
New EU Law Requires EV Fast Chargers To Be At Every 60 Kilometres

The European Union has given the green light to a comprehensive rules package aimed at enhancing the fast charging network for electric vehicles (EVs) across the continent.

  • The regulations mandate the establishment of facilities with at least 150kW of power every 60 kilometers along major transportation routes by 2025.
  • EU also requires each charging location must have minimum 400kW of output. 

The primary objective of these rules is to address three key concerns faced by EV users including cars and motorcycles. Firstly, it aims to alleviate range anxiety by expanding the EV charging infrastructure along Europe’s main highways.

Secondly, it intends to simplify payment processes by eliminating the need for apps or subscriptions, making charging more accessible. Finally, the rules aim to ensure transparent communication of pricing and availability to prevent unexpected surprises for users.

The timeline set for implementation is ambitious. By the end of December 2025, each charging location must have at least 400kW of total output, including at least one 150kW charger. By December 31, 2027, the minimum requirement increases to 600kW of total output with at least one 150kW charger.

The regulations also tackle the issue of shared charging points. To avoid any drop in power caused by simultaneous usage, the new rules stipulate that at least one charger with a minimum capacity of 150 kW must be available at all times.

The scope of the initiative extends beyond major highways. The rules will also be applied to 50% of feeder roads connected to the Trans-European Transportation (TEN-T) network by 2027. The goal is to complete the buildout of EV fast charging stations on these roads by 2030, with each location required to have a total capacity of 600kW by 2035.

Furthermore, the regulations aim to standardize EV charging operations to resemble traditional fueling stations. The process will involve pulling up, plugging in, and making payments using credit cards, eliminating the need for multiple credentials and special payment cards.

The European Union’s push for a robust and user-friendly EV fast charging infrastructure is expected to bolster the EV revolution across the continent. By eliminating barriers and enhancing convenience, the new rules aim to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable transportation future in Europe.

(source: The Verge)

A passionate football fan and anything two-wheels. He likes to commute on his 150cc scooter on a daily basis and occasionally takes a long trip with his 750cc machine just to "tapau" his favourite "roti canai". With a journalism background, he likes to write as much as he rides.

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