
kawasaki three wheeler

In the world of three-wheeled motorcycles, the latest Yamaha Niken is arguably the bike leading the whole super niche scene, but Kawasaki is planning to enter the game strong with their latest filed patent. As weird as it may look, this future Kawasaki will use horizontal links to couple up the front wheels instead of using conventional forks. (more…)

  • Kawasaki USA baru-baru ini telah mengeluarkan sebuah video mengenai sebuah motosikal tiga roda, Kawasaki J Concept 2018.
  • Nampaknya Kawasaki kini kembali mengusahakan motosikal tiga roda dengan munculnya klip video serba baru ini.
  • Motosikal J Concept ini berkemampuan untuk menyampaikan maklumat dengan sempurna kepada penunggang dan bercirikan beberapa mod tunggangan yang membolehkan perubahan yang menyeluruh pada sifat motosikal berkenaan.


Kawasaki USA has recently released a video on the 2018 Kawasaki J Concept three-wheeled motorcycle.

It seems that Kawasaki is back on the three-wheeled motorcycle train with this brand new video clip.

The J Concept is able to communicate flawlessly with the rider and carries several riding modes which allow a complete change on the bike’s characteristics.

Kawasaki USA recently released a short two-minute video on what looks like one of their directions for the future. The clip primarily focused on a brand new three-wheeled motorcycle entitled “Kawasaki | New Heights (J Concept)”. Is Kawasaki refocusing back on their three-wheeled technology? (more…)


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