
Ducati Motor Holding

Ducati akan menggunakan Thailand sebagai salah satu hab eksport mereka. Keputusan itu susulan pembukaan kilang pengeluaran Asia pertama dan baharu mereka di Rayong.

Kilang THB400 juta itu mempunyai kapasiti pengeluaran sebanyak 10,000 unit setahun dalam fasa pertama.

Ketua Eksekutif Ducati Motor Holding, Claudio Domenicali berkata, “Thailand ialah pasaran penting untuk motosikal premium, atau motosikal besar, dan kami mahu menjadikan Thailand sebagai pangkalan eksport kami.”

“Kami mengeluarkan setiap model motosikal Ducati di kilang kami di Rayong. Kami memastikan produk memenuhi piawaian tinggi yang ditetapkan oleh firma induk di Itali,” tambahnya.

Kilang itu akan diselia oleh Ducati Motor Thailand dan akan membekalkan pasaran Asia-Pasifik. China pernah menjadi pasaran utama Ducati tetapi telah menyaksikan jualan merosot akibat kemelesetan ekonomi.

Ducati menjual hampir 58,000 motosikal tahun lepas tetapi masih belum menetapkan sasaran jualan untuk 2024. Jumlah jualan akan ditentukan oleh pertumbuhan permintaan dan sentimen pasaran, kata Encik Domenicali.

Namun begitu, jualan motosikal berkapasiti besar di Thailand dijangka meningkat.

Surapong Paisitpatanapong, naib pengerusi Persekutuan Industri Thai (FTI) dan jurucakap Kelab Industri Automotif FTI, menjangkakan jualan motosikal besar (motosikal melebihi 400cc) mencecah 15,000 unit tahun ini. Beliau juga berkata pengeluaran turut akan meningkat untuk membekalkan pasaran domestik dan antarabangsa.

Pengeluaran semua jenis motosikal di Thailand pada 2023 meningkat sebanyak 5.2% tahun ke tahun kepada 2.12 juta unit, dengan 1.7 juta daripadanya untuk eksport, menurut Industri Automotif Thai.

Thailand sudah pun menjadi tumpuan bagi beberapa pengeluar automotif dan motosikal utama termasuk BMW, Honda, Kawasasi, Suzuki dan Yamaha.

Dalam temu bual dengan Triumph semasa lawatan, kami mendapati bahawa keputusan untuk menubuhkan kemudahan pembuatan ini di Thailand bukan disebabkan oleh kos buruh, yang sebenarnya lebih tinggi daripada di negara jiran. Sebaliknya ia disebabkan oleh kepakaran serta infrastruktur bekalan automotif yang ada di Rayong.

Sumber: Bangkok Post

Ducati to use Thailand one of their export hubs. The decision follows the opening their first and new Asian production factory in Rayong.

The 400-million-baht plant has the production capacity of 10,000 units per year in the first phase.

Chief Executive of Ducati Motor Holding, Claudio Domenicali said, “Thailand is an important market for premium motorcycles, or big bikes, and we want to make Thailand our export base.”

“We produce every model of Ducati motorcycles at our plant in Rayong. We ensure the products meet high standards set by the parent firm in Italy,” he added.

The factory will be overseen by Ducati Motor Thailand and will supply the Asia-Pacific market. China was once Ducati’s key market but has seen sales slide due to an economic downturn.

Ducati sold a nearly 58,000 motorcycles last year but have yet to set a sales target for 2024. The sales volume will be determined by demand growth and market sentiments, said Mr Domenicali.

Nevertheless, sales of large capacity motorcycles in Thailand is set to increase.

Surapong Paisitpatanapong, vice-chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) and spokesman for the FTI’s Automotive Industry Club, expects sales of big bikes (motorcycles above 400cc) to hit 15,000 units this year. He also said that production will also increase to supply both domestic and international markets.

Production of all types of motorcycles in Thailand rose by 5.2% year-on-year to 2.12 million units in 2023, with 1.7 million of them for export, according to the Thai Automotive Industry.

Thailand is already the hotbed for several major automotive and motorcycle manufactures including BMW, Honda, Kawasasi, Suzuki, and Yamaha.

In an interview with Triumph during a visit, we found out that the decision to set up these manufacturing facilities in Thailand is not due to labour costs, which is in fact higher than at neighbouring countries. Instead it is due to the automotive supply infrastructure in place at Rayong.

Source: Bangkok Post

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