development and leadership has us positioned to take six exciting products to countries across the world, with world class quality and scale, spelling another epoch of success in the Norton story. Our focus on design, drivability and details will maximise the exciting opportunity for Norton as well as for those new customers that choose one of our motorcycles.

Dr. Robert Hentschel

This year also marks the completion of Norton Motorcycles honouring Norton Motorcycles UK Ltd (NMUL) customers. After investing £2.3 million into the development, manufacturing and re-engineering of the Commando and V4 platforms, the fulfilment and delivery of orders for customers of the previous company signifies the closing of a significant chapter in which Norton can fully focus on the company’s future.

Richard Arnold, Executive Director, said: “Norton’s heritage is vast, and plays a key part in our development as a global brand. It’s important for us to prioritise our customers, both in the present and the future. Not only with new bikes but also with every touch point of the Norton experience. The products currently in testing and development are incredibly exciting. Bikers around the world will love to ride them and love to own them, I am looking forward to expanding their availability to local dealers in new territories and connecting with bikers to share the Norton journey.

Richard Arnold
End Press Release

So, let us look forward to Norton reentering Malaysia’s market, shall we?

Norton Motorcycles has just opened its first retail store, the Norton Atelier, at The Bike Shed in London. This is a major milestone for the British brand, which has been steadily rebuilding after a period of tumultuous change. 

  • The new flagship store to showcase the brand’s V4SV superbike and the iconic Commanod 961.
  • Norton also plans to establish showrooms at five other locations throughout the UK. 

Norton’s new CEO and a £100 million investment have helped to revitalize the company, and the launch of the 2023 Commando 961 has shown that Norton is ready to compete once again.

The Norton Atelier showcases the V4SV superbike and the Commando 961, both of which are available for purchase or test rides. Additionally, the showroom features Norton apparel designed by Savile Row fashion designer Nick Tentis. Tentis has also played a significant role in designing the retail space, which he describes as reflecting the history and values of the Norton brand.

The launch of the Norton Atelier is just the beginning for the brand. The company plans to establish showrooms at five other locations throughout the UK, including Krazy Horse London, Crawley’s P&H Motorcycles, Sheffield’s Via Moto, Bodmin’s Thor Motorcycles, and Cheshire’s Oakmere Motor Group. All of these locations will offer test rides, maintenance, and parts and accessories.

Norton Chief Commercial Officer Christian Gladwell expressed his enthusiasm for the brand’s expansion into the marketplace. “More dealers mean more riders enjoying the results of the hard work and dedication that the entire team at Norton has contributed towards,” he said.

Norton Motorcycles is now working on a new generation of Commando 961.

  • production will commence at new Solihull manufacturing plant.
  • Norton will fulfil customers’ deposit submitted during previous management. 

Norton has been working hard to restore its customer’s faith in the company ever since India’s TVS Motor Company purchased the British brand back in April 2020.

TVS has also invested millions in opening a new headquarters in Solihull to ensure the brand stays in the UK and hired new top executives to bring back the company to its former glory.

Norton recently kickstarted its manufacturing plant with the new Norton V4SV superbike, but in the latest development, the company also decided to fulfil customers’ Commando 961 deposits submitted during the previous administration.

In a new announcement, Norton will fulfil the pre-orders for the Commando 961 before offering the new bike to the public.

Although the Commando 961 nameplate is associated with the previous management led by former CEO Stuart Garner, the new Norton CEO, John Russel, thinks that the Commando moniker should continue to live on.

“I can’t imagine Norton not having a Commando in the lineup, so the big question is what should characterize a modern Commando and when we will bring it to market,” he said.


The announcement also came together with two teaser photos of the new Commando 961, confirming that the iconic motorcycle will retain the classic cafe-racer design.

Meanwhile, interested parties can sign up for Norton’s e-mail notifications to get updates on the new Commando 961.

Norton Motorcycles have announced that bookings are now open for the company’s flagship V4SV superbike.

  • The V4SV is the first model to roll out of the factory since the acquisition by TVS.
  • The flagship superbike offer 185hp and full carbon fibre bodywork.

However, delivery will only occur after the first builds are delivered to customers who placed their orders before TVS Motor Company acquired the British motorcycle brand in April 2020.

“It is a hugely proud moment to announce that customers can now buy the re-engineered V4SV.

“I would like to thank the Norton team, customers and fans for their continued support for joining us on this journey in bringing Norton and V4SV to life,”
said Norton CEO, Dr. Robert Hentschel.

According to reports, the V4SV superbike is the first motorcycle to roll off the production line 18 months after TVS had to re-engineer the bike following the discovery of 35 faults in the previous built under former owner Stuart Garner.

A liquid-cooled 1200cc 72-degree V4 engine powers the Norton V4SV and can pump 185hp at 12,500rpm, making it a close rival to the Triumph Speed Triple 1200RR.

Other neat features available on the V4SV include:

  • carbon fibre fuel tank
  • carbon fibre bodywork
  • handcrafted TIG-wielded aluminium tube frame

The V4SV is being built at Norton’s new Solihull HQ, developed as part of a new investment from TVS with the promise of delivering up to 8,000 units annually.

For those interested to placed an order, the Norton V4SV is priced at GBP44,000 (RM237k).


TVS-owned Norton Motorcycles is ready to kick-start its electrification program by announcing the ‘Zero Emission Norton’ project.

  • The Zero Emission Norton will take two and a half years.
  • Plans to design and manufacture electric motorcycles in the United Kingdom.

