
We’ve gone riding, but we’ll be back soon

Notice: We’ve gone riding, but we’ll be back soon.

The entire BikesRepublic team have been busy the past fortnight in preparation for a group ride that we’ve organised together with a few of our partners and friends.

We’re doing our very best to keep you, our loyal followers and fellow bikers, up to date with the latest news and stuff during our travel, but our hands are just simply full for the moment. Worry not as this is only temporary and we will be back real soon.

And, since it is the weekend already, the team wishes all fellow bikers a a good one and also to remind all of you to ride safely. The weather has been quite temperamental lately, so be prepared with all your gear in place. We’ll see you back here real soon folks!

Co-founder of Bikes Republic and a motoring journalist by night. He is a self described enthusiasts with a passion for speed but instead rides a Harley and a J300. A man of contradictions, he is just as passionate about time off in the quiets as he is about trail braking into turn one at Sepang Circuit on two or four wheels.

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