

The X-1R Corporation was developed to assist the National Aeronautical and Space Agency (NASA) solve issues related to fuel consumption.

Proven by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), they were able to drop the fuel consumption by 10% with the use of X-1R Engine Treatment.

Adding X-1R to your car or motorcycle can help avoid costly breakdowns and save up to 15% on your fuel.

Kennedy Space Centre: The National Aeronautical and Space Agency (NASA) were faced with a problem: they had to find an effective solution to reduce their ever rising fuel costs. Who could they refer to? None other than their long-time partner, X-1R Corporation. As a result of their pioneering engineering, the X-1R Corporation is one of the world’s only companies to have won the Certified Space technology Award and been inducted into the Space Technology Hall of Fame! (more…)


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