Norton is finally on the move two years after the brand was in a critical situation by unveiling the V4SV exotic superbike.

The momentous occasion marks the company’s new direction under TVS Motor Company.

In the latest announcement, Norton has revealed plans to design and manufacture electric motorcycles in the UK.

The new manufacturing plant will be in charge of race performance, lightweight and touring range.

Thanks to the government funding, it will be a joint effort between Norton and Delta Cosworth, which will assist the battery and other critical components to power the motorcycle.

Meanwhile, the University of Warwick – which helps develop the TT Zero Race machine – will take charge of modelling, toolchain development and battery technology.

According to Norton, the Zero Emission project is part of a 10-year product plan and supports UK’s mission to achieve a net-zero automotive future. The aim is to lift the UK is returning to being a global tech leader for motorcycles.

New owners of ailing British brand Norton Motorcycles, India’s TVS Motor Company, puts up £100m investment to spur brand’s development.


Former Norton Motorcycles CEO, Stuart Garner, was found guilty of illegally investing pension funds into the business and is facing a two-year jail time.

Garner was responsible for reviving the brand after purchasing the company in 2008.

He then introduced the revamped Commando range and the ambitious V4 superbike project before Norton went into administration in January 2020.

However, he was in the spotlight for injecting the pension funds into the 2012 Dominator, 2012 Commando and the Donington MC schemes to prop the business up.

The act is a clear breach of the law that only allows a maximum of 5 per cent of occupational pension to be invested into the employer’s company.

After an investigation by the Pensions Ombudsman, which found that Garner had acted dishonestly, the court ordered Garner to pay off the money (estimated GBP11mil) in June 2020.

At that time, most of Norton’s assets were already sold to current ownership, TVS Motor Company, for GBP16mil.

Nevertheless, TVS opted to take over the firm; instead, the current Norton brand is a new company with rights to the bikes’ brand name and intellectual property.

Garner pleaded guilty at Derby Magistrates’ Court to three charges of breaching employer-related investment rules, investing money from the three pension schemes into Norton in return for preference shares between 2012 and 2013. 

Norton Motorcycle is set to expand its 1200cc V4 range with the all-new V4CR.

After the successful launch of the V4SV Manx and Carbon edition back in October, the revived Norton Motorcycles is scheduled to unveil the V4CR Prototype at the Motorcycle Live happening this weekend until December 12.

According to the TVS-owned company, the V4CR is the first prototype to be compeletly crafted from the new Norton headquarters in Solihull.

Sharing the same 1200cc V4 engine from the V4SV, the V4CR also makes 185hp and 125Nm.

However, the rear frame on the V4CR is shorter than the V4SV and it also features a carbon fibre fuel tank and body panels while the frame and swingarm are constructed from billet aluminium.

Norton CEO Dr Robert Hentschel claimed that the V4CR prototype represents the company next big step in strategic growth.

Norton Motorcycles has finally unveiled the updated V4SV, acclaimed to be the most luxury British superbike ever built.

It is the first bike ever produced by Norton after its takeover by India’s motorcycle giant, TVS Motor.

According to Norton, despite no changes from the previous V4SS package, each component has been revised.

The V4SV makes 185hp and 125Nm and is built around a handcrafted aluminium frame.

To ensure the product quality is top-notch, the TVS owned company ran a 12-month test of the V4SS.

The level of luxuries doesn’t stop there, the V4SV also comes equipped with fully adjustable Öhlins USD front forks and Öhlins TXGP adjustable rear shocks, keyless ignition and a 6″ TFT instrument cluster.

You can also choose between aluminium wheels or carbon wheels respectively.

Norton Motorcycles is actively seeking ways to expand the brand reach ever since the takeover by new ownership, TVS Motor Company.

The British motorcycle manufacturer has spent the past 18-months restructuring the company portfolio after its disastrous downfall under former-CEO, Stuart Garner.

In the latest effort to drive away from the scandals that almost put the company in bankruptcy, new Norton CEO, Dr Robert Hentschel, unveiled plans to return to racing.

*Norton Motorcycles CEO Robert Hentschel

“For me, it’s very clear that racing is part of the story of Norton.

“I can confirm today that I intend for Norton to go racing again. I echo John Russell’s thoughts here, and we are completely aligned with regards to which step to take next,” he said.

However, Hentschel did not specify whether it’s the Isle of Man TT or jumping on a more mainstream competition such as the British Superbike Championship.

Norton Motorcycles have informed owners who received the V4SS from the previous owners that they are unable to fix the bikes.

The announcement came after Norton Motorcycles, under the new CEO, Robert Hentschel, revealed the company found many faults than its initial inspection.

*Norton Motorcycles CEO Robert Hentschel

In an official letter sent to the owners, Hentschel clarified that since discovering 35 individual faults with the V4SS built by the previous company, the new ownership has been trying to find the best way forward for the bikes despite having no legal responsibility to do so.

Previously, Norton offers to repair the V4SS, but after identifying more material defects, Hentschel suggests the best option is for the owners to file a claim against NMUL, currently in liquidation.

According to Norton, they cannot source all of the parts needed to repair the existing V4SS to meet the safety standard.

In a previous statement, Hentschel also revealed that it is not safe to ride the V4SS in its current state.

Nonetheless, Norton will continue to build the V4SS but will completely reengineer the motorcycle and not continue the one produced by NMUL.

Production is expected to begin by the end of 2021.


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